import itertools
from typing import Union, Sequence, List, Iterator
import pandas as pd
import pebble
from rdkit import Chem, rdBase
from ._base import LabBench, binarize, unbinarize
from ..igor import pyrosetta # this may be pyrosetta or a mock for Sphinx in RTD
class LabCombine(LabBench):
def combine_subprocess(self, binary_hits: List[bytes]) -> dict:
This is the combination subprocess. The placement subprocess is ``place_subprocess``.
They are very similar...
if self.Victor.uses_pyrosetta:
tentative_name = 'UNKNOWN'
# this works if monster.fix_hits is not neeeded
self.journal.debug(f'Combining {len(binary_hits)} hits')
assert all([isinstance(hit, bytes) for hit in binary_hits]), 'Not all binary_hits are binary'
hits: List[Chem.Mol] = [hit for hit in map(unbinarize, binary_hits) if hit is not None]
assert len(hits) > 0, f'No valid hits ({len(binary_hits)} provided)'
assert all([hit.GetNumAtoms() > 0 for hit in hits]), 'Some hits have no atoms!'
if all([mol.HasProp('_Name') for mol in hits]):
tentative_name = '-'.join([mol.GetProp('_Name') for mol in hits])
if tentative_name in self.blacklist:
raise ValueError(f'{tentative_name} is blacklisted')
# `self.Victor` is likely `Victor` but the user may have switched for a subclass, cf. `VictorMock`...
self.journal.debug(f'Using {self.Victor.__name__}')
victor = self.Victor(hits=hits,
# a random residue is **still** required for the constaint ref atom.
# the names may have been fixed by ``monster.fix_hits``
tentative_name = '-'.join([mol.GetProp('_Name') for mol in hits])
if tentative_name in self.blacklist:
raise ValueError(f'{tentative_name} is blacklisted')
victor.monster_throw_on_discard = True = True
result: dict = victor.summarize()
result['unmin_binary'] = binarize(
result['min_binary'] = binarize(victor.minimized_mol)
result['hit_binaries'] = [binarize(h) for h in victor.hits]
if self.run_plip:
return result
# victor.make_pse()
except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
raise err
except Exception as error:
error_msg = f'{error.__class__.__name__} {error}'
self.Victor.journal.critical(f'*** {error_msg} for {tentative_name}')
return dict(error=error_msg, name=tentative_name)
def combine(self,
mols: Sequence[Chem.Mol],
permute: bool = True,
combination_size: int = 2,
**kwargs) -> Union[pebble.ProcessMapFuture, pd.DataFrame]:
Combine all of ``mols`` with each other in combinations of ``combination_size``.
Due to the way Monster works merging A with B may yield a different result to B with A.
Hence the ``permute`` boolean argument.
""" # extended at end of file.
iterator: Iterator
if permute:
iterator = itertools.permutations(map(binarize, mols), combination_size)
iterator = itertools.combinations(map(binarize, mols), combination_size)
df = self(iterator=iterator, fun=self.combine_subprocess, **kwargs)
df['outcome'] = df.apply(self.categorize, axis=1)
with rdBase.BlockLogs():
if 'unmin_binary' in df.columns:
# doing at the binary level in case it failed
df['simple_smiles'] = df.unmin_binary.apply(unbinarize)\
.apply(lambda m: m if m else Chem.Mol()) \
return df
def twoway_combine(self,
primary_mols: Sequence[Chem.Mol],
secondary_mols: Sequence[Chem.Mol],
combination_size: int = 2,
**kwargs) -> Union[pebble.ProcessMapFuture, pd.DataFrame]:
Combine ``primary_mols`` with ``secondary_mols``.
iterator: Iterator
if combination_size == 2:
iterator = itertools.product(map(binarize, primary_mols), map(binarize, secondary_mols))
elif combination_size > 2:
extras = map(binarize, list(primary_mols) + list(secondary_mols))
iterator = itertools.product(map(binarize, primary_mols), map(binarize, secondary_mols), extras,
repeat=combination_size - 2)
raise ValueError(f'combination_size must be > 2 (given: {combination_size}')
df = self(iterator=iterator, fun=self.combine_subprocess, **kwargs)
df['outcome'] = df.apply(self.categorize, axis=1)
return df
def serial_combine(self,
hit_combinations: Sequence[Sequence[Chem.Mol]],
**kwargs) -> Union[pebble.ProcessMapFuture, pd.DataFrame]:
This is akin to the way place works (table with hits)
""" # extended at end of file.
def generator():
for hits in hit_combinations:
yield [binarize(m) for m in hits]
df = self(iterator=generator(), fun=self.combine_subprocess, **kwargs)
df['outcome'] = df.apply(self.categorize, axis=1)
return df
# prepend docstring to combine
LabCombine.combine.__doc__ = LabBench.__call__.__doc__ + '\n\n' + LabCombine.combine.__doc__
LabCombine.twoway_combine.__doc__ = LabBench.__call__.__doc__ + '\n\n' + LabCombine.twoway_combine.__doc__