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Test Coverage

#### [Current]

#### v1.5.0
 * [bd9a428](../../commit/bd9a428) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.5.0
 * [2530d54](../../commit/2530d54) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#168](../../issues/168) from raduk/master

encode query when sending to auto_index
 * [6ed1b42](../../commit/6ed1b42) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#169](../../issues/169) from tobiashm/patch-1

Updated default version of Neo4j to 2.0.3
 * [c3ec0fc](../../commit/c3ec0fc) - __(Tobias H. Michaelsen)__ Updated default version of Neo4j to 2.0.3
 * [cf2486e](../../commit/cf2486e) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ encode query when sending to auto_index
 * [0a51c93](../../commit/0a51c93) - __(Max De Marzi)__ lowering create item count in streaming batch test since it seems to be hardware dependent and Travis boxes are failing (yet again)
 * [88ee2d4](../../commit/88ee2d4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ lowering create item count in streaming batch test since it seems to be hardware dependent and Travis boxes are failing (again)
 * [84d7293](../../commit/84d7293) - __(Max De Marzi)__ lowering create item count in streaming batch test since it seems to be hardware dependent and Travis boxes are failing
 * [05bc713](../../commit/05bc713) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ fix tests: streaming is not only for batches
 * [e2f8b7a](../../commit/e2f8b7a) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ refactor the streaming handling
 * [6052dbd](../../commit/6052dbd) - __(Max De Marzi)__ it's messy, needs refactoring
 * [4fa441f](../../commit/4fa441f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting excon branch
 * [449fc12](../../commit/449fc12) - __(Max De Marzi)__ default Neo4j version is now 2.0.2
 * [f311511](../../commit/f311511) - __(Max De Marzi)__ merge add batch_no_streaming method
 * [496ed9c](../../commit/496ed9c) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ test for the absence of headers
 * [5141a20](../../commit/5141a20) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ Bump to 1.4.2
 * [ee25406](../../commit/ee25406) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ Bump to 1.4.2
 * [c56574f](../../commit/c56574f) - __(Radu Kopetz)__ add batch_no_streaming method
 * [2e2ebb1](../../commit/2e2ebb1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#163](../../issues/163) from jazminschroeder/configurable-http-timeout

Ability to configure httpclient send/receive timeout
 * [bc632e9](../../commit/bc632e9) - __(Jazmin Schroeder)__ Ability to configure httpclient send/receive timeout
 * [350684c](../../commit/350684c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#162](../../issues/162) from pwaleczek/master

Added 'Create or Fail' methods to node/relationship indexes
 * [aab503a](../../commit/aab503a) - __(Paweł Waleczek)__ added create_or_fail to relationship indexes
 * [37b7588](../../commit/37b7588) - __(Paweł Waleczek)__ fix
 * [08f69b0](../../commit/08f69b0) - __(Paweł Waleczek)__ Fails to create a duplicate unique node
 * [6829cfd](../../commit/6829cfd) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#161](../../issues/161) from kwent/master

Raise Neography::UnknownBatchOptionException when bad option is passed in batch
 * [a19c76e](../../commit/a19c76e) - __(Rousseau Quentin)__ Raise Neography::UnknownBatchOptionException when bad option is passed in batch

#### v1.4.1
 * [0181f37](../../commit/0181f37) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.4.1
 * [482a905](../../commit/482a905) - __(Max De Marzi)__ handle strings in batch

#### v1.4.0
 * [6fd53ff](../../commit/6fd53ff) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.4.0
 * [bee7842](../../commit/bee7842) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Removing Paths
 * [4428bad](../../commit/4428bad) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Spatial
 * [31ef091](../../commit/31ef091) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Batch
 * [4a41a92](../../commit/4a41a92) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Extensions
 * [eecc51a](../../commit/eecc51a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Clean
 * [72d12d2](../../commit/72d12d2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Gremlin
 * [a82b765](../../commit/a82b765) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Cypher
 * [489f46e](../../commit/489f46e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Paths
 * [f2b345c](../../commit/f2b345c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Traversal
 * [92dcccd](../../commit/92dcccd) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Removing unneeded class
 * [0e5b349](../../commit/0e5b349) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Relationship Auto Indexes
 * [9af9aeb](../../commit/9af9aeb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Relationship Indexes
 * [c2b5fb3](../../commit/c2b5fb3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Auto Indexes
 * [790ff76](../../commit/790ff76) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Indexes
 * [6cfa4a4](../../commit/6cfa4a4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Other Node Relationships
 * [901f6ec](../../commit/901f6ec) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Relationships
 * [6afc11a](../../commit/6afc11a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Relationship Properties
 * [a7fa348](../../commit/a7fa348) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Relationships
 * [ad95b7c](../../commit/ad95b7c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactor Node Properties
 * [7bac0c7](../../commit/7bac0c7) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactoring Nodes
 * [385282d](../../commit/385282d) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Refactoring Transactions
 * [f59df45](../../commit/f59df45) - __(Max De Marzi)__ refactoring Constraints
 * [d206a11](../../commit/d206a11) - __(Max De Marzi)__ refactoring schema indexes
 * [ba51a36](../../commit/ba51a36) - __(Max De Marzi)__ refactoring node labels
 * [bebb28e](../../commit/bebb28e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting with relationship types
 * [5150fde](../../commit/5150fde) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using new spatial version

