from ._utility import _MonsterUtil
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdqueries, rdMolAlign
from rdkit import ForceField as FF
from typing import Optional, List, Union, Tuple, Dict
from warnings import warn
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from ..error import FragmensteinError
class MinizationOutcome:
success: bool
mol: Chem.Mol
ideal: Chem.Mol
U_pre: float = float('nan')
U_post: float = float('nan')
delta: float = float('nan')
class _MonsterFF(_MonsterUtil):
def mmff_minimize(self,
mol: Optional[Chem.Mol] = None,
neighborhood: Union[Chem.Mol, None] = None,
ff_max_displacement: float = 0.,
ff_constraint: int = 10,
ff_max_iterations: int=200,
ff_cutoff: float = 100.,
allow_lax: bool = True) -> MinizationOutcome:
Minimises a mol, or self.positioned_mol if not provided, with MMFF constrained to ff_max_displacement Å.
Gets called by Victor if the flag .monster_mmff_minimisation is true during PDB template construction.
:param mol: Molecule to minimise. If None, self.positioned_mol is used.
:param neighborhood: Protein neighboorhood (ignored if None)
:param ff_max_displacement: Distance threshold (Å) for atomic positions mapped to hits for MMFF constrains.
if NaN then fixed point constraints (no movement) are used.
This is passed as maxDispl to MMFFAddPositionConstraint.
:param ff_constraint: Force constant for MMFF constraints.
:param ff_cutoff: kcal/mol diff value to consider a failed minimisation.
:param allow_lax: If True and the minimisation fails, the constraints are halved and the minimisation is rerun.
:return: None
Note that most methods calling this via Victor
now use its ``['ff_max_displacement']`` and ``['ff_constraint']``
and do not use the defaults.
# ## input fixes
if mol is None and self.positioned_mol is None:
raise ValueError('No valid molecule')
elif mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
pass # mol is fine
# ## prep
success: bool
fixed_mode = str(ff_max_displacement).lower() == 'nan'
mol = AllChem.AddHs(mol, addCoords=True)
# protect
for atom in mol.GetAtomsMatchingQuery(Chem.rdqueries.HasPropQueryAtom('_IsDummy')):
combo, fixed_idxs = self._prep_combined(mol, neighborhood)
ideal: Chem.Mol = self.make_ideal_mol(mol, ff_minimise=True)
ideal_E: float = ideal.GetDoubleProp('Energy')
# ## Start FF
p = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(combo, 'MMFF94')
if p is None:
self.journal.error(f'MMFF cannot work on a molecule that has errors!')
return MinizationOutcome(success=False, mol=mol, ideal=ideal)
ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(combo, p, ignoreInterfragInteractions=False)
if ff is None:
return MinizationOutcome(success=False, mol=mol, ideal=ideal,
U_post=float('nan'), U_pre=float('nan'), delta=0)
# restrain
restrained = []
# mol not combo here:
conserved: List[Chem.Atom] = list(mol.GetAtomsMatchingQuery(rdqueries.HasPropQueryAtom('_Novel', negate=True)))
# weird corner case
if len(conserved) == mol.GetNumAtoms() and fixed_mode:
dU: float = ff.CalcEnergy()'No novel atoms found in fixed_mode (ff_max_displacement == NaN), ' + \
'this is probably a mistake')
# nothing to do...
return MinizationOutcome(success=True, mol=mol, ideal=ideal, U_post=dU, U_pre=dU, delta=0)
# constrain or freeze
for atom in conserved:
i = atom.GetIdx()
if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
# let hydrogens move
elif fixed_mode:
elif (atom.GetProp('_isRing') if atom.HasProp('_isRing') else False):
# be 5-fold more lax with rings
ff.MMFFAddPositionConstraint(i, maxDispl=ff_max_displacement, forceConstant=ff_constraint/2)
ff.MMFFAddPositionConstraint(i, maxDispl=ff_max_displacement, forceConstant=ff_constraint)
# constrain dummy atoms
for atom in mol.GetAtomsMatchingQuery(rdqueries.HasPropQueryAtom('_IsDummy')):
i = atom.GetIdx()
ff.MMFFAddPositionConstraint(i, maxDispl=0, forceConstant=ff_constraint * 5)
for i in fixed_idxs: # neighborhood is frozen
# ## Minimize
dG_pre = ff.CalcEnergy()
dG_post = dG_pre
previous_dG = 0.
