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__doc__ = \
Combine => merge/join
This merge is used by all.

Peculiarly/for historical reasons the merging is done by fragmentation and joining the fragments 
as opposed to absorption, which is what happens in the ring expansion.



from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Union
from warnings import warn

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdmolops
from ._join_neighboring import _MonsterJoinNeigh
from .bond_provenance import BondProvenance
from .positional_mapping import GPM
from ..error import DistanceError, FragmensteinError

class _MonsterMerge(_MonsterJoinNeigh, GPM):

    def simply_merge_hits(self,
                          hits: Optional[List[Chem.Mol]] = None,
                          linked: bool = True,
                          ) -> Chem.Mol:
        Recursively stick the hits together and average the positions.
        This is the monster of automerging, full-merging mapping and partial merging mapping.
        The latter however uses `partially_blend_hits` first.
        The hits are not ring-collapsed and -expanded herein.

        :param hits: optionally give a hit list, else uses the attribute ``.hits``.
        :param linked: if true the molecules are joined, else they are placed
            in the same molecule as disconnected fragments.
        :return: the rdkit.Chem.Mol object that will fill ``.scaffold``
        if hits is None:
            hits = sorted(self.hits, key=lambda h: h.GetNumAtoms(), reverse=True)
        for hit in hits:
            BondProvenance.set_all_bonds(hit, 'original')
        self.journal.debug(f"Merging: {[hit.GetProp('_Name') for hit in hits]}")
        scaffold = Chem.Mol(hits[0])
        # first try
        save_for_later = []
        for fragmentanda in hits[1:]:
                scaffold = self.merge_pair(scaffold, fragmentanda)
            except FragmensteinError:
        # second try
        join_later = []
        for fragmentanda in save_for_later:
                scaffold = self.merge_pair(scaffold, fragmentanda)
            except FragmensteinError:
        # join (last ditch)
        for fragmentanda in join_later:
            if linked:
                    scaffold = self.join_neighboring_mols(scaffold, fragmentanda)
                except FragmensteinError as error:
                    msg = f'Hit {fragmentanda.GetProp("_Name")} has no connections! Skipping!'
                    if self.throw_on_discard:
                        raise error
                new_name = self._get_combined_name(scaffold, fragmentanda)
                scaffold = rdmolops.CombineMols(scaffold, fragmentanda)
                scaffold.SetProp('_Name', str(new_name))
        return scaffold

    def merge_pair(self, scaffold: Chem.Mol, fragmentanda: Chem.Mol, mapping: Optional = None) -> Chem.Mol:
        To specify attachments use ``.merge``.
        To understand what is going on see ``.categorize``

        :param scaffold: mol to be added to.
        :param fragmentanda: mol to be fragmented
        :param mapping: see ``get_positional_mapping``. Optional in _pre_fragment_pairs
        done_already = []
        fp = self._pre_fragment_pairs(scaffold, fragmentanda, mapping)
        # confusingly these are hit indexed.
        for anchor_index, attachment_details in fp.items():
            # anchor index is the fragment-to-added's internal atom that attaches
            if anchor_index in done_already:
            # fix rings.
            uniques = {atom.GetIdx() for atom in fragmentanda.GetAtoms() if
                       'overlapping' not in atom.GetProp('_Category')}
            team = self._recruit_team(fragmentanda, anchor_index, uniques)
            other_attachments = list((team & set(fp.keys())) - {anchor_index})
            other_attachment_details = []
            for other in other_attachments:
            scaffold = self._merge_part(scaffold, fragmentanda,
        new_name = self._get_combined_name(scaffold, fragmentanda)
        scaffold.SetProp('_Name', str(new_name))
        self.keep_copy(scaffold, 'pair_merged')
        return scaffold

    def _get_combined_name(self, first_mol: Chem.Mol, second_mol: Chem.Mol):
        get_name = lambda mol: mol.GetProp('_Name') if mol.HasProp('_Name') else 'molecule'
        name_1 = get_name(first_mol)
        name_2 = get_name(second_mol)
        return f'{name_1}-{name_2}'

    # ------ merging by fragmentation  ------------------------

    def _pre_fragment_pairs(self, scaffold: Chem.Mol, fragmentanda: Chem.Mol, A2B_mapping: Optional = None) \
            -> Dict[int, List[Dict]]:

            {4: [{'idx': 5,
                   'type': rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE,
                   'idx_F': 5,
                   'idx_S': 1}], ...}

        which is slight more than {5: [{'idx': 4, 'type': rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE}], ... from categories

        idx_F: fragmentanda index
        idx_S: scaffold index

        required for self.merge, the key is the index of anchoring atom.

