import functools
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS
from ..error import FragmensteinError
from ..victor import Victor
from rdkit import Chem, Geometry
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
class Quicktor(Victor):
This class is intended to speed up the Victor placement step, by:
* doing a strict MCS only
* not allowing constrained atoms to move during RDKit minimisation and killing them if they fail.
* doing a quick pyrosetta minimisation
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
lab = Laboratory(hits, pdb_block=pdb_block)
lab.Victor = Quicktor
to_be_placed: pd.DataFrame = place_input_validator(to_be_placed)
placed: pd.DataFrame =, n_cores=55, expand_isomers=False, timeout=60)
quick_reanimation = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = [{'atomCompare': rdFMCS.AtomCompare.CompareElements,
'bondCompare': rdFMCS.BondCompare.CompareOrder,
'ringCompare': rdFMCS.RingCompare.PermissiveRingFusion,
'ringMatchesRingOnly': True}]
self.monster_mmff_minisation = True # as is default. Repeated for emphasis.
def preminimized_undummied_mol(self) -> Chem.Mol:
This method is called by the plonking into structure methods.
Not "positioning" as intended by ``monster`` is done.
Opening a PDB in RDKit is doable but gets exponentially slow with chain length
mol = Chem.Mol(
# ## Store xyz as properties
atom: Chem.Atom
conf: Chem.Conformer = mol.GetConformer() # noqa
for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): # noqa
if atom.HasProp('_x'):
xyz: Geometry.Point3D = conf.GetAtomPosition( atom.GetIdx() ) # noqa
atom.SetDoubleProp('_x', float(xyz.x))
atom.SetDoubleProp('_y', float(xyz.y))
atom.SetDoubleProp('_z', float(xyz.z))
# ## Minimise
if self.monster_mmff_minisation:
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - pre-minimising monster (MMFF)')
min_result =, allow_lax=False, ff_max_displacement=float('nan'))
if not min_result.success:
raise FragmensteinError('Could not preminize')
ddG =
if ddG > 100:
raise FragmensteinError('Poor preminization')
return AllChem.DeleteSubstructs(min_result.mol, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'))
return AllChem.DeleteSubstructs(mol, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'))