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## How to use policies with Koa

### Fastest Way : Use Yeoman

  yo trails:policy ExamplePolicy

With Yeoman you don't need to create the file and include it in index.js

### First Step : Write your policy

The convention is that policies has to be written in api/policies.

 * FILE: api/policies/Example.js
'use strict'
const Policy = require('trails-policy')

* @module ExamplePolicy
* @description This is the example policy
module.exports = class ExamplePolicy extends Policy {
  async test(ctx) {
    const secret = req.body.secret
    // Your own logic
    * The following code is an example:
    * It stop when the secret parametter is not not equal to mysecret and continue to the Controller when secret is match
    if (secret != 'mysecret') {
      // Reject if secret is not equal to

    // Continue to Example Controller
### Second Step : Load your policy

 * FILE: api/policies/index.js

'use strict'

module.exports = {}
exports.Example = require('./Example')


### Third Step : Declare your policy in config the file

 * FILE: config/policies.js
 * The following Policies are example of what you can do with Trails Policies

module.exports = {

  // #-1 Apply on every controllers and functions if no policies are specified #1
  '*': ['ExamplePolicy.test'],

  ExampleController: {
    // #-2 Unique policy for one controller function
    test: [ 'ExamplePolicy.test' ],
    // #-3 Before accessing multiple function in ExampleController, processing multiple policies example:
    multiple: ['ExamplePolicy.test', 'ExamplePolicy.testfoo', 'ExamplePolicy.testbar'],
    // #-4 Override the global '*' (#1) and will be apply on every function of ExampleController
    '*': ['ExamplePolicy.test2']
  * Controller Policies that applies on each function under a specific controller

  DefaultController: ['AccessPolicy.logger']