__doc__ = \
These are extras for the Monster step
from itertools import combinations
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Union, Iterable
from warnings import warn
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdFMCS, Draw, rdMolAlign, rdqueries
import json
from IPython.display import SVG, display
except (KeyError, ImportError):
warn('No Jupyter notebook installed. `.draw_nicely` will not work.')
SVG = lambda *args, **kwargs: print('Install IPython...')
display = lambda *args, **kwargs: print('Install IPython...')
from ._communal import _MonsterCommunal
from .positional_mapping import GPM
from ._util_compare import _MonsterUtilCompare
class _MonsterUtil(_MonsterCommunal, GPM, _MonsterUtilCompare):
def get_combined_rmsd(cls, followup_moved: Chem.Mol, followup_placed: Optional[Chem.Mol] = None,
hits: Optional[List[Chem.Mol]] = None) -> float:
The inbuilt RMSD calculations in RDKit align the two molecules, this does not align them.
This deals with the case of multiple hits.
For euclidean distance the square root of the sum of the differences in each coordinates is taken.
For a regular RMSD the still-squared distance is averaged before taking the root.
Here the average is done across all the atom pairs between each hit and the followup.
Therefore, atoms in followup that derive in the blended molecule by multiple atom are scored multiple times.
As a classmethod ``followup_placed`` and ``hits`` must be provided. But as an instance method they don't.
:param followup_moved: followup compound moved by Igor or similar
:param followup_placed: followup compound as placed by Monster
:param hits: list of hits.
:return: combined RMSD
# class or instance?
if followup_placed is None: # instance
assert hasattr(cls, '__class__'), 'if called as a classmethod the list of hits need to be provided.'
followup_placed = cls.positioned_mol # noqa it's not a class but an instance
if hits is None: # instance
assert hasattr(cls, '__class__'), 'if called as a classmethod the list of hits need to be provided.'
hits = cls.hits # noqa it's not a class but an instance
for i in range(followup_placed.GetNumAtoms()):
assert followup_placed.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol() == followup_moved.GetAtomWithIdx(
i).GetSymbol(), 'The atoms order is changed.'
if followup_moved.GetNumAtoms() > followup_placed.GetNumAtoms():
f'Followup moved {followup_moved.GetNumAtoms()} has more atoms that followup placed {followup_placed.GetNumAtoms()}. Assuming these are hydrogens.')
# calculate
tatoms = 0
d = 0
for hit in hits:
mapping = list(cls.get_positional_mapping(followup_placed, hit).items())
tatoms += len(mapping)
if len(mapping) == 0:
d += cls._get_square_deviation(followup_moved, hit, mapping)
return d / tatoms ** 0.5
def get_pair_rmsd(cls, molA, molB, mapping: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> float:
return (cls._get_square_deviation(molA, molB, mapping) / len(mapping)) ** 0.5
def _get_square_deviation(self, molA, molB, mapping):
confA = molA.GetConformer()
confB = molB.GetConformer()
return sum([(confA.GetAtomPosition(a).x - confB.GetAtomPosition(b).x) ** 2 +
(confA.GetAtomPosition(a).y - confB.GetAtomPosition(b).y) ** 2 +
(confA.GetAtomPosition(a).z - confB.GetAtomPosition(b).z) ** 2 for a, b in mapping])
def num_common(self) -> int:
template = self._get_last_template()
mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS([template, self.initial_mol],
return Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smartsString).GetNumAtoms()
def _get_last_template(self):
if 'chimera' in self.modifications:
template = self.modifications['chimera']
elif 'scaffold' in self.modifications:
template = self.modifications['scaffold']
raise KeyError('There is no chimeric or reg scaffold/template to compare to.')
def percent_common(self) -> int:
return round(self.num_common / self.initial_mol.GetNumAtoms() * 100)
def stdev_from_mol(self, mol: Chem.Mol = None):
these values are stored from Monster for scaffold, chimera and positioned_mol
:param mol: Chem.Mol
:return: stdev list for each atom
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
return [atom.GetDoubleProp('_Stdev') if atom.HasProp('_Stdev') else 0 for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]
def max_from_mol(self, mol: Chem.Mol = None):
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
return [atom.GetDoubleProp('_Max') if atom.HasProp('_Max') else 0 for atom in mol.GetAtoms()]
def origin_from_mol(self, mol: Chem.Mol = None):
these values are stored from Monster for scaffold, chimera and positioned_mol
See `make_chimera` or `place_from_map` for more info on _Origin
:param mol: Chem.Mol
:return: stdev list for each atom
if mol is None:
mol = self.positioned_mol
if mol.HasProp('_Origins'):
return json.loads(mol.GetProp('_Origins'))
origin = []
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
# {'__computedProps': <rdkit.rdBase....>,
# '_ori_i': 100, '_ori_name': 'x10976', '_x': 13.792, '_y': -1.785, '_z': 21.231,
# '_GasteigerCharge': 0.0, '_GasteigerHCharge': 0.0, '_rType': 'Cl'}
if atom.HasProp('_Origin'):
x = atom.GetProp('_Origin')
if x == 'none':
elif atom.HasProp('_ori_name'): # single name.
origin.append([atom.GetProp('_ori_name') + '.' + atom.GetProp('_ori_i')])
return origin
def guess_origins(self, mol: Chem.Mol = None, hits: Optional[List[Chem.Mol]] = None):
Given a positioned mol guess its origins...
