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Test Coverage
  "game": {
    "name": "Scrambled",
    "settings": {
      "language": "Tiles set",
      "assist": "Short words assist",
      "assists": {
        "none": "Disabled",
        "approval": "During approval",
        "full": "Always enabled"
      "opponent_preview": "Move preview",
      "opponent_preview_details": "Opponents will see blank placeholder tiles being placed to show other players moves",
      "opponent_previews": {
        "true": "Enabled",
        "false": "Disabled"
      "notifications": {
        "true": "Audible notifications",
        "false": "Silent notifications"
    "notifications": {
      "play": "It's your turn now",
      "approve": "Check if those words are correct"
    "errors": {
      "invalid_player": "You can't play tiles during your opponents turn",
      "non_player_tiles": "You don't own some of the played tiles. Try refreshing game window to fetch latest data",
      "initial_word_too_short": "Starting word must be at least 2 letters long",
      "initial_word_not_on_start": "Starting word must be placed over starting field (marked with a star)",
      "not_a_row_or_column": "All tiles must be placed in a single row or a single column",
      "replace_existing_tiles": "You've placed some tiles on occupied fields. Try refreshing game window to fetch latest data",
      "tiles_not_connected": "New tiles must connect to existing ones",
      "word_has_gaps": "There is an empty space between your tiles",
      "empty_blank": "Blank tile was played without settings it's letter. Try plying it again",
      "ok": "New words",
      "header": "Your tiles can't be played like this"
    "info": {
      "bonus": "Bonus",
      "tiles": {
        "left": "Tiles left",
        "owned": "Owned tiles"
      "bonuses": {
        "word": "Word",
        "letter": "Letter"
    "modals": {
      "approval": {
        "header": "Are those words valid?",
        "reject": "Reject",
        "approve": "Approve"
      "swap": {
        "header": "What letters do you want to swap?",
        "confirm": "Confirm",
        "cancel": "Cancel"
      "blank": {
        "header": "What letter do you want to use for this tile?",
        "confirm": "Confirm"
      "skip": {
        "content": "Are you sure you want to skip turn without playing any tiles?",
        "confirm": "Yes",
        "cancel": "No"
  "header": {
    "wait": "Waiting for other players",
    "play": {
      "play": "It's your turn",
      "wait": "Waiting for other player",
      "approve": "Confirm other player submission",
      "wait_for_approval": "Wait for approval"
  "subheader": {
    "wait": {
      "manage": "You can start the game anytime you want",
      "wait": "Lobby admin can start the game"
    "play": {
      "play": "Place some tiles and submit your move",
      "wait": "Once they place some tiles you'd be able to review them",
      "approve": "Check if those are all valid words",
      "wait_for_approval": "Other players must approve your words"
  "panel": {
    "tiles": "Your tiles:",
    "actions": {
      "return": "Return tiles",
      "swap": "Swap tiles",
      "skip": "Skip turn",
      "play": "Play tiles"