from __future__ import annotations
__doc__ = \
These are extras.
__author__ = "Matteo Ferla. [Github]("
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "2020 A.D."
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.4"
__citation__ = ""
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import sys, json
import unicodedata
import numpy as np
from ..extraction_funs import add_dummy_to_mol
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS, AllChem, EnumerateStereoisomers
from rdkit.Chem.MolStandardize import rdMolStandardize
from ._victor_common import _VictorCommon
from ._victor_show import _VictorShow
from ..m_rmsd import mRMSD
from import Monster
from rdkit_to_params import Params
from ..igor import Igor
if TYPE_CHECKING or 'sphinx' in sys.modules:
import pandas as pd
class _VictorUtils(_VictorShow): # _VictorCommon -> _VictorShow
def dock(self) -> Chem.Mol:
The docking is done by ``igor.dock()``. This basically does that, extacts ligand, saves etc.
docked = self.igor.dock()
self.docked_pose = docked
ligand = self.igor.mol_from_pose(docked)
template = AllChem.DeleteSubstructs(self.params.mol, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'))
lig_chem = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, ligand)
lig_chem.SetProp('_Name', 'docked')
Chem.MolToMolFile(lig_chem, f'{self.work_path}/{self.long_name}/{self.long_name}.docked.mol')
return lig_chem
# print(pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn()(docked) - v.energy_score['unbound']['total_score'])
def summarize(self):
if self.error_msg:
if is None:
N_constrained_atoms = float('nan')
N_unconstrained_atoms = float('nan')
elif is None:
N_constrained_atoms = float('nan')
N_unconstrained_atoms = float('nan')
N_constrained_atoms = self.constrained_atoms
N_unconstrained_atoms = self.unconstrained_heavy_atoms
return {'name': self.long_name,
'smiles': self.smiles,
'error': self.error_msg,
'mode': self.merging_mode,
'∆∆G': float('nan'),
'∆G_bound': float('nan'),
'∆G_unbound': float('nan'),
'comRMSD': float('nan'),
'N_constrained_atoms': N_constrained_atoms,
'N_unconstrained_atoms': N_unconstrained_atoms,
'runtime': self.tock - self.tick,
return {'name': self.long_name,
'smiles': self.smiles,
'error': self.error_msg,
'mode': self.merging_mode,
'∆∆G': self.energy_score['bound']['total_score'] - \
'∆G_bound': self.energy_score['bound']['total_score'],
'∆G_unbound': self.energy_score['unbound']['total_score'],
'comRMSD': self.mrmsd.mrmsd,
'N_constrained_atoms': self.constrained_atoms,
'N_unconstrained_atoms': self.unconstrained_heavy_atoms,
'runtime': self.tock - self.tick,
# =================== Other ========================================================================================
def copy_names(cls, acceptor_mol: Chem.Mol, donor_mol: Chem.Mol):
Copy names form donor to acceptor by finding MCS.
Does it properly and uses ``PDBResidueInfo``.
:param acceptor_mol: needs atomnames
:param donor_mol: has atomnames
mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS([acceptor_mol, donor_mol],
common = Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smartsString)
pos_match = acceptor_mol.positioned_mol.GetSubstructMatch(common)
pdb_match = donor_mol.GetSubstructMatch(common)
for m, p in zip(pos_match, pdb_match):
ma = acceptor_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(m)
pa = donor_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(p)
assert ma.GetSymbol() == pa.GetSymbol(), 'The indices do not align! ' + \
f'{ma.GetIdx()}:{ma.GetSymbol()} vs. ' + \
def add_constraint_to_warhead(cls, name: str, constraint: str):
Add a constraint (multiline is fine) to a warhead definition.
This will be added and run by Igor's minimiser.
:param name:
:param constraint:
:return: None
for war_def in cls.warhead_definitions:
if war_def['name'] == name:
war_def['constraint'] = constraint
raise ValueError(f'{name} not found in warhead_definitions.')
def distance_hits(cls, pdb_filenames: List[str],
target_resi: int,
target_chain: str,
target_atomname: str,
ligand_resn='LIG') -> List[float]:
See closest hit for info.
