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from IPython.display import SVG, display, HTML
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw, AllChem
from ..branding import divergent_colors
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Optional, Union
from io import StringIO
import re
from ..display import MolNGLWidget, patched_3Dmol_view, DISPLAYMODE

def draw(mol, color_map, x=200, y=200, **kwargs):
    from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter
    d = Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(x, y)
    d.drawOptions().addAtomIndices = True
    d.drawOptions().addStereoAnnotation = True
    d.drawOptions().prepareMolsBeforeDrawing = False
    d.drawOptions().dummiesAreAttachments = True
    flat = Chem.Mol(mol)
    color_map2 = {i: ColorConverter().to_rgb(n) for i, n in color_map.items()}

def get_idx(name, origin, default=None):
    rex = re.match(name + '\.(\d+)', origin)
    if rex:
        return int(
    return default

class _MonsterUtilCompare:

    def get_color_origins(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]:
        Get for the hits and followup the color of the origin
        as seen in show_comparison
        color_maps = {}
        origins = self.origin_from_mol(self.positioned_mol)
        n_colors = sum(map(bool, origins))  # bool([]) is sensibly False in Python
        colors = divergent_colors[n_colors]
        mapped_idxs = [i for i, m in enumerate(origins) if m]
        followup_color_map = dict(zip(mapped_idxs, colors))
        positioned_name: str = self.positioned_mol.GetProp('_Name')
        color_maps[positioned_name] = followup_color_map
        # -------------- hits ------------------
        for mol in self.hits:
            name = mol.GetProp('_Name')
            # convert ['MOL.7'] to a list of indices of MOL
            matched = [[get_idx(name, o) for o in ori] for ori in origins]
            # make a color_map
            color_map = {}
            for followup_idx, target_idxs in enumerate(matched):
                for i in target_idxs:  # there ought to only zero or one...
                    if i is None:
                    color_map[i] = followup_color_map[followup_idx]
            color_maps[name] = color_map
        return color_maps

    def store_origin_colors_atomically(self):
        Store the color of the origin in the mol as the private property _color
        # color_maps = {'benzene': {0: '#AED882', ...},..
        color_maps: Dict[str, Dict[int, str]] = self.get_color_origins()
        for hit in self.hits:  #:Chem.Mol
            name = hit.GetProp('_Name')
            for atom in hit.GetAtoms():  #: Chem.Atom
                atom.SetProp('color', '#FFFFFF')  # white
            if name not in color_maps:
            for i in color_maps[name]:
                hit.GetAtomWithIdx(i % 100).SetProp('color', color_maps[name][i])
        followup_map = color_maps[self.positioned_mol.GetProp('_Name')]
        for atom in self.positioned_mol.GetAtoms():  #: Chem.Atom
            atom.SetProp('color', '#FFFFFF')  # white
        for i in followup_map:
            self.positioned_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).SetProp('color', followup_map[i])

    def show_comparison(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Show the atom provenance of the follow molecule.


        * nothing -> uses self.origin_from_mol
        * hit2followup -> uses the hit2followup dict
        # ------- followup -----------------------
        #  origins is like [['MOL.7'], ['MOL.8'], ['MOL.9'], [], ...
        color_maps: Dict[str, Dict[int, str]] = self.get_color_origins()
        # -------------- hits ------------------
        for mol in self.hits:
            name = mol.GetProp('_Name')
            color_map = color_maps[name]
            print(f'hit {name}')  # legit print, not a debug scar
            draw(mol, color_map, 300, 300, **kwargs)
        print('Followup')  # legit print, not a debug scar
        followup_color_map = color_maps[self.positioned_mol.GetProp('_Name')]
        draw(self.positioned_mol, followup_color_map, 300, 300)

    def convert_origins_to_custom_map(self, mol: Optional[Chem.Mol] = None, forbiddance=True) -> Dict[
        str, Dict[int, int]]:
        The origins stored in the followup differ in format from the custom_map.
        The former is a list of lists of hit_name+atom_index,
        while the latter is a dictionary of hit_name to dictionary of
        hit atom indices to _intended_ followup index.
        This method converts the former to the latter.
        If forbiddance is True, non mapping atoms are marked with negatives.

