// block package contains structs and methods to manage a gcode block
// A gcode block is a single line in the gcode file that contains almost a gcode expression.
// It is an operation that a machine must execute.
// A block contains different sections that can be completed or not.
// - line number of the block. It can be null. Always has an int32 type address.
// - first gcode expression and main significance of the block. Always is present.
// - list of the rest of the gcode expression that adds information to the command. Can be empty.
// - special gcode that store the value of the verification of the integrity of the block
// - expression attached at the block with some comment. Can be empty
// This package allows storing the data that define a single gcode block.
package block
import (
// Blocker defines the minimal methods to handle each element that compose a block
type Blocker interface {
CalculateChecksum() (gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32], error)
Checksum() gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]
Command() gcode.Gcoder
Comment() string
LineNumber() gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]
Parameters() []gcode.Gcoder
ToLine(format string) string
UpdateChecksum() error
VerifyChecksum() (bool, error)
// BlockConfigurer contains the basic configurable options that define a block when is constructed.
// Allows inyect the depencies that the block require to handle gcode elements and calculate checksum.
type BlockConfigurer interface {
// Set a gcode.GcodeFactory instances that the block will use to handle his internal gcode elements
SetGcodeFactory(gcodeFactory gcode.GcoderFactory) error
// Set the hash instance that implement the algorith to execute checksum
SetHash(hash hash.Hash) error
// BlockConstructorConfigurer extends the basic configurable options to add other parameters that define a block when is constructed.
// Allows loading of the elements that compose a block during the creation.
type BlockConstructorConfigurer interface {
// BlockConfigurer (wrap block.BlockConfigurer) add the basic configurable options requires to create a new Block.
// Set a line number of the block
SetLineNumber(lineNumber gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]) error
// Set all parameters that compose the block
SetParameters(parameters []gcode.Gcoder) error
// Set the checksum value of the block
SetChecksum(checksum gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]) error
// Set the comments from the block
SetComment(comment string) error
// BlockParserConfigurer redefine the basic configurable options that define a block when is constructed.
// Allows loading of the elements that compose a block during the creation.
type BlockParserConfigurer interface {
// BlockConfigurer (wrap block.BlockConfigurer) add the basic configurable options requires to create a new Block from Parse string.
// BlockConfigurationCallbackable is the signature of the callbacks that the package function New() waiting receives to configure the new block instance.
// Each callback provide a BlockConfigurer instance that implement a set of methods to configure the new block instance.
type BlockConstructorConfigurationCallbackable func(config BlockConstructorConfigurer) error
// BlockConfigurationCallbackable is the signature of the callbacks that the package function New() waiting receives to configure the new block instance.
// Each callback provide a BlockConfigurer instance that implement a set of methods to configure the new block instance.
type BlockParserConfigurationCallbackable func(config BlockParserConfigurer) error
// BlockerFactory define the methods to create new Block instances
type BlockerFactory interface {
// New return a new block instance with the configurations wishes.
// command is a gcode with address or not that define the block command.
// options are a series of configuration callbacks to allow set different aspects of the block.
// each option provides a config object that can be used to load the values that define the block.
New(command gcode.Gcoder, options ...BlockConstructorConfigurationCallbackable) (*Blocker, error)
// Parse returns a new block instance with the configurations we wish, from a single block line.
// The block line must contain the correct format, on the contrary, the parsing process will end with an error.
// source is the string line to parse.
// options are a series of configuration callbacks to allow set different aspects of the block.
// each option provides a config object that can be used to load the values that define the block.
Parse(source string, options ...BlockParserConfigurationCallbackable) (*Blocker, error)