m = -1
# this is a bit of a hack, but it works to make sure its not a flipped plateau-like local minima
while previous_dG == 0. or previous_dG - dG_post > 0.5:
previous_dG = dG_post
m = ff.Minimize(maxIts=ff_max_iterations)
dG_post = ff.CalcEnergy()
if m == -1:
if m == -1:
self.journal.error('MMFF Minisation could not be started')
success = False
elif m == 0:'MMFF Minisation was successful')
success = True
elif m == 1:'MMFF Minisation was run, but the minimisation was not unsuccessful')
success = False
self.journal.critical("Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn")
success = False
except RuntimeError as error:'MMFF minimisation failed {error.__class__.__name__}: {error}')
return MinizationOutcome(success=False, mol=mol, ideal=ideal)
# extract
new_mol = self.extract_from_neighborhood(combo)
ligand_E: float = self.MMFF_score(new_mol, delta=False)
new_mol.SetDoubleProp('Energy', ligand_E)
# check
if ligand_E - ideal_E > abs(ff_cutoff):
success = False # damn
if not success and allow_lax:
self.journal.debug(f'MMFF minimisation failed, trying again with lax constraint {ff_constraint // 5}')
return self.mmff_minimize(mol,
ff_constraint=ff_constraint // 5,
# deprotect
for atom in new_mol.GetAtomsMatchingQuery(Chem.rdqueries.HasPropQueryAtom('_IsDummy')):
# prevent drift:
#rdMolAlign.AlignMol(new_mol, mol, atomMap=list(zip(restrained, restrained)))'MMFF minimisation: {dG_pre:.2f} -> {dG_post:.2f} kcal/mol ' +
f'w/ {rdMolAlign.CalcRMS(new_mol, mol)}Å RMSD at ' +
f'max displacement={ff_max_displacement} & constraint={ff_constraint}'
return MinizationOutcome(success=success,
delta=dG_post - dG_pre)
def _prep_combined(self, mol, neighborhood) -> Tuple[Chem.Mol, List[int]]:
# ## protect (DummyMasker could be used here)
for atom in mol.GetAtomsMatchingQuery(Chem.rdqueries.AtomNumEqualsQueryAtom(0)):
atom.SetBoolProp('_IsDummy', True)
# ## Combine with neighborhood
if neighborhood is not None:
hydroneighborhood = AllChem.AddHs(neighborhood, addCoords=True)
combo: Chem.Mol = Chem.CombineMols(mol, hydroneighborhood)
fixed_idxs: List[int] = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms(), combo.GetNumAtoms()))
combo = Chem.Mol(mol)
fixed_idxs: List[int] = []
self.journal.debug(f'Combined molecule (ligand+neighbourhood) has {combo.GetNumAtoms()} atoms, {fixed_idxs} fixed')
return combo, fixed_idxs
def MMFF_score(self, mol: Optional[Chem.Mol] = None, delta: bool = False, mode: str = 'MMFF') -> float:
Merck force field. Chosen over Universal for no reason at all.
:param mol: ligand
:type mol: ``Chem.Mol`` optional. If absent extracts from pose.
:param delta: report difference from unbound (minimized)
:type delta: bool
:param mode: 'MMFF' or 'UFF'
:type mode: str
:return: kcal/mol
:rtype: float
:warning: This was moved out of Igor. Victor has the method for calling it with igor.mol_from_pose
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
mol = AllChem.AddHs(mol, addCoords=True) # copy!
if mode == 'UFF':
ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol)
elif mode == 'MMFF':
p = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(mol, 'MMFF94')
ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol, p)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown mode: {mode} (choice: MMFF or UFF)')
# print(f'MMFF: {ff.CalcEnergy()} kcal/mol')
if delta:
pre = ff.CalcEnergy()
post = ff.CalcEnergy()
return pre - post
return ff.CalcEnergy()
except RuntimeError as err:
self.journal.warning(f'{err.__class__.__name__}: {err} (It is generally due to bad sanitisation)')
return float('nan')
def get_close_indices(cls, query: Chem.Mol, target: Chem.Mol, cutoff: float = 5.) -> List[int]:
Give an rdkit Chem.Mol ``query`` get the atom idices of ``target`` that are with ``cutoff`` Å.
combo = Chem.CombineMols(target, query)
distances: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = AllChem.Get3DDistanceMatrix(combo)
query2target_dist: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = distances[
slice(target.GetNumAtoms(), combo.GetNumAtoms(), 1), slice(0, target.GetNumAtoms(), 1)].min(axis=0)
neighbors: npt.NDArray[np.int64] = np.where(query2target_dist <= cutoff)[0]
return list(map(int, neighbors))
def _get_aromatic_neighbors(cls, atom, accounted):
neighbor: Chem.Atom
for neighbor in atom.GetNeighbors():
neigh_idx: int = neighbor.GetIdx()
if neighbor.GetIsAromatic() and neigh_idx not in accounted:
return cls._get_aromatic_neighbors(neighbor, accounted)
return accounted
def extract_atoms(cls, protein: Chem.Mol, keepers: List[int], expand_aromatics: bool = True) -> Chem.Mol:
Extract the given atom indices (``keepers``) from ``protein``.
