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Test Coverage
# mighty_test

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mighty_test (`mt`) is a TDD-friendly Minitest runner for Ruby projects. It includes a Jest-inspired interactive watch mode, focus mode, CI sharding, run by directory/file/line number, fail-fast, and color formatting.


**Quick Start**

- [Install](#install)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Usage](#usage)


- βš™οΈ [CI Mode](#%EF%B8%8F-ci-mode)
- πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ [Watch Mode](#-watch-mode)
- πŸ”¬ [Focus Mode](#-focus-mode)
- πŸ›‘ [Fail Fast](#-fail-fast)
- πŸš₯ [Color Output](#-color-output)
- πŸ’¬ [More Options](#-more-options)


- [Support](#support)
- [License](#license)
- [Code of conduct](#code-of-conduct)
- [Contribution guide](#contribution-guide)

## Install

The mighty_test gem provides an `mt` binary. To install it into a Ruby project, first add the gem to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`.

gem "mighty_test"

Then generate a binstub:

bundle binstub mighty_test

Now you can run mighty_test with `bin/mt`.

> [!TIP]
> **When installing mighty_test in a Rails project, make sure to put the gem in the `:test` Gemfile group.** Although Rails has a built-in test runner (`bin/rails test`) that already provides a lot of what mighty_test offers, you can still use `bin/mt` with Rails projects for its unique `--watch` mode and CI `--shard` feature.

## Requirements

mighty_test requires modern versions of Minitest and Ruby.

- Minitest 5.15+
- Ruby 3.1+

Support for older Ruby versions will be dropped when they reach EOL. The EOL schedule can be found here:

> [!NOTE]
> mighty_test currently assumes that your tests are stored in `test/` and are named `*_test.rb`. Watch mode expects implementation files to be in `app/` and/or `lib/`.

## Usage

`mt` defaults to running all tests, excluding slow tests (see the explanation of slow tests below). You can also run tests by directory, file, or line number.

# Run all tests, excluding slow tests

# Run all tests, slow tests included
bin/mt --all

# Run a specific test file
bin/mt test/cli_test.rb

# Run a test by line number
bin/mt test/importer_test.rb:43

# Run a directory of tests
bin/mt test/commands

> [!TIP]
> mighty_test is optimized for TDD, and excludes slow tests by default. **Slow tests** are defined as those found in `test/{e2e,feature,features,integration,system}` directories. You can run slow tests with `--all` or by specifying a slow test file or directory explicitly, like `bin/mt test/system`.

## βš™οΈ CI Mode

If the `CI` environment variable is set, mighty_test defaults to running _all_ tests, including slow tests. This is equivalent to passing `--all`.

mighty_test can also distribute test files evenly across parallel CI jobs, using the `--shard` option. The _shard_ nomenclature has been borrowed from similar features in [Jest]( and [Playwright](

# Run the 1st group of tests out of 4 total groups
bin/mt --shard 1/4

In GitHub Actions, for example, you can use `--shard` with a matrix strategy to easily divide tests across N jobs.

          - "1/4"
          - "2/4"
          - "3/4"
          - "4/4"
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          bundler-cache: true
      - run: bin/mt --shard ${{ matrix.shard }}

In CircleCI, you can use the `parallelism` setting, which automatically injects `$CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX` and `$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL` environment variables. Note that `$CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX` is zero-indexed, so it needs to be incremented by 1.

    parallelism: 4
      - checkout
      - ruby/install-deps
      - run: SHARD="$((${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}+1))"; bin/mt --shard ${SHARD}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL}

> [!TIP]
> `--shard` will shuffle tests and automatically distribute slow tests evenly across jobs.

## πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ Watch Mode

mighty_test includes a Jest-style watch mode, which can be started with `--watch`. This is ideal for TDD.

# Start watch mode
bin/mt --watch

In watch mode, mighty_test will listen for file system activity and run a test file whenever it is modified.

When you modify an implementation file, mighty_test will find the corresponding test file and run it automatically. This works as long as your implementation and test files follow a standard path naming convention: e.g. `lib/commands/init.rb` is expected to have a corresponding test file named `test/commands/init_test.rb`.

Watch mode also offers a menu of interactive commands:

> Press Enter to run all tests.
> Press "a" to run all tests, including slow tests.
> Press "d" to run tests for files diffed or added since the last git commit.
> Press "h" to show this help menu.
> Press "q" to quit.

## πŸ”¬ Focus Mode

You can focus a specific test by annotating the method definition with `focus`.

class MyTest < Minitest::Test
  focus def test_something_important
    assert # ...

Now running `bin/mt` will execute only the focused test:

# Only runs MyTest#test_something_important

In Rails projects that use the `test` syntax, `focus` must be placed on the previous line.

class MyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  test "something important" do
    assert # ...

This functionality is provided by the [minitest-focus]( plugin, which is included with mighty_test.

## πŸ›‘ Fail Fast

By default, mighty_test runs the entire test suite to completion. With the `--fail-fast` option, it will stop on the first failed test.

# Stop immediately on first test failure
bin/mt --fail-fast

# Use with watch mode for even faster TDD
bin/mt --watch --fail-fast

This functionality is provided by the [minitest-fail-fast]( plugin, which is included with mighty_test.

## πŸš₯ Color Output

Successes, failures, errors, and skips are colored appropriately by default.

# Run tests with color output (if terminal supports it)

# Disable color
bin/mt --no-rg

<img alt="Screenshot of bin/mt output" width="618" src="">

This functionality is provided by the [minitest-rg]( plugin, which is included with mighty_test.

## πŸ’¬ More Options

Use `-w` to enable Ruby warnings when running tests:

bin/mt -w

Minitest options are passed through to Minitest.

# Run tests with Minitest pride color output
bin/mt --pride

# Run tests with an explicit seed value for test ordering
bin/mt --seed 4519

# Run tests with detailed progress and explanation of skipped tests
bin/mt --verbose

# Show the full list of possible options
bin/mt --help

If you have Minitest extensions installed, like [minitest-snapshots](, the command line options of those extensions are supported as well.

# Update snapshots
bin/mt -u

## Support

If you want to report a bug, or have ideas, feedback or questions about the gem, [let me know via GitHub issues]( and I will do my best to provide a helpful answer. Happy hacking!

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).

## Code of conduct

Everyone interacting in this project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](

## Contribution guide

Pull requests are welcome!