:param mol:
self.journal.debug('Guess origins called')
if hits is None:
hits = self.hits
mappings = []
for h, hit in enumerate(hits):
hname = hit.GetProp('_Name')
for hi, mi in self.get_positional_mapping(hit, mol).items():
atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(mi)
if atom.HasProp('_Novel') and atom.GetBoolProp('_Novel') == True:
continue # flagged to avoid.
elif atom.HasProp('_Origin') and atom.GetProp('_Origin') != 'none':
origin = json.loads(atom.GetProp('_Origin'))
origin = []
atom.SetProp('_Origin', json.dumps(origin))
# class attribute for next method
_i = 0
def save_temp(self, mol):
This is a silly debug-by-print debug method. drop it in where you want to spy on stuff.
Chem.MolToMolFile(mol, f'debug_temp{self.i}.mol', kekulize=False)
self._i += 1
def save_commonality(self, filename: Optional[str] = None):
Saves an SVG of the followup fragmenstein monster with the common atoms with the chimeric scaffold highlighted.
:param filename: optinal filename to save it as. Otherwise returns a Draw.MolDraw2DSVG object.
template = self._get_last_template()
mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS([template, self.positioned_mol],
common = Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smartsString)
match = self.positioned_mol.GetSubstructMatch(common)
d = self.draw_nicely(self.positioned_mol, show=False, highlightAtoms=match)
if filename is None:
return d
assert '.svg' in filename, 'Can only save SVGs.'
with open(filename, 'w') as w:
def make_pse(self, filename='test.pse', extra_mols: Optional[Iterable[Chem.Mol]] = None):
This is specifically for debugging the full fragment merging mode.
For general use. Please use the Victor method ``make_pse``.
:param filename:
assert '.pse' in filename, 'Must be a pymol pse extension!'
import pymol2 # noqa it's an optional
with pymol2.PyMOL() as pymol:
tints = iter(
['wheat', 'palegreen', 'lightblue', 'paleyellow', 'lightpink', 'palecyan', 'lightorange', 'bluewhite'])
# pymol.cmd.bg_color('white')
for h, hit in enumerate(self.hits):
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(hit, kekulize=False), f'hit{h}')
pymol.cmd.color(next(tints), f'hit{h} and name C*')
if 'scaffold' in self.modifications:
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(self.modifications['scaffold'], kekulize=False), f'scaffold')
pymol.cmd.color('tv_blue', f'scaffold and name C*')
if 'chimera' in self.modifications:
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(self.modifications['chimera'], kekulize=False), f'chimera')
pymol.cmd.color('cyan', f'chimera and name C*')
if self.positioned_mol:
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(self.positioned_mol, kekulize=False), f'followup')
pymol.cmd.color('tv_green', f'followup and name C*')
if self.mol_options:
for i, mol in enumerate(self.mol_options):
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(mol, kekulize=False), f'opt{i}')
pymol.cmd.color('grey50', f'opt{i} and name C*')
pymol.cmd.hide('cartoon') # there should not be....'lines', 'not polymer')
if 'chimera' in self.modifications:'sticks', 'chimera')
if self.positioned_mol:'sticks', 'followup')
if extra_mols is not None:
for mol in extra_mols:
name = mol.GetProp('_Name')
pymol.cmd.read_molstr(Chem.MolToMolBlock(mol, kekulize=False), name)
pymol.cmd.color('magenta', f'{name} and name C*')
def draw_nicely(self, mol, show=True, **kwargs) -> Draw.MolDraw2DSVG:
Draw with atom indices for Jupyter notebooks.
:param mol:
:param kwargs: Key value pairs get fed into ``PrepareAndDrawMolecule``.
if mol.HasProp('_Name'):
print(mol.GetProp('_Name')) # this is a legit print not a rogue one
d = Draw.MolDraw2DSVG(400, 400)
d.drawOptions().addAtomIndices = True
d.drawOptions().addStereoAnnotation = True
d.drawOptions().prepareMolsBeforeDrawing = False
d.drawOptions().dummiesAreAttachments = True
x = Chem.Mol(mol)
Chem.SanitizeMol(x, catchErrors=True)
# x = Chem.MolFromSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(x, kekuleSmiles=False), sanitize=False)
Draw.PrepareAndDrawMolecule(d, x, **kwargs)
if show:
return d
except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
raise err
except Exception as err:
warn(f'*{err.__class__.__name__}* : {err}')
def _get_substructure_from_idxs(self, mol: Chem.Mol, atomIdx_list: List[int]) -> \
Tuple[Union[Chem.Mol, Chem.Mol], Dict[int, int]]:
Given a molecule, extract the substructure molecule given selected atom idxs.
:param mol:
:param atomIdx_list:
bonds = []
atommap = {}
for i, j in combinations(atomIdx_list, 2):
b = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j)
if b:
newMol = Chem.PathToSubmol(mol, bonds, atomMap=atommap)
if len(atommap) == 0:
newMol = None
return newMol, atommap
def renumber_followup_custom_map(original_mol: Chem.Mol,
new_mol: Chem.Mol,
custom_map: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]:
Give a followup ``original_mol`` and a copy but with its atom indices changed
return a new map for the copy
# GetSubstructMatch returns the indices of the caller molecule, not the query molecule
origin2new = {o: n for n, o in enumerate(original_mol.GetSubstructMatch(new_mol))}
new_custom_map: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = {}
for hit_name in custom_map:
# replace the values of the dict with the new indices or with itself if negative (a forbidden atom)
new_custom_map[hit_name] = {k: origin2new[v] if v >= 0 else v for k, v in custom_map[hit_name].items()}
return new_custom_map