# Victor
Victor is the overarching class. This has many features and can be rather complicated in its setup: but then a point and click
solution that works universally without customisation is a bad solution for molecular modelling.
## Combine vs. Place
Like Monster Victor has two main calculation methods: `combine` and `place`.
Whereas in Monster these are independent of protein neighbourhood,
in Victor they are not thanks to Igor.
Victor does the following steps:
* Is given a followup to test and the mol objects of its inspiration and the pdb template file.
* Calls Monster class
* Parameterises the mol
* Generates the constraints
* Calls Igor
* Can do some extras
## Class attributes
Core settings controlling its behaviour can be set via class attribute. For example,
the warhead conversion methods can be controlled via:
* `covalent_definitions` (currently defined only for cysteine)
* `warhead_definitions`
While other include:
* `error_to_catch`
* `constraint_function_type`
* `work_path`
## Class methods
Two key class methods are `Victor.extract_mols` and `Victor.extract_mol`.
Also several methods for covalent operations — see [covalent notes](
Note that Igor has pyrosetta specific class methods, e.g. downloading electron density for template prep etc.
## Example
> The following code may have changed. And several of these methods are
Here is a real world usage that uses multiple features:
Import pyrosetta and initialised before everything (applies to Igor too):
import pyrosetta
pyrosetta.init(extra_options='-no_optH false -mute all -ignore_unrecognized_res true -load_PDB_components false')
from fragmenstein import Igor, Monster, Victor
import logging, csv, json
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
configure whither to save and whence to load:
Victor.work_path = '../Mpro_fragmenstein'
mpro_folder = '/Users/matteo/Coding/rosettaOps/Mpro'
alternatively `Victor.enable_logfile('reanimate.log',logging.DEBUG)` (see [logging notes](
add extra constraints that are warhead & protein specific.
note that the warhead definitions contain preferred names for the connecting atoms and their neighbours
for cname, con in [('chloroacetamide', 'AtomPair H 145A OY 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('nitrile', 'AtomPair H 145A NX 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('acrylamide', 'AtomPair H 143A OZ 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('vinylsulfonamide', 'AtomPair H 143A OZ1 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n')
Victor.add_constraint_to_warhead(name=cname, constraint=con)
Here is the definition of a nitrile warhead, for example:
{'name': 'nitrile',
'covalent': 'C(=N)*', # zeroth atom is attached to the rest
'covalent_atomnames': ['CX', 'NX', 'CONN1'],
'noncovalent': 'C(#N)', # zeroth atom is attached to the rest
'noncovalent_atomnames': ['CX', 'NX']
This allows warheads to be mixed and matched.
<img src="images/warheads.jpg" alt="warhead" width="400px">
The choice of the protein template is a bit weak.
I plan to experiment with minimisation against averaged electron densities.
def get_best(hit_codes):
return Victor.closest_hit(pdb_filenames=[f'{mpro_folder}/Mpro-{i}_0/Mpro-{i}_0_bound.pdb' for i in hit_codes],
There is a change I require to the pose
def pose_fx(pose):
pose2pdb = pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose
r = pose2pdb(res=41, chain='A')
MutateResidue = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.simple_moves.MutateResidue
MutateResidue(target=r, new_res='HIS').apply(pose)
Define all the steps
def reanimate(smiles, name, hit_codes):
hits = [get_mol(i) for i in hit_codes]
best_hit = get_best(hit_codes)
Victor.journal.debug(f'{name} - best hit as starting is {best_hit}')
apo = best_hit.replace('_bound', '_apo-desolv')
print(f'reanimate(smiles="{smiles}", name="{name}", hit_codes={hit_codes})')
reanimator = Victor(hits=hits,
covalent_resn='CYS', covalent_resi='145A',
pose_fx = pose_fx
extra_constraint='AtomPair SG 145A NE2 41A HARMONIC 3.5 0.2\n',
return reanimator
Read the data and do all warhead combinations if covalent. This data is actually from
For which there is a method in `fragmenstein.mpro`.
data = csv.DictReader(open('../COVID_moonshot_submissions/covid_submissions_all_info.csv'))
issue = []
for row in data:
if row['covalent_warhead'] == 'False':
reanimate(name = row['CID'], hit_codes = row['fragments'].split(','), smiles=row['SMILES'])
print(f'Covalent: {row["CID"]}')
for category in ('acrylamide', 'chloroacetamide', 'vinylsulfonamide', 'nitrile'):
if row[category] == 'True':
combinations = Victor.make_all_warhead_combinations(row['SMILES'], category)
if combinations is None:
for c in combinations:
reanimate(name = row['CID']+'-'+c, hit_codes = row['fragments'].split(','), smiles=combinations[c])
print(f'What is {row["CID"]}')
## Methods for inheritance
The above could have been customised further, by making a class that inherits Victor and defining
`post_params_step`, `post_fragmenstein_step`, `pose_mod_step` or `post_igor_step`, which are empty methods
intended to make subclassing Victor easier as these are meant to be overridden
—NB `pose_mod_step` is run if not `pose_fx` is given.
## Coordinate constraint
The coordinate constraint generated for Igor, the minimiser can be changed from `HARMONIC` (x = mean)
to `FLAT_HARMONIC` (tol = max distance of contributing atoms) and `BOUNDED` (fixed penalty potential well).
Do note that the reference atom for the constraint is the covalent residue, regardless of whether the ligand is covalent.