:param pdb_filenames:
:param target_resi:
:param target_chain:
:param target_atomname:
:param ligand_resn:
distances = []
import pymol2
with pymol2.PyMOL() as pymol:
for hit in pdb_filenames:
[pymol.cmd.distance(f'chain {target_chain} and resi {target_resi} and name {target_atomname}',
f'resn {ligand_resn} and name {}') for atom in
pymol.cmd.get_model(f'resn {ligand_resn}').atom]))
return distances
def closest_hit(cls, pdb_filenames: List[str],
target_resi: int,
target_chain: str,
target_atomname: str,
ligand_resn='LIG') -> str:
This classmethod helps choose which pdb based on which is closer to a given atom.
:param pdb_filenames:
:param target_resi:
:param target_chain:
:param target_atomname:
:param ligand_resn:
best_d = 99999
best_hit = -1
for hit, d in zip(pdb_filenames,
cls.distance_hits(pdb_filenames, target_resi, target_chain, target_atomname, ligand_resn)):
if d < best_d:
best_hit = hit
best_d = d
return best_hit
def make_covalent(cls, smiles: str,
warhead_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[str, None]:
Convert a unreacted warhead to a reacted one in the SMILES
:param smiles: unreacted SMILES
:param warhead_name: name in the definitions. If unspecified it will try and guess (less preferrable)
:return: SMILES
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if warhead_name:
war_defs = cls._get_warhead_definitions(warhead_name)
war_defs = cls.warhead_definitions
for war_def in war_defs:
ncv = Chem.MolFromSmiles(war_def['noncovalent'])
cv = Chem.MolFromSmiles(war_def['covalent'])
if mol.HasSubstructMatch(ncv):
x = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(mol, ncv, cv, replacementConnectionPoint=0)[0]
return Chem.MolToSmiles(x)
return None
# =================== extract_mols =================================================================================
def find_closest_to_ligand(cls, pdb: Chem.Mol, ligand_resn: str) -> Tuple[Chem.Atom, Chem.Atom]:
Find the closest atom to the ligand
Warning requires the protein to be loaded as an rdkit.Chem.Mol
:param pdb: a rdkit Chem.Mol object
:param ligand_resn: 3 letter code
:return: tuple of non-ligand atom and ligand atom
ligand = [atom.GetIdx() for atom in pdb.GetAtoms() if atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueName() == ligand_resn]
dm = Chem.Get3DDistanceMatrix(pdb)
mini = np.take(dm, ligand, 0)
mini[mini == 0] = np.nan
mini[:, ligand] = np.nan
a, b = np.where(mini == np.nanmin(mini))
lig_atom = pdb.GetAtomWithIdx(ligand[int(a[0])])
nonlig_atom = pdb.GetAtomWithIdx(int(b[0]))
return (nonlig_atom, lig_atom)
def extract_mols(cls,
folder: str,
smilesdex: Dict[str, str],
ligand_resn: str = 'LIG',
regex_name: Optional[str]= None,
proximityBonding: bool = False,
throw_on_error:bool=False) -> Dict[str, Chem.Mol]:
A key requirement for Monster is a separate mol file for the parent hits.
This is however often a pdb. This converts.
`igor.mol_from_pose()` is similar but works on a pose. `_fix_minimized()` calls ``mol_from_pose``
and ``copy_bonds_by_atomnames`` which does not destroy pdbinfo.
The latter is glitchy. Use ``combine_for_bondorder``.
See ``extract_mol`` for single.
:param folder: folder with pdbs
mols = {}
for file in os.listdir(folder):
if '.pdb' not in file:
fullfile = os.path.join(folder, file)
if regex_name is None:
name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
elif, file) is None:
name =, file).group(1)
if name in smilesdex:
elif throw_on_error:
raise ValueError(f'{name} could not be matched to a smiles.')
cls.journal.warning(f'{name} could not be matched to a smiles.')
smiles = None
mol = cls.extract_mol(name=name,
if mol is not None:
mols[name] = mol
except KeyboardInterrupt as err:
raise err
except Exception as error:
if throw_on_error:
raise error
cls.journal.error(f'{error.__class__.__name__} for {name} - {error}')
return mols
def extract_mol(cls,
name: str,
filepath: Optional[str] = None,
block: Optional[str] = None,
smiles: Optional[str] = None,
ligand_resn: str = 'LIG',
removeHs: bool = False,
proximityBonding: bool = False,
throw_on_error : bool = False) -> Chem.Mol:
Extracts the ligand of 3-name ``ligand_resn``
from the PDB file ``filepath`` or from the PDB block ``block``.
