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/* jshint -W097 */
"use strict";

var Q = require('q');

var Transport = require('./classes/Transport');
var Query = require('./classes/Query');
var Get = require('./classes/Get');
var Set = require('./classes/Set');
var Del = require('./classes/Del');
var Schema = require('./classes/Schema');

var pools = {};

 * Castor class.
function Castor(host, keyspace, parent, deriveSchema) {
  this._keyspace = keyspace;
  this._host = host;
  this._schemaDefer = Q.defer();
  this._schema = this._schemaDefer.promise;
  // Check if we should derive the connection from the parent.
  // @see Castor.use()
  if (parent instanceof Castor) {
    this._transport = parent._transport;
    if (deriveSchema) {
      this._schema = parent._schema;
    else {
  else {

Castor.prototype._load = function() {
  var self = this;
  // Transport is a promise before we are actually connected.
  // This allows us to queue queries using when().
  var transportDefer = Q.defer();
  this._transport = transportDefer.promise;
  if (pools[this._host] === undefined) {
    // Create a new connection for the given host.
    pools[this._host] = new Transport(self._host, function() {
      self._transport = pools[self._host];

Castor.prototype._loadSchema = function() {
  var self = this;
  new Schema(this._transport, this._keyspace, 0x0004).read().then(function(schema) {
  }).fail(function(error) {

// Define contants.
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_ANY = 0x0000;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_ONE = 0x0001;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_TWO = 0x0002;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_THREE = 0x0003;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_QUORUM = 0x0004;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_ALL = 0x0005;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM = 0x0006;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_EACH_QUORUM = 0x0007;
Castor.prototype.CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_ONE = 0x0010;

Castor.prototype.use = function(keyspace, deriveSchema) {
  if (keyspace === this._keyspace) {
    // Shortcut if we switch to the current keyspace.
    return this;
  deriveSchema = typeof deriveSchema === 'undefined' ? false : deriveSchema;
  return new Castor(this._host, keyspace, this, deriveSchema);

Castor.prototype.query = function(cql) {
  var output = new Query(this._transport, cql);
  return output;

Castor.prototype.get = function(table) {
  var output = new Get(this._transport, this._schema, this._keyspace, table);
  return output;

Castor.prototype.set = function(table) {
  var output = new Set(this._transport, this._schema, this._keyspace, table);
  return output;

Castor.prototype.del = function(table) {
  var output = new Del(this._transport, this._schema, this._keyspace, table);
  return output;

Castor.prototype.schema = function(table) {
  return Q.when(this._schema).then(function(schema) {
    if (typeof table === 'undefined') {
      return schema;
    else {
      return schema[table];

Castor.prototype.reloadSchema = function() {
  this._schema = new Schema(this._transport, this._keyspace, 0x0004).read();
  return this._schema;

Castor.prototype.uuid = function() {
  return ("" + 1e7 + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/1|0/g, function() {
    return (0 | Math.random() * 16).toString(16);

module.exports = Castor;