#### v1.3.14
 * [009fa71](../../commit/009fa71) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.14
 * [5bd7a93](../../commit/5bd7a93) - __(Max De Marzi)__ use neo4j spatial 2.0.1
 * [a493167](../../commit/a493167) - __(Max De Marzi)__ am i creating too many objects?

#### v1.3.12
 * [288e289](../../commit/288e289) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.13
 * [cca0fdc](../../commit/cca0fdc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.12
 * [69bf512](../../commit/69bf512) - __(Max De Marzi)__ based on comment from [#156](../../issues/156) from @rdvdijk
 * [f2d11ef](../../commit/f2d11ef) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#156](../../issues/156) from jazminschroeder/return-empty-list

return empty array if no relationships are found
 * [77fbb91](../../commit/77fbb91) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#157](../../issues/157) from degzcs/patch-1

add props paramenter
 * [39a9053](../../commit/39a9053) - __(Diego Gomez)__ add properties parameter to the batch method for create unique relationship
 * [fe57645](../../commit/fe57645) - __(Diego Gomez)__ add props paramenter

add properties batch create unique relationships parameters
 * [5058e23](../../commit/5058e23) - __(Jazmin Schroeder)__ return empty array if no relationships are found
 * [c77c38f](../../commit/c77c38f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ catching up changelog

#### v1.3.11
 * [49e310d](../../commit/49e310d) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.11
 * [26ec8a0](../../commit/26ec8a0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding to_s to errors
 * [0b01621](../../commit/0b01621) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#152](../../issues/152) from downapp/master

add proxy to config for httpclient calls
 * [712400e](../../commit/712400e) - __(Colin Hodge)__ fix config tests for proxy addition
 * [475c675](../../commit/475c675) - __(Colin Hodge)__ add proxy to config for httpclient calls
 * [d9e9e89](../../commit/d9e9e89) - __(Max De Marzi)__ it's too much output, reverting this change

#### v1.3.10
 * [3e2a2cc](../../commit/3e2a2cc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.10
 * [f7ad164](../../commit/f7ad164) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add the request to the error

#### v1.3.9
 * [273fbf4](../../commit/273fbf4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.9
 * [7a77fc4](../../commit/7a77fc4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding constraints to fix [#143](../../issues/143)
 * [9d2fee7](../../commit/9d2fee7) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add DeadlockDetectedException to fix [#145](../../issues/145)
 * [17eb07e](../../commit/17eb07e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#146](../../issues/146) from continuum/batch-remove-node-property

Add :remove_node_property to batch operations
 * [715ef13](../../commit/715ef13) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#147](../../issues/147) from continuum/always-send-auth-credentials-for-basic-auth

Avoid waiting for a WWW-Authenticate under HTTP Basic auth
 * [d5df0c4](../../commit/d5df0c4) - __(Leonardo Soto M)__ Avoid waiting for a WWW-Authenticate under HTTP Basic auth

HTTPClient doesn't send any credentials unless it has seen a previous
challenge for the requested URL in the form of a WWW-Authenticate
header. Such challenge is sent by the server after it receives an
unauthenticated request to such URL. The wasted roundtrip wouldn't
be too bad if it were limited to the first request. However,
httpclient only remembers the challenge for each individual URL and
their 'child' URLs. This means that, for example, HTTP requests to
/db/data/node/<X> will probably incur in a new wasteful rountrip
for each different value of <X>.

The fix makes httpclient think that it has received a challenge
for the root URL of the neo4j server.

 * [4177e6a](../../commit/4177e6a) - __(Leonardo Soto M)__ Add :remove_node_property to batch operations
 * [f6b64c0](../../commit/f6b64c0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ updating changelog

#### v1.3.8
 * [3343c5e](../../commit/3343c5e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.8
 * [e99ba36](../../commit/e99ba36) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add ChangeLog (using git-changelog gem)
 * [de53b89](../../commit/de53b89) - __(Max De Marzi)__ update neo to 2.0.1, update ruby tests to 2.0.0
 * [9a76e11](../../commit/9a76e11) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add unmanaged extensions spec (skipped for test suite)
 * [b788b68](../../commit/b788b68) - __(Max De Marzi)__ moved broken spatial tests out to their own file, and skipping them until we track this Neo4j bug down
 * [72c3224](../../commit/72c3224) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#142](../../issues/142) from Lightpower/master