Corrects the bond order with SMILES if given.
If there is a covalent bond with another residue the bond is kept as a ``*``/R.
If the SMILES provided lacks the ``*`` element, the SMILES will be converted (if a warhead is matched),
making the bond order correction okay.
:param name: name of ligand
:type name: str
:param filepath: PDB file
:type filepath: str
:param smiles: SMILES
:type smiles: str
:param ligand_resn: 3letter PDB name of residue of ligand
:type ligand_resn: str
:param removeHs: Do you trust the hydrgens in the the PDB file?
:type removeHs: bool
:param throw_on_error: If an error occurs in the template step, raise error.
:type throw_on_error: bool
:return: rdkit Chem object
:rtype: Chem.Mol
if filepath:
readfun = Chem.MolFromPDBFile
data = filepath
elif block:
readfun = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock
data = block
raise ValueError(f'Provide either a filepath or a block not neither')
holo = readfun(data, proximityBonding=proximityBonding, removeHs=removeHs)
if holo is None:
cls.journal.warning(f'PDB {filepath} is problematic. Skipping sanitization.')
holo = readfun(data, proximityBonding=False, removeHs=True, sanitize=False)
mol = Chem.SplitMolByPDBResidues(holo, whiteList=[ligand_resn])[ligand_resn]
mol = add_dummy_to_mol(mol, ligand_resn, holo)
if smiles is not None:
if '*' in Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) and '*' not in smiles:
new_smiles = cls.make_covalent(smiles)
if new_smiles:'{name} is covalent but ' +
'a non covalent SMILES was passed, which was converted')
smiles = new_smiles
cls.journal.warning(f'{name} is covalent but ' +
'a non covalent SMILES was passed, which failed to convert')
template = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
# template = AllChem.DeleteSubstructs(template, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'))
mol = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, mol)
except ValueError as error:
if throw_on_error:
raise error
cls.journal.warning(f'{name} failed at template-guided bond order correction ' +
f'- ({type(error)}: {error}).')
mol.SetProp('_Name', name)
return mol
# =================== From Files ===================================================================================
def from_files(cls, folder: str) -> _VictorUtils: # future.annotation is active, so no cyclical.
This creates an instance form the output files. Likely to be unstable.
Assumes the checkpoints were not altered.
And is basically for analysis only.
:param folder: path
cls.journal.warning('`from_files`: You really should not use this.')
if os.path.exists(folder):
pass # folder is fine
elif not os.path.exists(folder) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(cls.work_path, folder)):
folder = os.path.join(cls.work_path, folder)
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Folder {folder} does not exist.')
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.tick = float('nan')
self.tock = float('nan')
self.ligand_resn = ''
self.ligand_resi = ''
self.covalent_resn = ''
self.covalent_resi = ''
self.hits = []
self.long_name = os.path.split(folder)[1]
paramsfiles = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.params')
paramstemp = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.params_template.mol')
if os.path.exists(paramsfiles):
self.params = Params().load(paramsfiles)
self.unbound_pose = self.params.test()
if os.path.exists(paramstemp):
self.params.mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(paramstemp, removeHs=False)
self.params = None
posmol = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.positioned.mol')
if os.path.exists(posmol):
self.mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(posmol, sanitize=False, removeHs=False)
else:'{self.long_name} - no positioned mol')
self.mol = None
fragjson = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.monster.json')
if os.path.exists(fragjson):
fd = json.load(open(fragjson))
self.smiles = fd['smiles']
self.is_covalent = True if '*' in self.smiles else False = Monster(self.hits)
# attachment=None,
# merging_mode='off') = self.mol'_Origins', json.dumps(fd['origin']))
self.is_covalent = None
self.smiles = '' = None'{self.long_name} - no monster json')
self.N_constrained_atoms = float('nan')
self.apo_pdbblock = None
self.atomnames = None
self.extra_constraint = ''