        Calls get_positional_mapping and _categorize.

        :param scaffold: mol to be added to.
        :param fragmentanda: mol to be fragmented
        :param A2B_mapping: see ``get_positional_mapping``
        # get A2B mapping
        if A2B_mapping is None:
            A2B_mapping = self.get_positional_mapping(scaffold, fragmentanda)
        get_key = lambda d, v: list(d.keys())[list(d.values()).index(v)]
        if len(A2B_mapping) == 0:
            raise DistanceError(hits=[scaffold, fragmentanda])
        # store alternative atom symbols.
        for si, fi in A2B_mapping.items():
            sa = scaffold.GetAtomWithIdx(si)
            sn = sa.GetSymbol()
            fn = fragmentanda.GetAtomWithIdx(fi).GetSymbol()
            if sn != fn:
                sa.SetProp('_AltSymbol', str(fn))
        # prepare.
        uniques = set(range(fragmentanda.GetNumAtoms())) - set(A2B_mapping.values())
        categories = self._categorize(fragmentanda, uniques)
        pairs = categories['pairs']
        for p in pairs:  # pairs:Dict[List[Dict]]
            for pp in pairs[p]:
                pp['idx_F'] = pp['idx']  # less ambiguous: fragmentanda index
                pp['idx_S'] = get_key(A2B_mapping, pp['idx'])  # scaffold index
        return pairs

    def _recruit_team(self, mol: Chem.Mol, starting: int, uniques: set, team: Optional[set] = None) -> set:
        if team is None:
            team = set()
        for atom in mol.GetAtomWithIdx(starting).GetNeighbors():
            i = atom.GetIdx()
            if i in uniques and i not in team:
                team = self._recruit_team(mol, i, uniques, team)
        return team

    def _categorize(self, mol: Chem.Mol, uniques: set) -> Dict[str, Union[set, Dict]]:
        What do the novel atoms do in terms of connectivity.
        Complicated dict output (called ``categories`` in the methods). Really ought to be SetProp of the atoms.

        * ``uniques`` are set of atoms to classify on
        * ``internals`` are unique atoms that are connected solely to unique atoms
        * ``attachments`` are non-unique atoms to which a unique atom connects
        * ``pairs`` is a dict of unique atom idx --> dict of ``idx`` --> attachment idx and ``type`` bond type.

        :param mol: molecule to describe
        :param uniques: set of indices that are new to this molecule
        pairs = {}
        internals = set()
        attachments = set()
        dummies = set()
        for i in uniques:  # novel atoms
            unique_atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i)
            if unique_atom.GetSymbol() == self.dummy_symbol:
            neighbours = {n.GetIdx() for n in unique_atom.GetNeighbors()}
            if len(neighbours - uniques) == 0:  # unlessone of the connections is not unique.
                i_attached = neighbours - uniques
                attachments |= i_attached
                pairs[i] = [{'idx': j,
                             'type': mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j).GetBondType()} for j in i_attached]
        anchors = uniques - internals
        # store for safekeeping
        for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
            i = atom.GetIdx()
            if i in internals:  # novel and not connected
                atom.SetProp('_Category', 'internal')
            elif i in attachments:  # not-novel but connected
                atom.SetProp('_Category', 'overlapping-attachment')
            elif i in pairs:  # dict not set tho
                atom.SetProp('_Category', 'internal-attachment')
            else:  # overlapping
                atom.SetProp('_Category', 'overlapping')
        # if self._debug_draw: # depracated... but this could be useful...
        #     high = list(internals) + list(attachments) + list(anchors)
        #     color = {**{i: (0, 0.8, 0) for i in internals},
        #              **{i: (0, 0, 0.8) for i in attachments},
        #              **{i: (0.8, 0, 0.8) for i in anchors}}
        #     print('Purple: anchor atoms, Blue: attachments, Green: internals')
        #     self.draw_nicely(mol, highlightAtoms=high, highlightAtomColors=color)
        #     print({atom.GetIdx(): atom.GetProp('_Category') for atom in mol.GetAtoms()})
        return dict(uniques=uniques,

    def _merge_part(self, scaffold: Chem.Mol, fragmentanda: Chem.Mol, anchor_index: int,
                    attachment_details: List[Dict],
                    other_attachments: List[int],
                    other_attachment_details: List[List[Dict]]) -> Chem.Mol:
        This does the messy work for merge_pair.

