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Test Coverage
<!--- If this issue relates to a bug, remove the Feature section below;
otherwise, remove the Bug section -->

## Bug

### Steps to reproduce

<!--- If possible, provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set
of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant -->

1. Step 1
2. Step ...
3. Step N

### Expected behaviour

<!--- Describe what you expect the behaviour to be. Note the check-list behaviours
form the acceptance criteria of a related pull request -->

- [ ] Behaviour 1
- [ ] Behaviour 2
- [ ] Behaviour N

### Current behaviour

<!--- Describe the current, problematic behaviour -->

### System information

<!--- Provide any relevant system details that may help with reproducing
this bug -->

- Operating system:
- Version of FreeMAN:

### Proposed fix

<!--- If possible, provide a proposed solution. Otherwise, remove this
section -->

## Feature

<!--- Justification for the proposed feature. Note the check-list functionalities
form the acceptance criteria of a related pull request -->

- [ ] Functionality 1
- [ ] Functionality 2
- [ ] Functionality N

### Proposed solution

<!--- If possible, provide a proposed solution. Otherwise, remove this
section -->