self.pose_fx = None
# these are calculated
self.constraint = None
self.unminimized_pdbblock = None
self.igor = None
self.minimized_pdbblock = None
# buffers etc.
self._warned = []
minjson = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.minimised.json')
self.mrmsd = mRMSD.mock()
if os.path.exists(minjson):
md = json.load(open(minjson))
self.energy_score = md["Energy"]
self.mrmsd.mrmsd = md["mRMSD"]
self.mrmsd.rmsds = md["RMSDs"]
self.igor = Igor.from_pdbfile(
pdbfile=os.path.join(folder, self.long_name + '.holo_minimised.pdb'),
params_file=os.path.join(folder, self.long_name + '.params'),
constraint_file=os.path.join(folder, self.long_name + '.con'))
# victor._fix_minimized adds to igor.mol_from_pose
self.minimized_mol = self._fix_minimized()
self.energy_score = {'bound': {'total_score': float('nan')},
'unbound': {'total_score': float('nan')}}'{self.long_name} - no min json')
minmol = os.path.join(folder, f'{self.long_name}.minimised.mol')
if os.path.exists(minmol):
self.minimized_mol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(minmol, sanitize=False, removeHs=False)
self.minimized_mol = None
return self
# =================== Guess ===================================================================================
def get_isomers(cls, mol: Chem.Mol) -> List[Chem.Mol]:
For placement operations in particular it is important to differentiate the
isomers. Therefore requiring multiple victor calls.
enumerate_tautomers = rdMolStandardize.TautomerEnumerator().Enumerate
enumerate_stereoisomers = EnumerateStereoisomers.EnumerateStereoisomers
return [tauto for stereo in enumerate_stereoisomers(mol)
for tauto in enumerate_tautomers(stereo)
def get_isomers_smiles(cls, smiles: str) -> List[str]:
Same as `get_isomers`, but with smiles.
return list(map(Chem.MolToSmiles, cls.get_isomers(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles))))
def guess_warhead(cls, smiles: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Going backwards by guessing what the warhead is.
Normally there'd be better data handling so no guessing
if not smiles or not isinstance(smiles, str):
return '', 'noncovalent'
if '*' not in smiles:
return smiles, 'noncovalent'
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
warhead_defs = []
for warhead_def in cls.warhead_definitions:
if mol.HasSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmiles(warhead_def['covalent'])):
if not warhead_defs:
cls.journal.warning(f'Could not match {smiles} to a warhead definition in `Victor.warhead_definitions`')
return smiles.replace('*', 'O'), 'noncovalent'
# most complex one first!
warhead_def = sorted(warhead_defs, key=lambda d: -len(d['covalent_atomnames']))[0]
unrxn_mols = AllChem.ReplaceSubstructs(mol=mol,
) # noqa it is filled.
return Chem.MolToSmiles(unrxn_mols[0]), warhead_def['name']
def get_plip_interactions(self):
Optional, but useful to have.
And highly experimental!
Get the interactions from PLIP.
from .plip import SerialPLIPper
from plip.basic import config
# PLIP is a bit problematic with hydrogens as it doesn't like them and loses atomtypes
config.NOHYDRO = False # default
clean_block = ''
for l in self.minimized_pdbblock.split('\n'):
if l.startswith('#'):
if ' H' in l:
clean_block += l + '\n'
plipper = SerialPLIPper(pdb_block=clean_block,
setattr(self, 'plipper', plipper) # new attribute
interaction_set = plipper.get_interaction_set(plipper.pdb_block)
return plipper.get_interaction_counts(interaction_set)
def to_simple_smiles(mol: Chem.Mol) -> str:
if not isinstance(mol, Chem.Mol) or not mol.GetNumAtoms():
return ''
mol = AllChem.RemoveAllHs(mol)
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
return Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
return ''
def migrate_sw_origins(self, row: pd.Series) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, int]]:
Given a Victor object and a SmallWorld seach result row, return the "custom_map"
# hit names to [hit to minimised]
origins: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] =
# minimised
query2minimized: Dict[int, int] = dict(
minimized2query: Dict[int, int] = dict(zip(query2minimized.values(), query2minimized.keys()))
# candiate
query2candidate: Dict[int, int] = dict(enumerate(row['atomMap']))
candidate2query: Dict[int, int] = dict(zip(query2candidate.values(), query2candidate.keys()))
# mixing
minimized2candidate: Dict[int, int] = {m: query2candidate.get(q, -1) for m, q in minimized2query.items()}
origins2candidate = {name: {o: minimized2candidate.get(m, -1) for o, m in origins[name].items()} for name in
return origins2candidate