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# Rofi-Notion

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> This script allows you to quickly create new Notion pages for your databases.

*Example:* I use a Notion database as a task tracker for my business. With Rofi-Notion and some key bindings, I can quickly create a new entry in my Notion database without the hassle of waiting and navigating the slow Notion interface.

## Requirements

- Python >= 3.7
- A Notion integration with read and write access to the desired databases.

## Installation

### For archlinux users (AUR package)

yay -S rofi-notion
[AUR package details](

### For everyone else

pip install rofi-notion
[Pypi package details](

## Setup

Check if the installation was successful
rofi-notion -h

### 1. Add your Bot Notion secret

Get your `API_SECRET` by [creating a new Notion integration](

rofi-notion set-creds
# Then paste your creds

### 2. Link your first database

rofi-notion link
# Follow instructions

### 3. Run `rofi-notion`

rofi-notion run $YOUR_DB_NAME

## Add i3 bindings

Simply add a similar line to your i3 config file.
bindsym $mod+Insert exec rofi-notion run $YOUR_DB_NAME

## Config

Default config destination is `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rofi-notion` or `$HOME/.config/rofi-notion` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set.

## Development

Use this command to run the CLI locally.

## Publish

Do not forget to bump versions in `pyproject.toml` and `PKGBUILD`.

### PyPi

~~Run `make` to publish a new version.~~

Git tag the new version and push it.
Then publish the automatically created Draft release.

git tag vX.X.X
git push --tags

### AUR

First publish new release on GitHub, then run `make aur`.