List of labels for Node
 * [f1e172e](../../commit/f1e172e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ more work on adding spatial to batch... failing test however...
 * [8ee5de4](../../commit/8ee5de4) - __(Vitaly Bezkrovny)__ + .labels Node instance method
 * [d358eb7](../../commit/d358eb7) - __(Vitaly Bezkrovny)__ + colors in tests
 * [07e63dc](../../commit/07e63dc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ let body of post extension pass through without the to_json if headers are not nil
 * [cb21b01](../../commit/cb21b01) - __(Max De Marzi)__ allow headers to be past in when using extensions
 * [43b64d3](../../commit/43b64d3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ deal with unmanaged extensions a little better... well not really, but at least it should work

#### v1.3.7
 * [6bd6842](../../commit/6bd6842) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.7
 * [ab0bc96](../../commit/ab0bc96) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add add_node_to_index method
 * [0a360d9](../../commit/0a360d9) - __(Max De Marzi)__ remove mh spec
 * [4371c20](../../commit/4371c20) - __(Max De Marzi)__ passing spatial tests
 * [0465e80](../../commit/0465e80) - __(Max De Marzi)__ most of the way there, but cypher still failing :(
 * [02cca20](../../commit/02cca20) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add spatial to travis
 * [c9da4c1](../../commit/c9da4c1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting on spatial
 * [11a6368](../../commit/11a6368) - __(Max De Marzi)__ added get spatial task
 * [d39d70a](../../commit/d39d70a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update Readme, added link to cypher gem

#### v1.3.6
 * [63da260](../../commit/63da260) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.6
 * [e37cd3d](../../commit/e37cd3d) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fix test
 * [e565ecc](../../commit/e565ecc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fix rollbacks
 * [b3936d8](../../commit/b3936d8) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#136](../../issues/136) from klobuczek/master

added the option to configure an existing logger (e.g. Rails.logger)
 * [3c9583e](../../commit/3c9583e) - __(Heinrich Klobuczek)__ corrected failing spec
 * [d0e75a6](../../commit/d0e75a6) - __(Heinrich Klobuczek)__ added the option to configure an existing logger (e.g. Rails.logger)

#### v1.3.5
 * [8737a75](../../commit/8737a75) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.5
 * [8955dda](../../commit/8955dda) - __(Max De Marzi)__ allow unmanaged extensions if they start with unmanaged
 * [d4aecae](../../commit/d4aecae) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding request and index to error messages
 * [df1a113](../../commit/df1a113) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#134](../../issues/134) from karabijavad/master

incorporate max-execution-time
 * [6db7f83](../../commit/6db7f83) - __(Javad Karabi)__ update tests
 * [7e63e2e](../../commit/7e63e2e) - __(Javad Karabi)__ incorporate max-execution-time
 * [e4e3e87](../../commit/e4e3e87) - __(Max De Marzi)__ get rid of double dependency error
 * [7755ecc](../../commit/7755ecc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ update rubyzip dependency

#### v1.3.4
 * [72eea12](../../commit/72eea12) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.4
 * [62a08d4](../../commit/62a08d4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#132](../../issues/132) from tunespeak/master

add support for add_label to batch
 * [6f39b74](../../commit/6f39b74) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#131](../../issues/131) from barnjamin/master

fixes automatically quoting value in find_node_labels search
 * [16e2f38](../../commit/16e2f38) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#133](../../issues/133) from continuum/extra-config-for-create-node-index

Allow to pass extra configuration options when creating indexes
 * [b074c38](../../commit/b074c38) - __(Leonardo Soto M)__ Allow to pass extra configuration options when creating indexes

This allows clients to specify custom lucene analyzers and possibly tweak
the indexes with future options provided by neo4j/lucene. The current ones
can be seen at

 * [9556d55](../../commit/9556d55) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding license in gemspec
 * [83be1f9](../../commit/83be1f9) - __(Matt Ruzicka)__ add support for add_label to batch
 * [34a576d](../../commit/34a576d) - __(Ben Guidarelli)__ added another test and fixed paths to not quote values outside of get params
 * [30a94ff](../../commit/30a94ff) - __(Ben Guidarelli)__ fixes automatically quoting value in find_node_labels search

#### v1.3.3
 * [e2893e9](../../commit/e2893e9) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.3

#### v1.3.2
 * [04aa008](../../commit/04aa008) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.2
 * [07bed80](../../commit/07bed80) - __(Max De Marzi)__ log the whole response if there is a problem
 * [5800db7](../../commit/5800db7) - __(Max De Marzi)__ authentication now happens at initialization, not later

#### v1.3.1
 * [3b6f990](../../commit/3b6f990) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.1
 * [4c36b68](../../commit/4c36b68) - __(Max De Marzi)__ set client authentication on initializer

#### v1.3.0
 * [8daa667](../../commit/8daa667) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.3.0
 * [570b632](../../commit/570b632) - __(Max De Marzi)__ skip reference node tests, fix rest schema index spec
 * [1e06e91](../../commit/1e06e91) - __(Max De Marzi)__ upgrade default download to 2.0.0
 * [29eb16e](../../commit/29eb16e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#126](../../issues/126) from erez-rabih/slow-log

