// gcodeblock is an implementation of block package.
// This package define GcodeBlock struct as a implemention of block.Blocker interface.
// Furemore, it defines two package functions that allows create new instances of GcodeBlock.
// These functions can be used to a any instances that implement block.BlockerFactory
package gcodeblock
import (
const (
// BLOC_SEPARATOR defines a string used to separate the sections of the block when is exported as line string format
//#region block struct
// GcodeBlock struct represents a single gcode block.
// Stores data and gcode expressions of each section of the block.
// His methods allow export of the block as a line string format or check of the integrity.
// To be constructed using the Parse function from a line of the gcode file.
type GcodeBlock struct {
// special gcode that store the value of the verification of the integrity of the block
checksum gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]
// first gcode expression and main significance of the block. Always is present.
command gcode.Gcoder
// expression attached at the block with some comment. Can be empty
comment string
// gcode factory
gcodeFactory gcode.GcoderFactory
// instance of the hash algorithm to handle the checksum
hash hash.Hash
// line number of the block. It can be null. Always has an int32 type address.
lineNumber gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32]
// list of the rest of the gcode expression that adds information to the command. Can be empty.
parameters []gcode.Gcoder
// String returns the block exported as single-line string format including check and comments section.
// It is the same invoke ToLine method
func (b *GcodeBlock) String() string {
return b.ToLine("%l %c %p")
// LineNumber returns a gcode addressable of the int32 type.
// Represent the line number of the block. It can be null. Always has an int32 type address.
func (b *GcodeBlock) LineNumber() gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32] {
return b.lineNumber
// Command returns a gcoder struct. Can be addressable or not.
// Represent the first gcode expression and main significance of the block. Always is present.
func (b *GcodeBlock) Command() gcode.Gcoder {
return b.command
// Parameters return a list of gcoder structs. Each gcoder can be addressable or not.
// Parameters is a list of the rest of the gcode expression that adds information to the command. Can be empty.
func (b *GcodeBlock) Parameters() []gcode.Gcoder {
return b.parameters
// Checksum returns a GcodeAddressable[uint32] if the line of the block contained, else returns nil.
// The value of the address is calculated using the hash instances stored.
func (b *GcodeBlock) Checksum() gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32] {
return b.checksum
// CalculateChecksum calculates a checksum from the block and returns a new GcodeAddressable[uint32] with the value computed.
func (b *GcodeBlock) CalculateChecksum() (gcode.AddressableGcoder[uint32], error) {
_, err := b.hash.Write([]byte(b.String()))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate hash to block %s: %w", b, err)
gc, err := b.gcodeFactory.NewAddressableGcodeUint32('*', uint32(b.hash.Sum(nil)[0]))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create checksum gcode instance with hash %v: %w", uint32(b.hash.Sum(nil)[0]), err)
return gc, nil
// UpdateChecksum calculates a checksum from the block and stores him in as a new checksum gcode.
func (b *GcodeBlock) UpdateChecksum() error {
gc, err := b.CalculateChecksum()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed update checksum of the block %s: %w", b, err)
b.checksum = gc
return nil
// VerifyChecksum calculates a checksum and compare him with the checksum stored in the block, it returns true if both matches.
func (b *GcodeBlock) VerifyChecksum() (bool, error) {
if b.checksum == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("the block '%s' hasn't check section", b)
gc, err := b.CalculateChecksum()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate hash to the control of the checksum of the block %s: %w", b, err)
return b.checksum.Compare(gc), nil
// Comment returns the string with the comment of the block. Or nil if there isn't one.
// Is an expression attached at the block with some comment. Can be empty.
func (b *GcodeBlock) Comment() string {
return b.comment
// ToLine export the block as a single-line string format
// format is a string that contain verbs to define the place of each element of the block.
// The verbs available are:
// %l: linenumber gcode of the block
// %c: command gcode of the block
// %p: series of parameters gcode of the command gcode
// %k: checksum gcode of the useful part of the block
// %m: comments of the block
// We can used the format string to determine how each element is showing. For example:
// The line generated depends on the available of elements contained in the block.
// If any element isn't available then is ignored.
func (b *GcodeBlock) ToLine(format string) string {
var values []string
result := strings.ReplaceAll(format, "%c", b.Command().String())
if b.lineNumber != nil {
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%l", b.LineNumber().String())
} else {
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%l", "")
if b.parameters != nil {
for _, g := range b.parameters {
values = append(values, g.String())
if len(values) == 0 {
values = append(values, "")
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%p", strings.Join(values, BLOCK_SEPARATOR))
} else {
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%p", "")
if b.checksum != nil {
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%k", b.Checksum().String())
} else {
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%k", "")
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "%m", b.comment)
return strings.TrimSpace(result)
//#region constructor
// New return a new block instance with the configurations wishes.
// command is a gcode with address or not that define the block command.
// options are a series of configuration callbacks to allow set different aspects of the block.