Expanding to full aromatic ring and copying conformers
pasteboard = Chem.RWMol()
# ## Expand aromatic rings
exkeepers = list(keepers)
if expand_aromatics:
for idx in keepers:
atom: Chem.Atom = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(idx)
if not atom.GetIsAromatic():
exkeepers = cls._get_aromatic_neighbors(atom, exkeepers)
# ## Add atoms
prot2paste: Dict[int, int] = {}
for idx in exkeepers:
atom: Chem.Atom = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(int(idx)) # no to np.int64
if not expand_aromatics:
prot2paste[idx] = pasteboard.AddAtom(atom)
# ## Add bonds
for prot_idx, paste_idx in prot2paste.items():
atom: Chem.Atom = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(prot_idx)
for prot_neighbor_idx in [n.GetIdx() for n in atom.GetNeighbors()]:
if prot_neighbor_idx in prot2paste and prot_neighbor_idx > prot_idx:
prot_bond: Chem.Bond = protein.GetBondBetweenAtoms(prot_idx, prot_neighbor_idx)
paste_neighneighbor_idx = prot2paste[prot_neighbor_idx]
pasteboard.AddBond(paste_idx, paste_neighneighbor_idx,
prot_bond.GetBondType() if expand_aromatics else Chem.BondType.SINGLE)
pasteboard_conf = Chem.Conformer(len(keepers))
positions: npt.NDArray = protein.GetConformer().GetPositions()
for prot_idx, paste_idx in prot2paste.items():
pasteboard_conf.SetAtomPosition(paste_idx, positions[prot_idx, :])
return pasteboard.GetMol()
def get_neighborhood(self, apo_block: str, cutoff: float, mol: Optional[Chem.Mol] = None, addHs=True) -> Chem.Mol:
Get the neighborhood of the protein from the apo_block around the cutoff of the mol.
Note: The atoms will have a prop ``IsNeighborhood`` which is used after it is combined.
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
protein: Chem.Mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(apo_block)
neighbor_idxs: List[int] = self.get_close_indices(mol, protein, cutoff)
neighborhood: Chem.Mol = self.extract_atoms(protein, neighbor_idxs)
AllChem.SanitizeMol(neighborhood, catchErrors=True)
if addHs:
neighborhood = AllChem.AddHs(neighborhood, addCoords=True)
self.journal.debug(f'{cutoff}Å Neighborhood has {neighborhood.GetNumAtoms()} atoms')
for atom in neighborhood.GetAtoms():
atom.SetBoolProp('IsNeighborhood', True)
AllChem.SanitizeMol(neighborhood, catchErrors=True)
return neighborhood
def make_ideal_mol(self, mol: Optional[Chem.Mol]=None, ff_minimise: bool=False) -> Chem.Mol:
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
ideal = Chem.Mol(mol)
ideal.SetDoubleProp('Energy', float('nan'))
p: FF.MMFFMolProperties = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(ideal, 'MMFF94')
ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(ideal, p)
if ff is None:
raise FragmensteinError('Ideal compound failed. Something is wrong with the SMILES')
if ff_minimise:
energy = ff.CalcEnergy()
ideal.SetDoubleProp('Energy', energy)
return ideal
def extract_from_neighborhood(self, system: Chem.Mol) -> Chem.Mol:
Given a system of a neighbourhood + ligand extract everything that is not marked ``IsNeighborhood``.
rwmol = Chem.RWMol(system)
for atom in rwmol.GetAtoms():
if atom.HasProp('IsNeighborhood'):
# isNeighborhood encompasses Hs... but just in case:
# this warning happened: 'WARNING: not removing hydrogen atom without neighbors'
# I have not seen it since, but I got a report of it
new_mol = sorted(Chem.GetMolFrags(rwmol.GetMol(), asMols=True), key=Chem.Mol.GetNumAtoms, reverse=True)[0]
return new_mol