Slow query logging for HTTP queries
 * [235ab7c](../../commit/235ab7c) - __(Erez Rabih)__ Slow query logging for HTTP queries

#### v1.2.4
 * [d3e1902](../../commit/d3e1902) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.2.4
 * [7568b36](../../commit/7568b36) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#125](../../issues/125) from erez-rabih/query-logging

Basic HTTP query logging
 * [4f49812](../../commit/4f49812) - __(Erez Rabih)__ basic query logging
 * [51d16c1](../../commit/51d16c1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#121](../../issues/121) from karabijavad/create_unique_relationship

Create unique relationship
 * [77ef235](../../commit/77ef235) - __(Javad Karabi)__ rspec fix
 * [6456640](../../commit/6456640) - __(Javad Karabi)__ again...
 * [bd06cc5](../../commit/bd06cc5) - __(Javad Karabi)__ TravisCI builds were failing due to the missing props arg.
 * [e851d5f](../../commit/e851d5f) - __(Javad Karabi)__ pass properties to unique relationship creation
 * [80c863d](../../commit/80c863d) - __(Javad Karabi)__ allow for Neography::Relationship.create_unique
 * [6674228](../../commit/6674228) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#120](../../issues/120) from karabijavad/create_unique_node

allow for Neography::Node.create_unique
 * [8e33ad7](../../commit/8e33ad7) - __(Javad Karabi)__ allow for Neography::Node.create_unique
 * [ae0725b](../../commit/ae0725b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#113](../../issues/113) from calamitas/my_changes1

Support for create_node_index and drop_node_index in batch
 * [30cf86e](../../commit/30cf86e) - __(Peter Vanbroekhoven)__ Support for create_node_index and drop_node_index in batch

#### v1.2.3
 * [d8cadbd](../../commit/d8cadbd) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.2.3
 * [8d1a370](../../commit/8d1a370) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing issue 114

#### v1.2.2
 * [619ffeb](../../commit/619ffeb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.2.2
 * [b1829dc](../../commit/b1829dc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#112](../../issues/112) from ujjwalt/patch-1

Use <= instead of inspect to cater to subclasses of Neography::Node
 * [5eb807a](../../commit/5eb807a) - __(Ujjwal Thaakar)__ Check for subclasses of Neography::Node and not just an instance.
 * [47cba4c](../../commit/47cba4c) - __(Ujjwal Thaakar)__ Use is_a? instead of inspect to cater to subclasses of Neography::Node
 * [c6485db](../../commit/c6485db) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#111](../../issues/111) from calamitas/master

Allow specifying relationship type for batch get_node_relationships
 * [90b3a18](../../commit/90b3a18) - __(Peter Vanbroekhoven)__ Allow specifying relationship type for batch get_node_relationships

#### v1.2.1
 * [4469ed3](../../commit/4469ed3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.2.1
 * [c0431f5](../../commit/c0431f5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ bug fixes to rest transactional endpoint, updating tests to 2.0.0-M06
 * [f1e1ba9](../../commit/f1e1ba9) - __(Max De Marzi)__ updating neo4j versions

#### v1.2.0
 * [3479028](../../commit/3479028) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.2.0
 * [857ffb2](../../commit/857ffb2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ upgrading installer to use 1.9.3
 * [76bad11](../../commit/76bad11) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#109](../../issues/109) from simonoff/master

Rubyzip 1.0 compatibility
 * [215b743](../../commit/215b743) - __(Max De Marzi)__ maybe code climate likes this way better?
 * [7fe6b95](../../commit/7fe6b95) - __(Max De Marzi)__ maybe easier to follow
 * [5a6c8c2](../../commit/5a6c8c2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding a little bit of meta
 * [6f3cfe5](../../commit/6f3cfe5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ new badge look from code climate
 * [9583b70](../../commit/9583b70) - __(Alexander Simonov)__ Rubyzip 1.0 compatibility

#### v1.1.4
 * [88565f4](../../commit/88565f4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.1.4
 * [67e2f2e](../../commit/67e2f2e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ testing against Neo4j 2.0.0M04
 * [6225501](../../commit/6225501) - __(Max De Marzi)__ getting rid of deprecations
 * [1e1a432](../../commit/1e1a432) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add ability to drop indexes

#### v1.1.3
 * [fe61741](../../commit/fe61741) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.1.3
 * [2926a43](../../commit/2926a43) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#107](../../issues/107) from wcamarao/fix

Lock rubyzip to 0-9-x-stable
 * [2b98eba](../../commit/2b98eba) - __(Wagner Camarao)__ Lock rubyzip to 0-9-x-stable

#### v1.1.2
 * [b7985ae](../../commit/b7985ae) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.1.2
 * [40c1a0c](../../commit/40c1a0c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#105](../../issues/105) from sosiouxme/label-node-hashes

