from ._no_blending import _MonsterNone
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Unpack, Set # noqa: F401
from ..positional_mapping import GPM
import itertools
from ..mcs_mapping import IndexMap, ExtendedFMCSMode
from copy import deepcopy
from rdkit import Chem
from ..unmerge_mapper import Unmerge
from ...error import FragmensteinError, DistanceError
class _MonsterExpand(_MonsterNone):
A variant of no_blend mode, with a focus on expansion
def by_expansion(self, primary_name: Optional[str] = None, min_mode_index: int = 0) -> Chem.Mol:
Get the maps. Find the map with the most atoms covered.
Use that map as the base map for the other maps.
# -------------- Get the primary hit ----------------------------
primary_maps: List[Dict[int, int]]
# primary_name as None chooses one, else the primary name provided is used:
primary_name, primary_maps = self._get_primary_maps(primary_name)
# -------------- Get the secondary hits --------------------------------
# positional_overlap is used by ``_expand_hit_atom_map_by_overlap``
# which is called by ``_get_unmerge_expansions``
positional_overlaps: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]] = self._compute_overlaps()
if self.throw_on_discard:
# The two hits do not overlap. This was a decision of the user, surely.
positional_overlaps: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]] = {pairing: mapping for pairing, mapping in positional_overlaps.items() if mapping}
if len(positional_overlaps) == 0 and len(self.hits) > 1:
# `positional_overlaps` is always empty if there is only one hit!
# raise DistanceError(hits=self.hits)
# TODO Add way to make this fatal on request!
self.journal.warning(f'No positions overlap of the hits')
unmergers: List[Unmerge] = self._get_unmerge_expansions(primary_name,
# Nota bene:
# The custom map is a Dict of hit names to Dict of indices of hit to indices of followup.
# The is a Dict of hit names to List of Dict of indices of followup to indices of hit.
# it is reversed in the Unmerge object.
if self.throw_on_discard:
hit_names = [h.GetProp('_Name') for h in self.hits]
unmergers: List[Unmerge] = [u for u in unmergers if all([h in u.maps and len(u.maps[h]) and len(u.maps[h][0]) for h in hit_names])]
if len(unmergers) == 0:
raise DistanceError(hits=self.hits)
# -------------- Sort the unmergers --------------------------------
self.positioned_mol, self.mol_options = self._place_unmerger_expansions(unmergers)
# ---- custom map sanity -----------------------------------
if sum(map(len, self.custom_map.values())) and not self._check_custom_map(self.positioned_mol):
self.journal.debug(f'Custom map sanity check failed for best candidate.')
for mol in self.mol_options:
if self._check_custom_map(self.positioned_mol):
self.positioned_mol = mol
raise FragmensteinError(f'No custom map satisfied by any of the options.')
return self.positioned_mol
def _check_custom_map(self, mol: Chem.Mol) -> bool:
Check that the custom map is satisfied by the molecule.
originses: List[List[str]] = self.origin_from_mol(mol)
mapping: Dict[int, int]
for name, mapping in self.custom_map.items():
for hit_i, followup_i in mapping.items():
if followup_i < 0 and \
all([(f'{name}.{hit_i}' not in origin) for origins in originses for origin in origins]):
pass # forbidden correctly — absent from all origins
elif followup_i < 0: # damnation'Suboptimal fixing: atom is forbidden from matching, '+\
'but is matched indirectly but not constrained.')
followup_i = [o for o, origins in enumerate(originses) for origin in origins if f'{name}.{hit_i}' in origin][0]
mol.GetAtomWithIdx(followup_i).SetProp('_origin', 'none')
mol.GetAtomWithIdx(followup_i).SetBoolProp('_Novel', True)
elif any([origin == f'{name}.{hit_i}' for origin in originses[followup_i]]):
pass # mapped correctly
elif hit_i < 0 and name not in originses[followup_i]:
pass # forbidden correctly
else:'Custom map sanity check failed for a combination for hit {name} idx {hit_i} '+\
f'to followup idx {followup_i} — {originses}')
return False
return True
def _get_primary_maps(self, primary_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, List[Dict[int, int]]]:
The primary hit is the hit will most in common with the placed molecule.
:param primary_name:
if primary_name is None:
# the list is [{hit_atom_idx: template_atom_idx}, ...]
maps: Dict[str, List[Dict[int, int]]] = self._compute_maps(broad=True)
# get the largest maps (not the number of maps which would be `len(l)`)
get_size = lambda l: len(l[0]) if len(l) else 0 # noqa: E731 Guido doesn't like lambda, but I do
max_size = max(map(get_size, maps.values()))
# sorted_maps: Dict[str, List[Dict[int, int]]] = dict(sorted(maps.items(),
# key=lambda x: get_size(x[1]),
# reverse=True))
biggest_maps = {k: v for k, v in maps.items() if get_size(v) == max_size}
# choose the first map
primary_name = list(biggest_maps.items())[0][0]
primary_maps: List[Dict[int, int]] = biggest_maps[primary_name]
primary: Chem.Mol = self.get_hit_by_name(primary_name)
primary_maps: List[Dict[int, int]] = self._compute_hit_maps(primary, broad=True)
self.journal.debug(f"Primary hit: {primary_name} with {len(primary_maps)} Primary maps: {primary_maps}")
return primary_name, primary_maps
def _get_unmerge_expansions(self,
primary_name: str,
primary_maps: List[Dict[int, int]],
positional_overlaps: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]],
min_mode_index: int) -> List[Unmerge]:
Calls _perform_unmerge which calls Unmerge.
