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Test Coverage
Read the Docs

Activate your project at `Read the Docs platform`_ (RtD), their web interface
is easy enough to follow without further explanations. If your documentation is
building under the :ref:`tox workflow <Uniformed Tests with tox>` it will build
in at Read the Docs.

Docs Requirements

Requirements to build the documentation page are listed in

.. literalinclude:: ../devtools/docs_requirements.txt

Here we use `Sphinx`_ as the documentation builder and the
`sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme`_ as theme, though you can use many different
theme flavors, see `Sphinx Themes`_.

Build version

By default, RtD has two main documentation versions (also called builds): the
*latest* and the *stable*. The *latest* points to the ``master`` branch while
the *stable* points to the `latest GitHub tag`_. However, as we have discussed
in :ref:`The Rationale behind the project` section, here we keep only the
*latest* version (that of the ``master`` branch) and other versions for the
different releases of interest.

Google Analytics

Read the Docs allows straight forward implementation of Google Analytics
tracking in the project documentation, just follow their instructions_.

Local Build

The ``[testenv:docs]`` in ``tox.ini`` file simulates the RtD execution. If that
test passes, RtD should pass.

To build a local version of the documentation, go to the main repository folder
and run:


    tox -e docs

The documentation is at ``dist/docs/index.html``. The ``tox`` run also reports
on inconsistencies and errors. If there are inconsistencies or errors in the
documentation build, the PR won't pass the CI tests.

.. _Read the Docs platform:
.. _Sphinx:
.. _Sphinx Themes:
.. _sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme:
.. _latest Github tag:
.. _instructions: