from ._victor_store import _VictorStore
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from ..m_rmsd import mRMSD
from typing import Dict, Optional, Callable
from ..extraction_funs import combine_for_bondorder
class _VictorIgor(_VictorStore):
def _fix_minimized(self, ligand: Optional[Chem.Mol]=None, add_dummy:bool=True) -> Chem.Mol:
PDBs are terrible for bond order etc. and Rosetta addes these based on atom types
igor.mol_from_pose cannot use victor.params.mol because it's upstream
hence this method which adds to it.
if not add_dummy:
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - making ligand only')
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - making ligand w/ dummy (if present)')
if ligand is None: # normal route
ligand = self.igor.mol_from_pose(add_dummy=add_dummy)
new_ligand: Chem.Mol = combine_for_bondorder(self.params.mol, ligand)
# self.journal.warning(f'{self.long_name} - Rosetta ring closure failed: +infinity kcal/mol penalty')
# self.energy_score['bound']['total_score'] = float('inf')
return new_ligand
def quick_reanimate(self) -> float:
Correct small deviations from what the forcefield likes.
Generally flattens buckled rings and that is it.
Reanimate is normal.
self.igor.coordinate_constraint = 10.
self.igor.minimize(cycles=5, default_coord_constraint=False)
self.energy_score = self.calculate_score()
dG_bound = self.energy_score['bound']['total_score']
dG_unbound = self.energy_score['unbound']['total_score']
ddG = dG_bound - dG_unbound
return ddG
def reanimate(self) -> float:
Calls Igor recursively until the ddG is negative or zero.
igor.minimize does a good job. this is just to get everything as a normal molecule
:return: ddG (kcal/mol)
ddG = 999
self.igor.coordinate_constraint = 0.
# self.igor.fa_intra_rep = 0.02 # 4x
# quick unconstrained minimisation to wiggle it out of nasty local minima
self.igor.minimize(cycles=15, default_coord_constraint=False)
self.igor.coordinate_constraint = 2
self.igor.minimize(cycles=5, default_coord_constraint=False)
self.igor.coordinate_constraint = 1
while ddG > 0:
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - Igor minimising')
self.energy_score = self.calculate_score()
dG_bound = self.energy_score['bound']['total_score']
dG_unbound = self.energy_score['unbound']['total_score']
ddG = dG_bound - dG_unbound
if ddG > 0:
self.igor.coordinate_constraint /= 2
f'{self.long_name} - coord_constraint lowered: {self.igor.coordinate_constraint}: {ddG} kcal/mol.')
if self.igor.coordinate_constraint == 0.:
self.journal.warning(f'{self.long_name} - failed to minimise without constraints: {ddG} kcal/mol.')
elif self.igor.coordinate_constraint < 0.005:
self.igor.coordinate_constraint = 0.
self.ddG = ddG
return ddG
def reanimate_n_store(self):
def _store_after_reanimation(self):
self.minimized_pdbblock = self.igor.pose2str()
self.post_igor_step() # empty overridable
# extract_mol is a classmethod in _victor_utils: it could be an option but it's inputs differ
# and there's a few diffent details.
self.minimized_mol = self._fix_minimized()
self.mrmsd = self._calculate_rmsd()'{self.long_name} - final score: {self.ddG} kcal/mol, RMSD: {self.mrmsd.mrmsd}.')
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - Completed')
def _calculate_rmsd(self):
self.journal.debug(f'{self.long_name} - calculating mRMSD')
return mRMSD.from_other_annotated_mols(self.minimized_mol, self.hits,
def calculate_score(self):
return {**self.igor.ligand_score(),
'unbound': self.igor.detailed_scores(self.unbound_pose, 1)}
def constrained_atoms(self) -> int:
Do note that the whole Origins list contains hydrogens. So do not divided by len!
origins =
conn = sum([len(o) > 0 and atom.GetSymbol() != 'H' for o, atom in
except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
raise err
except Exception as err:
self.journal.warning(f'{self.long_name} - {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}')
conn = float('nan')
return conn
def unconstrained_heavy_atoms(self) -> int:
origins =
unconn = sum([len(o) == 0 and atom.GetSymbol() != 'H' for o, atom in
except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
raise err
except Exception as err:
self.journal.warning(f'{self.long_name} - {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}')
unconn = float('nan')
return unconn