Accept node hashes in label methods
 * [62a16ed](../../commit/62a16ed) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#104](../../issues/104) from pboling/master

Encoding Specs
 * [07fab4e](../../commit/07fab4e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding test
 * [02295aa](../../commit/02295aa) - __(Luke Meyer)__ Label operations take node hashes, not just ids
 * [a1961bd](../../commit/a1961bd) - __(Luke Meyer)__ let vim fix whitespace
 * [0726da2](../../commit/0726da2) - __(Peter Boling)__ better test names
 * [d11e08f](../../commit/d11e08f) - __(Peter Boling)__ Fix comment
 * [8a475f1](../../commit/8a475f1) - __(Peter Boling)__ encoding specs
 * [5d4e2d0](../../commit/5d4e2d0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding test...
 * [85ec0d6](../../commit/85ec0d6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ force encoding to see if that makes any difference
 * [abfa96b](../../commit/abfa96b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add utf-8 to header
 * [9b9b3a2](../../commit/9b9b3a2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#102](../../issues/102) from nicholasklick/patch-1

Updated README for clarity.
 * [263a32e](../../commit/263a32e) - __(nicholasklick)__ Updated README for clarity.

#### v1.1.1
 * [3e25893](../../commit/3e25893) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.1.1
 * [1e2c40a](../../commit/1e2c40a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing Issue [#101](../../issues/101)
 * [da45cb3](../../commit/da45cb3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ download wasn't working on windows

#### v1.1.0
 * [13f7632](../../commit/13f7632) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.1.0
 * [bc22a90](../../commit/bc22a90) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing transactions

#### v1.0.11
 * [cbbcc22](../../commit/cbbcc22) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.11
 * [531187b](../../commit/531187b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding tx unit tests
 * [cd2c452](../../commit/cd2c452) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting with transactions
 * [5be8eb5](../../commit/5be8eb5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ weird, works on my mac, just not travis
 * [5a3a9d0](../../commit/5a3a9d0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ reducing size of batch test to 5k
 * [da919e8](../../commit/da919e8) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding unit tests for labels
 * [735ebc2](../../commit/735ebc2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding nodes labels, still needs unit tests
 * [679591e](../../commit/679591e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding cypher profile and stats options
 * [da3081a](../../commit/da3081a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ allowing Node to be loaded from Cypher
 * [b921317](../../commit/b921317) - __(Max De Marzi)__ clean up a little code
 * [ae830d8](../../commit/ae830d8) - __(Max De Marzi)__ increasing receive timeout
 * [0726323](../../commit/0726323) - __(Max De Marzi)__ catching errors in batch and propagating up
 * [e8f9b2b](../../commit/e8f9b2b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ skip all gremlin specs
 * [ea658b0](../../commit/ea658b0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding schema indexes
 * [a547370](../../commit/a547370) - __(Max De Marzi)__ make the relationship types properly
 * [739befe](../../commit/739befe) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding relationship types
 * [6db5b23](../../commit/6db5b23) - __(Max De Marzi)__ forgot travis
 * [ee4ce69](../../commit/ee4ce69) - __(Max De Marzi)__ make 1.9 default

#### v1.0.10
 * [ae14af1](../../commit/ae14af1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.10
 * [2b433aa](../../commit/2b433aa) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding start-no-wait
 * [589bd7b](../../commit/589bd7b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#93](../../issues/93) from ruprict/get_or_create_on_index

feature: Add unique to add to index
 * [4deb7e2](../../commit/4deb7e2) - __(Glenn Goodrich)__ feature: Add unique to add to index
 * [b452748](../../commit/b452748) - __(Max De Marzi)__ catch Neo4j issue
 * [c6dad85](../../commit/c6dad85) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#92](../../issues/92) from ceterumnet/master

Possible issue with Batch query interface (this time with a failing test)
 * [0eee207](../../commit/0eee207) - __(David Raphael)__ Potential Fix for Batch issue
 * [40e21d2](../../commit/40e21d2) - __(David Raphael)__ added failing test
 * [aa6c1ae](../../commit/aa6c1ae) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#90](../../issues/90) from ceterumnet/master

Possible issue with Batch query interface
 * [a2cdf54](../../commit/a2cdf54) - __(David Raphael)__ added additional expect for exception
 * [7b87efb](../../commit/7b87efb) - __(David Raphael)__ Created failing example for batch queries
 * [fd13a05](../../commit/fd13a05) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding get_node_relationships_to method
 * [5c18437](../../commit/5c18437) - __(Max De Marzi)__ up send timeout
 * [f0bc117](../../commit/f0bc117) - __(Max De Marzi)__ batch chunked
 * [f800179](../../commit/f800179) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing issue [#81](../../issues/81)
 * [e89353f](../../commit/e89353f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing merge conflicts
 * [e0f56c3](../../commit/e0f56c3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update

Fixing [#84](../../issues/84)
 * [414674a](../../commit/414674a) - __(Dan Janowski)__ add module mixin WasCreated to response.parsed_response when an operation creates a new entity
 * [845df3e](../../commit/845df3e) - __(Dan Janowski)__ letter version
 * [f06bc66](../../commit/f06bc66) - __(Dan Janowski)__ add WasCreated type

#### v1.0.9
 * [b651d7b](../../commit/b651d7b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.9
 * [c3df2f3](../../commit/c3df2f3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ looking about right
 * [8e36406](../../commit/8e36406) - __(Max De Marzi)__ first pass at using httpclient instead of httparty
 * [4f53d97](../../commit/4f53d97) - __(Max De Marzi)__ ignore coverage dir

#### v1.0.8
 * [c8553c0](../../commit/c8553c0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.8
 * [f5ab9d1](../../commit/f5ab9d1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ forgot to require zip
 * [dee6ccf](../../commit/dee6ccf) - __(Max De Marzi)__ switching out curl for wget, since some folks don't have wget

#### v1.0.7
 * [02efe14](../../commit/02efe14) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.7
 * [b31f829](../../commit/b31f829) - __(Max De Marzi)__ finally fixed that all paths bug
 * [d4bc286](../../commit/d4bc286) - __(Max De Marzi)__ make tests run 1.8.2 as well
 * [e194963](../../commit/e194963) - __(Max De Marzi)__ upgrading to 1.8.2
 * [e59ab33](../../commit/e59ab33) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#79](../../issues/79) from digitalbias/master

Fix for issue [#78](../../issues/78)
 * [dc99e62](../../commit/dc99e62) - __(David Mitchell)__ Fixed error test

Needed to specify which error in the spec. Fixed code so it works properly with the correct error now

 * [ff61391](../../commit/ff61391) - __(David Mitchell)__ handle json parsing error for empty return body

a 404 message can be returned from the server without having a message in it (when deleting from an index with key, value and id and an empty string is contained in the value)

#### v1.0.6
 * [eff6f2a](../../commit/eff6f2a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.6
 * [b234e7f](../../commit/b234e7f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixes [#69](../../issues/69)
 * [4884d9c](../../commit/4884d9c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ need another method for find_exact
 * [8c95c28](../../commit/8c95c28) - __(Max De Marzi)__ I think this fixes [#76](../../issues/76)

#### v1.0.5
 * [d85d88f](../../commit/d85d88f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.5
 * [36e025f](../../commit/36e025f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#74](../../issues/74) from pboling/master

Initialization Hook
 * [c450858](../../commit/c450858) - __(Peter Boling)__ Provides a named initialization hook so people depending on the gem can ensure pre-requisite configuration is complete prior to initialization of neography itself
 * [f9804f5](../../commit/f9804f5) - __(Peter Boling)__ Railties are best namespaced inside the gem's namespace Example:
 * [56384b5](../../commit/56384b5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ rename spec to actual _spec file
 * [e94ea2e](../../commit/e94ea2e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ started working on unmanaged extensions

#### v1.0.4
 * [210f494](../../commit/210f494) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.4
 * [525ff47](../../commit/525ff47) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add UniquePathNotUniqueException.

#### v1.0.3
 * [a1e0459](../../commit/a1e0459) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.3
 * [89e2ff0](../../commit/89e2ff0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ upgrade to 1.8.1
 * [2b750ef](../../commit/2b750ef) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Merge pull request [#71](../../issues/71) from radford/set-neo-server-on-rels

Set neo_server on Relationships
 * [091ac99](../../commit/091ac99) - __(Jim Radford)__ Pass the db to the new Relationship in Relationship.load
 * [608dc63](../../commit/608dc63) - __(Jim Radford)__ Actually set the neo_server on Relationships
 * [12c27f2](../../commit/12c27f2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ one more time
 * [ed6e960](../../commit/ed6e960) - __(Max De Marzi)__ wonder if this works on travis
 * [2dcfaac](../../commit/2dcfaac) - __(Max De Marzi)__ make values exist before trying to remove them
 * [3263919](../../commit/3263919) - __(Max De Marzi)__ config should be subject
 * [14d469e](../../commit/14d469e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#70](../../issues/70) from radford/avoid-nil-remove

Avoid trying to remove properties that don't exist now that errors are thrown/checked
 * [a20d6b5](../../commit/a20d6b5) - __(Jim Radford)__ Avoid removing trying to remove properties that don't exist
 * [a9687eb](../../commit/a9687eb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ getting rid of find_and_require_user_defined_code, closing [#68](../../issues/68)

#### v1.0.2
 * [6fb334b](../../commit/6fb334b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.2
 * [267bb32](../../commit/267bb32) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Raise error on HTTP status code 500.
 * [173a9a4](../../commit/173a9a4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add delete test.  Will not work on 1.7
 * [a4a3d31](../../commit/a4a3d31) - __(Max De Marzi)__ create_relationship in batch can work without properties

#### v1.0.1
 * [b8f5834](../../commit/b8f5834) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 1.0.1
 * [cc803eb](../../commit/cc803eb) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix Exception matching for pre-1.8 Neo4j.

