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# Rest Api Slim PHP

[Example of REST API]( with Slim PHP micro framework.

This simple API allows you to manage resources such as: users, tasks and notes.

## Indices

* [Info](#info)

  * [Get Help](#1-get-help)
  * [Get Status](#2-get-status)

* [Login](#login)

  * [Login](#1-login)

* [Notes](#notes)

  * [Get All Notes](#1-get-all-notes)
  * [Get One Note](#2-get-one-note)
  * [Create Note](#3-create-note)
  * [Update Note](#4-update-note)
  * [Delete Note](#5-delete-note)

* [Tasks](#tasks)

  * [Get All Tasks](#1-get-all-tasks)
  * [Get One Task](#2-get-one-task)
  * [Create Task](#3-create-task)
  * [Update Task](#4-update-task)
  * [Delete Task](#5-delete-task)

* [Users](#users)

  * [Get All Users](#1-get-all-users)
  * [Get One User](#2-get-one-user)
  * [Create User](#3-create-user)
  * [Update User](#4-update-user)
  * [Delete User](#5-delete-user)


## Info
Get information about API.

### 1. Get Help

Get help about this api.


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}


Status: Get Help | Code: 200

    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "message": {
        "endpoints": {
            "tasks": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/tasks",
            "users": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users",
            "notes": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/notes",
            "docs": "http://localhost:8080/docs/index.html",
            "status": "http://localhost:8080/status",
            "this help": "http://localhost:8080"
        "version": "2.13.0",
        "timestamp": 1624812953

### 2. Get Status

Get status of this api.


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/status


Status: Get Status | Code: 200

    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "message": {
        "stats": {
            "tasks": 8,
            "users": 42,
            "notes": 63
        "MySQL": "OK",
        "Redis": "Disabled",
        "version": "2.12.0",
        "timestamp": 1624808196

## Login

### 1. Login

Login and get a JWT Token Authorization Bearer to use this api.


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/login


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |


    "email": "",
    "password": "OnePass1"


Status: Login OK | Code: 200

    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "message": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMSIsImVtYWlsIjoibUBiLmNvbS5hciIsIm5hbWUiOiJNTkIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTg1NTMwNTIsImV4cCI6MTU1OTE1Nzg1Mn0.OQyICWlGW0oSUB-ANrYL2OJTdC2v0OQQO3RQQ3W_KLo"

Status: Login Failed | Code: 400

    "message": "Login failed: Email or password incorrect.",
    "class": "UserException",
    "status": "error",
    "code": 400

## Notes
Manage Notes.

### 1. Get All Notes


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/notes

***Query params:***

| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| page | 1 | Number of the page |
| perPage | 10 | Quantity of items per page |
| name |  | Search by name |
| description |  | Search by description |

### 2. Get One Note


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/notes/3

### 3. Create Note


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/notes


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |


  "name": "New Soccer Note",
  "description": "Magic Goal..."

### 4. Update Note


Method: PUT
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/notes/4


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |


  "name": "My Note Number 433333",
  "description": "Free Note?!?!?!"

### 5. Delete Note


Method: DELETE
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/notes/22

## Tasks
Manage Tasks.

### 1. Get All Tasks

Get all tasks of a user.


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/tasks


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

***Query params:***

| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| page | 1 | Number of the page |
| perPage | 5 | Quantity of items per page |
| name |  | Search by name |
| description |  | Search by description |
| status |  | Search by status |

### 2. Get One Task

Get one task of a user.


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/tasks/13


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

### 3. Create Task

Create a task.


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/tasks


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |


  "name": "Go To Sleep",
  "description": "It's too late, go to sleep man ;-)",
  "status": 0


### 4. Update Task

Update a task of a user.


Method: PUT
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/tasks/29


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |


  "name": "Go To Sleep NOW!!",
  "description": "It's too late, go to sleep man haha...",
  "status": 1


### 5. Delete Task

Delete a task of a user.


Method: DELETE
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/tasks/29


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

## Users
Manage Users.

### 1. Get All Users


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/users


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

***Query params:***

| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| page | 1 | Number of the page |
| perPage | 10 | Quantity of items per page |
| name |  | Search by name |
| email |  | Search by email |

### 2. Get One User


Method: GET
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/users/8


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

### 3. Create User

Register a new user.


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/users


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |


  "name": "John User",
  "email": "",
  "password": "OnePass1"

### 4. Update User

Update a user.


Method: PUT
Type: RAW
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/users/12


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Content-Type | application/json |  |
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |


    "name": "John The User 22",
    "email": ""

### 5. Delete User

Delete a user.


Method: DELETE
URL: {{domain-api-rest-slimphp}}/api/v1/users/112


| Key | Value | Description |
| --- | ------|-------------|
| Authorization | {{jwt}} |  |

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> Made with ♥ by [thedevsaddam]( | Generated at: 2021-06-27 14:36:22 by [docgen](