:param primary_name: the hit name. Unlike the other methods, this is not optional.
for example in ``._get_primary_maps(primary_name)`` it can be None.
:param primary_maps: the maps for the primary hit. This is returned by ``._get_primary_maps(primary_name)``
:param positional_overlaps: the positional overlaps. see ``_compute_overlaps``.
:param min_mode_index: the minimum mode index. see ``get_mcs_mappings``, whose default is 0.
unmergers = []
# the no_blend mode does the unmerged based on a dict of optional maps,
# i.e. the maps do not affect each other. Here it is important that they do.
# hence each primary map is converted into a set of unmerge maps and the best wins.
# if there is only one hit, then the primary map is the only unmerge map...
if len(self.hits) == 1:
return [self._perform_unmerge(maps={primary_name: primary_maps},
# case: multiple hits
for primary_map in primary_maps: #: Dict[int, int]
# iterate over the hit map and expand to all overlapping atoms
self.journal.debug(f'primary_map: {primary_map}')
exp_map: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = self._expand_hit_atom_map_by_overlap(primary_name,
self.journal.debug(f'initial expanded map (primary + overlaps): {exp_map}')
exp_maps = {primary_name: [primary_map]} # only one primary map!
accounted_for: Set[int] = {i for i in primary_map.values() if i >= 0}
# get the maps that are not the primary map
for other in self.hits:
other_name: str = other.GetProp('_Name')
if other_name == primary_name:
mappings: List[Dict[int, int]]
mode: ExtendedFMCSMode
mappings, mode = self.get_mcs_mappings(other, self.initial_mol, min_mode_index, exp_map)
# drop any that are redundant with the primary hit
mappings = [d for d in mappings if len(set(d.values()) - accounted_for) > 0]
exp_maps[other_name] = mappings
self.journal.debug(f'candiate expanded maps: {exp_maps} following: {other_name}')
# {h: f for h, f in .items() if h >= 0 and f >= 0}
return unmergers
def _place_unmerger_expansions(self, unmergers: List[Unmerge]) -> Tuple[Chem.Mol, List[Chem.Mol]]:
scores: List[int] = []
mol_options = []
best_mol = None
for unmerger in unmergers:
n_off_atoms: int = unmerger.offness(unmerger.combined, unmerger.combined_map)
scores.append(len(unmerger.combined_map) - 3 * n_off_atoms)
max_score = max(scores)
# if they came out equal keep both...
for score, unmerger in zip(scores, unmergers):
if score != max_score:
positioned_mol, inner_options = self._place_unmerger(unmerger)
if best_mol: # it might get sorted again... so it is not important
mol_options.insert(0, positioned_mol)
best_mol = positioned_mol
return best_mol, mol_options
def _compute_overlaps(self) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]]:
positional_overlaps: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]] = {}
for mol1, mol2 in itertools.combinations(self.hits, 2):
mol1_name: str = mol1.GetProp('_Name')
mol2_name: str = mol2.GetProp('_Name')
gpm = GPM.get_positional_mapping(mol1, mol2)
positional_overlaps[(mol1_name, mol2_name)] = gpm
positional_overlaps[(mol2_name, mol1_name)] = gpm
return positional_overlaps
def _expand_hit_atom_map_by_overlap(self,
hit_name: str,
hit_atom_map: Dict[int, int],
positional_overlaps: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[int, int]],
custom_map: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]:
Expanded the custom_map by adding all atoms that are covered by the hit_atom_map.
:param hit_name:
:param hit_atom_map:
:param positional_overlaps:
:param custom_map:
:param mode:
:return: custom_map
expanded: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = deepcopy(custom_map)
expanded[hit_name] = hit_atom_map
for hit_atom_idx, template_atom_idx in hit_atom_map.items():
for other in self.hits:
other_name: str = other.GetProp('_Name')
if other_name == hit_name:
# ------------- deal with atoms that overlap --------------------------
overlaps: Dict[int, int] = positional_overlaps.get((hit_name, other_name), {})
if hit_atom_idx in overlaps:
# ignore the special overrides
if template_atom_idx < 0:
if hit_atom_idx < 0:
if overlaps[hit_atom_idx] in expanded[other_name]:
expanded[other_name][overlaps[hit_atom_idx]] = template_atom_idx
# ------------- deal with atoms that do not overlap ------------------
elif template_atom_idx in expanded[other_name].values():
pass # there is a mapping already ?!
else: # damn the template_atom_idx
expanded[other_name][-2 - hit_atom_idx] = template_atom_idx
return expanded