#### v1.0.0
 * [c2bbbff](../../commit/c2bbbff) - __(Max De Marzi)__ version 1
 * [c4f7599](../../commit/c4f7599) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update neography.gemspec

updating link
 * [34762af](../../commit/34762af) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Spec #del.
 * [bd65e78](../../commit/bd65e78) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Spec #attributes.
 * [6596207](../../commit/6596207) - __(Max De Marzi)__ prepare for 1.8 release
 * [4bf316e](../../commit/4bf316e) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ No need for .with on stubs.
 * [7470332](../../commit/7470332) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Test #other_node.
 * [1ebac4a](../../commit/1ebac4a) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Ignore Gemfile.lock.
 * [121fabc](../../commit/121fabc) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add unit tests for node/relationship properties.
 * [9f75c12](../../commit/9f75c12) - __(Max De Marzi)__ removing Gemfile.lock
 * [9514ec3](../../commit/9514ec3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding latest Gemfile.lock for archival purposes
 * [ddefa79](../../commit/ddefa79) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update neography.gemspec

Adding versions to dependencies...
 * [491c319](../../commit/491c319) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix failing spec by using dead code.
 * [ba37dda](../../commit/ba37dda) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add note about previous versions and errors.
 * [b48144f](../../commit/b48144f) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add code accessor to NeographyError.
 * [58eae25](../../commit/58eae25) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Bump Travis Neo4j version to 1.8.RC1.
 * [86aa096](../../commit/86aa096) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add links to Errors wiki page.
 * [d3d7752](../../commit/d3d7752) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Raise an error when REST API returns an error.
 * [e59c8e9](../../commit/e59c8e9) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Change spec_helper File requires to simpler requires.
 * [485c1e9](../../commit/485c1e9) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Remove link to unused Experimental page.
 * [2a850ef](../../commit/2a850ef) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Some more textual layout.
 * [b2bc98f](../../commit/b2bc98f) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Some more textual layout.
 * [10921a6](../../commit/10921a6) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Some layout.
 * [99785b1](../../commit/99785b1) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Move more documentation into the Wiki.
 * [8e3f6d7](../../commit/8e3f6d7) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix code in example.
 * [02cf457](../../commit/02cf457) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix links to Wiki, explain content, fix code.
 * [cfbf7d3](../../commit/cfbf7d3) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Simplify documentation, move API into Github wiki.
 * [c60dc37](../../commit/c60dc37) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix more butchered syntax.
 * [a1d80cc](../../commit/a1d80cc) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix more butchered syntax.
 * [d36d26d](../../commit/d36d26d) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix butchered syntax.
 * [5e47636](../../commit/5e47636) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Move from rdoc to Markdown.
 * [b17df33](../../commit/b17df33) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Remove helper method used by deprecated code.
 * [fea8727](../../commit/fea8727) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Deprecated syntax with Neography::Rest server as the first argument to Node and Relationship.
 * [bee8025](../../commit/bee8025) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Make configuration a more 'rubyish'.
 * [317a44d](../../commit/317a44d) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Move Rest includes to Rest class.
 * [3552879](../../commit/3552879) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Move global constant into class where it is used.
 * [6536a7e](../../commit/6536a7e) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Clean up the Node and Relationship classes, add some basic specs.
 * [5bb7d01](../../commit/5bb7d01) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Cleaner DSL in Batch.
 * [798d174](../../commit/798d174) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix som duplicate code.
 * [9725bb8](../../commit/9725bb8) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Clean up some code, use more Rest classes paths.
 * [b323fa4](../../commit/b323fa4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#63](../../issues/63) from tbaum/patch-1

Update README.rdoc
 * [6b8bd1c](../../commit/6b8bd1c) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Minor code layout.
 * [12488e5](../../commit/12488e5) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add batch unit tests and refactor Batch class.
 * [2dd4b16](../../commit/2dd4b16) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add path helpers as class methods.
 * [23e4522](../../commit/23e4522) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Move back to instance variables, cleaner.
 * [24dd564](../../commit/24dd564) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Remove delegation (less magic is cleaner).
 * [9e137d2](../../commit/9e137d2) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Make REST delegation a bit cleaner, hopefully.
 * [cc059ec](../../commit/cc059ec) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Ignore .rvmrc.
 * [3a5f3b1](../../commit/3a5f3b1) - __(Thomas Baum)__ Update README.rdoc

fix typo
 * [c80d560](../../commit/c80d560) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#62](../../issues/62) from rdvdijk/master