// each option provides a config object that can be used to load the values that define the block.
func New(command gcode.Gcoder, options ...block.BlockConstructorConfigurationCallbackable) (*GcodeBlock, error) {
// command is required
if command == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("command parameter is required")
// prepare a new GcodeBlock instance with some values by default
gcodeBlock := &GcodeBlock{
command: command,
gcodeFactory: &gcodefactory.GcodeFactory{},
hash: checksum.New(),
// prepare an instance of the BlockConfigurer interface to store each configuration callback received
configurator := &blockConfigurator{}
// call each options to load configurations callback at configurator instance
for _, option := range options {
err := option(configurator)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load configuration: %w", err)
// apply each configuration callback that modify the new gcodeBlock instance
for _, action := range configurator.configurationCallbacks {
err := action(gcodeBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply configuration: %w", err)
// if is necessary, can validate that gcodeBlock is in valid state
if gcodeBlock.checksum != nil {
if ok, err := gcodeBlock.VerifyChecksum(); !ok || err != nil {
return gcodeBlock, fmt.Errorf("gcode block %s is invalid, checksum result is %v, error: %w ", gcodeBlock, ok, err)
return gcodeBlock, nil
//#region package functions
// Parse returns a new block instance with the configurations we wish, from a single block line.
// The block line must contain the correct format, on the contrary, the parsing process will end with an error.
// source is the string line to parse.
// options are a series of configuration callbacks to allow set different aspects of the block.
// each option provides a config object that can be used to load the values that define the block.
func Parse(source string, options ...block.BlockParserConfigurationCallbackable) (*GcodeBlock, error) {
gcodeFactory := &gcodefactory.GcodeFactory{}
hashGenerator := checksum.New()
gcodeBlock := &GcodeBlock{
gcodeFactory: gcodeFactory,
hash: hashGenerator,
// prepare an instance of the BlockConfigurer interface to store each configuration callback received
configurator := &blockConfigurator{}
// call each options to load configurations callback at configurator instance
for _, option := range options {
err := option(configurator)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load configuration: %w", err)
// apply each configuration callback that modify the new gcodeBlock instance
for _, action := range configurator.configurationCallbacks {
err := action(gcodeBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply configuration: %w", err)
parse := prepareSourceToParse(source)
// recover comments value if is exist
element := take(parse, `\s*;.*$`)
if element.taken != "" {
gcodeBlock.comment = element.taken
parse = strings.TrimSpace(element.remainder)
// recover linenumber value if is exist
element = take(parse, `^N\d+`)
if element.taken != "" {
address, err := strconv.ParseInt(element.taken[1:], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("try parse Linenumber %v: %w", element.taken, err)
gcode, err := gcodeBlock.gcodeFactory.NewAddressableGcodeUint32('N', uint32(address))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("try generate Linenumber gcode: %w", err)
gcodeBlock.lineNumber = gcode
parse = strings.TrimSpace(element.remainder)
// recover checksum value if is exist
element = take(parse, `\b\*\d+$`)
if element.taken != "" {
address, err := strconv.ParseInt(element.taken[1:], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("try parse checksum %v: %w", element.taken, err)
gcode, err := gcodeBlock.gcodeFactory.NewAddressableGcodeUint32('*', uint32(address))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("try generate checksum gcode: %w", err)
gcodeBlock.checksum = gcode
parse = strings.TrimSpace(element.remainder)
// apply mask to simplify quotes handle
quoteRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)""`)
parseQuotesSimplify := string(quoteRegex.ReplaceAll([]byte(parse), []byte{'#', '#'}))
// get gcodes index from parseQuotesSimplify
gcodesRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)(\w-?\d+(\.\d+)?\s)|(\w\.\d+\s)|(((^\w")|(\s*\w(##)*")).*")|(\w-?\d+(\.\d+)?$)|(\w\.\d+$)`)
gcodesMatchIndex := gcodesRegex.FindAllStringIndex(parseQuotesSimplify, -1)
if gcodesMatchIndex == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to try get command gcode: There isn't match to (%d):%s", len(parse), parse)
// apply gcodes index getting, using parseQuotesSimplify, on parse
// search characters remainders
// if there are some characters remained then is error
parseCheckEmpty := parse
for _, loc := range gcodesMatchIndex {
for i := loc[0]; i < loc[1]; i++ {
out := []rune(parseCheckEmpty)
out[i] = ' '
parseCheckEmpty = string(out)
parseCheckEmpty = strings.TrimSpace(parseCheckEmpty)
if len(parseCheckEmpty) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found undefined symbols %s", parseCheckEmpty)
// parsing gcodes
for _, loc := range gcodesMatchIndex {
m := parse[loc[0]:loc[1]]
m = strings.TrimSpace(m)
gcode, err := gcodeFactory.Parse(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if gcodeBlock.command == nil {
gcodeBlock.command = gcode
} else {
gcodeBlock.parameters = append(gcodeBlock.parameters, gcode)
return gcodeBlock, nil
//#region private functions
// removeDuplicateSpaces remove all space char consecutive two or more times
func removeDuplicateSpaces(s string) string {
rx := regexp.MustCompile(`\s{2,}`)
return rx.ReplaceAllString(s, " ")
// removeSpecialChars remove all escape characters
func removeSpecialChars(s string) string {
rx := regexp.MustCompile(`[\n\t\r]`)
return rx.ReplaceAllString(s, " ")
// prepareSourceToParse modify a string to can be parsed for the Parse function
// It doesn't verify if s strings is a gcode line valid
func prepareSourceToParse(s string) string {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
s = removeDuplicateSpaces(s)
s = removeSpecialChars(s)
return s
type elementTaken struct {
taken string
remainder string
func take(source string, regex string) elementTaken {
r := regexp.MustCompile(regex)
match := r.FindIndex([]byte(source))
if match == nil {
return elementTaken{remainder: source}
return elementTaken{taken: source[match[0]:match[1]], remainder: source[:match[0]] + source[match[1]:]}