        :param scaffold: the Chem.Mol molecule onto whose copy the fragmentanda Chem.Mol gets added
        :param fragmentanda: The other Chem.Mol molecule
        :param anchor_index: the fragment-to-added's internal atom that attaches (hit indexed)
        :param attachment_details: see `_pre_fragment_pairs` or example below fo an entry
        :type attachment_details: List[Dict]
        :param other_attachments:
        :param other_attachment_details:
        :return: a new Chem.Mol molecule

        Details object example:

            [{'idx': 5,
              'type': rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE,
              'idx_F': 5, # fragmentanda index
              'idx_S': 1  # scaffold index
              }], ...}
        # get bit to add.
        bonds_to_frag = []
        for detail in attachment_details:
            attachment_index = detail['idx_F']  # fragmentanda attachment_index
            bonds_to_frag += [fragmentanda.GetBondBetweenAtoms(anchor_index, attachment_index).GetIdx()]
        bonds_to_frag += [fragmentanda.GetBondBetweenAtoms(oi, oad[0]['idx_F']).GetIdx() for oi, oad in
                          zip(other_attachments, other_attachment_details)]
        f = Chem.FragmentOnBonds(fragmentanda,
        frag_split = []
        fragmols = Chem.GetMolFrags(f, asMols=True, fragsMolAtomMapping=frag_split, sanitizeFrags=False)
        # Get the fragment of interest.
        ii = 0
        for mol_N, indices in enumerate(frag_split):
            if anchor_index in indices:
            ii += len(indices)
            raise Exception
        frag = fragmols[mol_N]
        frag_anchor_index = indices.index(anchor_index)
        # pre-emptively fix atom ori_i
        # offset collapsed to avoid clashes.
        # Experimental code.
        # TODO: finish!
        # frag_atom = frag.GetAtomWithIdx(frag_anchor_index)
        # old2future = {atom.GetIntProp('_ori_i'): atom.GetIdx() + scaffold.GetNumAtoms() for atom in frag.GetAtoms()}
        # del old2future[-1] # does nothing but nice to double tap
        # if frag_atom.GetIntProp('_ori_i') == -1: #damn.
        #     for absent in self._get_mystery_ori_i(frag):
        #         old2future[absent] = scaffold_attachment_index
        # self._renumber_original_indices(frag, old2future)
        combo = Chem.RWMol(rdmolops.CombineMols(scaffold, frag))
        scaffold_anchor_index = frag_anchor_index + scaffold.GetNumAtoms()
        for detail in attachment_details:
            # scaffold_anchor_index : atom index in scaffold that needs to be added to scaffold_attachment_index
            # but was originally attached to attachment_index in fragmentanda.
            # the latter is not kept.
            attachment_index = detail['idx_F']  # fragmentanda attachment_index
            scaffold_attachment_index = detail['idx_S']  # scaffold attachment index
            bond_type = detail['type']
            combo.AddBond(scaffold_anchor_index, scaffold_attachment_index, bond_type)
            new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(scaffold_anchor_index, scaffold_attachment_index)
            # BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, '???')
            # self.transfer_ring_data(fragmentanda.GetAtomWithIdx(attachment_index),
            #                         combo.GetAtomWithIdx(scaffold_anchor_index))
        for oi, oad in zip(other_attachments, other_attachment_details):
            bond_type = oad[0]['type']
            scaffold_attachment_index = oad[0]['idx_S']
            scaffold_anchor_index = indices.index(oi) + scaffold.GetNumAtoms()
            combo.AddBond(scaffold_anchor_index, scaffold_attachment_index, bond_type)
            new_bond = combo.GetBondBetweenAtoms(scaffold_anchor_index, scaffold_attachment_index)
            # BondProvenance.set_bond(new_bond, '???')
                         sanitizeOps=Chem.rdmolops.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_ADJUSTHS +
        scaffold = combo.GetMol()
        return scaffold

    def _prevent_two_bonds_on_dummy(self, mol: Chem.RWMol):
        The case '*(C)C' is seen legitimately in some warheads... but in most cases these are not.

        :param mol:
        for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
            if atom.GetSymbol() != '*':
            elif len(atom.GetNeighbors()) <= 1:
            elif len(atom.GetNeighbors()) >= 2:
      'Dummy atom (idx={atom.GetIdx()}) has {len(atom.GetNeighbors())} bonds!')
                neighs = atom.GetNeighbors()
                first = neighs[0]
                for second in neighs[1:]:
                    rejected = second.GetIdx()  # that will be absorbed (deleted)
                    keeper = first.GetIdx()  # that absorbs (kept)
                    self._copy_bonding(mol, keeper, rejected)
                    self._mark_for_deletion(mol, rejected)
                return self._prevent_two_bonds_on_dummy(mol)