        If mol is None, then self.positioned_mol is used.

        custom_map: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = {hit.GetProp('_Name'): {} for hit in self.hits}
        # `origins_from_mol` uses self.positioned_mol by default... what if it is not set?
        origins: List[List[str]] = self.origin_from_mol(mol)  # noqa It is in utility
        for fi, ori in enumerate(origins):
            for origin in ori:
                reg ='(.*)\.(\d+)', str(origin))
                if reg is None:  # literally `none`... Although this is legacy.
                name =
                hi = int( % 100
                custom_map[name][hi] = fi
        new_custom_map = {}
        for hit in self.hits:
            name = hit.GetProp('_Name')
            ni = -1
            new_custom_map[name] = {}
            for hi in range(hit.GetNumAtoms()):
                if hi in custom_map[name]:
                    new_custom_map[name][hi] = custom_map[name][hi]
                elif not forbiddance:
                elif hit.GetAtomWithIdx(hi).GetAtomicNum() == 1:
                    new_custom_map[name][hi] = ni
                    ni -= 1
        return new_custom_map

    def to_nglview(self, show_positioned_mol: False, *args, **kwargs) -> MolNGLWidget:
        User: you probably want to use show() instead... unless you have both ngl and py3Dmol installed.

        This is called by both ``Monster.to_nglview`` and ``Victor.to_nglview``
        The color can be dictated by the optional private property ``_color``,
        which may have been assigned by ``walton.color_in()`` or the user.

        The ``args`` and ``kwargs`` do nothing


        view = MolNGLWidget()
        self._add_mols_to_viewer(view, show_positioned_mol, *args, **kwargs)
        return view

    def to_3Dmol(self, show_positioned_mol: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> patched_3Dmol_view:
        User: you probably want to use show() instead... unless you have both ngl and py3Dmol installed.

        This is called by both ``Monster.to_3Dmol`` and ``Victor.to_3Dmol``

        The ``args`` and ``kwargs`` do nothing
        view = patched_3Dmol_view(*args, **kwargs)
        self._add_mols_to_viewer(view, show_positioned_mol, *args, **kwargs)
        return view

    def _add_mols_to_viewer(self, view, show_positioned_mol: bool = True, *args, **kwargs):
        NGL / py3Dmol viewer agnostic (add_mol does carbon_color -> colorValue for NGL)

        The ``args`` and ``kwargs`` do nothing
        color_series = iter(divergent_colors[len(self.hits) + 1])  # noqa .hits is added later
        fejoa = next(color_series)  # fagmenstein branding colour
        for mol in self.hits:  # noqa .hits is added later
            carbon_color = next(color_series) if not mol.HasProp('color') else mol.GetProp('color')
            view.add_mol(carbon_color=carbon_color, mol=mol)
        if show_positioned_mol and self.positioned_mol:  # noqa .positioned_mol is added later
            view.add_mol(carbon_color=fejoa, mol=self.positioned_mol)  # noqa .positioned_mol is added later

    def get_legend(self, show_positioned_mol: bool = True) -> str:
        legend = ''
        color_series = iter(divergent_colors[len(self.hits) + 1])  # noqa .hits is added later
        fejoa = next(color_series)  # fagmenstein branding colour
        for mol in self.hits:
            carbon_color = next(color_series) if not mol.HasProp('color') else mol.GetProp('color')
            legend += f'<span style="color: {carbon_color}">{mol.GetProp("_Name")}</span> '
        if show_positioned_mol and self.positioned_mol:
            legend += f'<span style="color: {fejoa}">positioned derivative (Fragmenstein green)</span> '
        return legend

    def show(self, to_display: bool = False, show_positioned_mol: bool = True, viewer_mode=DISPLAYMODE) \
            -> Tuple[Union[MolNGLWidget, patched_3Dmol_view], str]:
        generates a ``NGLWidget`` or a ``py3Dmol.view`` depending on ``viewer_mode``,
        which is set by default to what's installed.
        With the compounds and the merger if present.
        To override the colours:
        The colours will be those in the ``Chem.Mol``'s property ``_color`` if present.
        to_display if True will display the legend and the viewer.
        (``IPython.display.display`` will show them too)

        Returns -> nv.NGLWidget
        if viewer_mode == 'ngl':
            view = self.to_nglview(show_positioned_mol=show_positioned_mol)
        elif viewer_mode == 'py3Dmol':
            view = self.to_3Dmol(show_positioned_mol=show_positioned_mol)
        elif viewer_mode == 'rdkit':
            view = self.to_3Dmol(show_positioned_mol=show_positioned_mol)
            raise ValueError(f'viewer_mode {viewer_mode} not recognized')

        legend = self.get_legend(show_positioned_mol=show_positioned_mol)
        if to_display:
        return view, legend