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# SimplePluralizer
The SimplePluralizer is a package written in C# that allows you to use a noun in the correct form depending on a numeric value.

## Supportability

The SimplePluralizer package supports the below environments:

* .NET 5 or greater
* .NET Core 2.0 or greater
* .NET Framework 4.6.1 and greater

## Download

The SimplePluralizer NuGet package is available on [](

## Installation

PM> Install-Package SimplePluralizer

## Example Usage

Return a correct form for English:

var pluralizer = new Pluralizer("key", "keys");

string result1 = pluralizer.Format(1); // Result: "key"
string result2 = pluralizer.Format(2); // Result: "keys"
string result5 = pluralizer.Format(5); // Result: "keys"

In Polish, for example, endings in the genitive plural are not equal for all grammatical genders:

var pluralizer = new Pluralizer("klucz", "klucze", "kluczy");

string result1 = pluralizer.Format(1); // Result: "klucz"
string result2 = pluralizer.Format(2); // Result: "klucze"
string result5 = pluralizer.Format(5); // Result: "kluczy"