Cleaned up Connection and added unit tests.
 * [8aa7ead](../../commit/8aa7ead) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add Connection unit test.
 * [b80126e](../../commit/b80126e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#61](../../issues/61) from rdvdijk/forwarded_rest

Use Forwardable in Rest class to delegate API.
 * [eb887b0](../../commit/eb887b0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#60](../../issues/60) from rdvdijk/master

Remove remaining logic to separate Rest classes.
 * [c3eaed8](../../commit/c3eaed8) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Use Forwardable in Rest class to delegate API.
 * [8d3f2a7](../../commit/8d3f2a7) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Remove remaining logic to separate Rest classes.
 * [1b53415](../../commit/1b53415) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#59](../../issues/59) from rdvdijk/master

Move duplicate code to superclasses, cleaned up other duplication.
 * [1275c33](../../commit/1275c33) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Moves duplicate code to superclasses, cleaned up other duplication.
 * [75f47e8](../../commit/75f47e8) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update CONTRIBUTORS
 * [92b0097](../../commit/92b0097) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#58](../../issues/58) from rdvdijk/master

Major refactor of Rest class
 * [0292553](../../commit/0292553) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Merge with original.
 * [0a1dcaa](../../commit/0a1dcaa) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix URL encoding to make spaces and slashes possible.
 * [5e00a50](../../commit/5e00a50) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add RelationshipAutoIndexes spec.
 * [d0a27e5](../../commit/d0a27e5) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix typo.
 * [03d2e80](../../commit/03d2e80) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add RelationshipIndexes spec.
 * [c7a17c8](../../commit/c7a17c8) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add Relationships specs.
 * [c758b82](../../commit/c758b82) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add Relationships specs.
 * [987f5f0](../../commit/987f5f0) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add NodePaths specs.
 * [26f9e0e](../../commit/26f9e0e) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add traversal options spec.
 * [0160de5](../../commit/0160de5) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add traversal spec.
 * [903aa56](../../commit/903aa56) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add NodeAutoIndexes spec.
 * [bff0665](../../commit/bff0665) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add NodeIndexes specs.
 * [65ad592](../../commit/65ad592) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add NodeRelationships return specs.
 * [7456f9e](../../commit/7456f9e) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Update Gemfile.lock.
 * [cf6f52c](../../commit/cf6f52c) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add NodeRelationships specs.
 * [9cd051b](../../commit/9cd051b) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix hash-rocket syntax.
 * [5f88ebd](../../commit/5f88ebd) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add spec for REST node properties.
 * [d1b50e8](../../commit/d1b50e8) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add some basic unit tests for REST classes.
 * [bbe019c](../../commit/bbe019c) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Rubified some code.
 * [3b9e97f](../../commit/3b9e97f) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Add _path suffix in all REST classes.
 * [b8f1312](../../commit/b8f1312) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Second step of major refactor of REST class.
 * [db2f1dd](../../commit/db2f1dd) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ First step of major refactor of REST class.
 * [faf7f0c](../../commit/faf7f0c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ test with 1.8.M07

#### v0.0.31
 * [1f2d14f](../../commit/1f2d14f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.31
 * [9a1d8ba](../../commit/9a1d8ba) - __(Max De Marzi)__ updating gems
 * [3f52df5](../../commit/3f52df5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ updating my development gemfile.lock
 * [8c115ca](../../commit/8c115ca) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#57](../../issues/57) from rdvdijk/master

Fix bug with finding nodes in index with spaces in value. 
 * [6289b7a](../../commit/6289b7a) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix bug with finding nodes in index with spaces and/or slashes in value.
 * [d8e3319](../../commit/d8e3319) - __(Roel van Dijk)__ Fix bug with finding nodes in index with spaces in value.
 * [620bb11](../../commit/620bb11) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update CONTRIBUTORS
 * [9758878](../../commit/9758878) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#56](../../issues/56) from garrettheaver/master

batch remove_relationship_from_index
 * [6bfaef8](../../commit/6bfaef8) - __(Garrett Heaver)__ adding remove_relationship_from_index as batch operation

#### v0.0.30
 * [b227119](../../commit/b227119) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.30
 * [4455051](../../commit/4455051) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#53](../../issues/53) from simpsonjulian/user-agent

HTTP User-Agent to inform Neo4j about client versions
 * [0da275e](../../commit/0da275e) - __(Julian Simpson)__ Making tests work on Travis.
 * [cfd281f](../../commit/cfd281f) - __(Julian Simpson)__ Provide tests as well.
 * [a871d00](../../commit/a871d00) - __(Julian Simpson)__ Add User-Agent header.

#### v0.0.29
 * [b0f6aec](../../commit/b0f6aec) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.29
 * [cda0b6e](../../commit/cda0b6e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update lib/neography/multi_json_parser.rb

OJ complains about an ArgumentError, so rescuing that too.
 * [4c8fbb3](../../commit/4c8fbb3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#51](../../issues/51) from pete/master

Add delete_relationship to batch command
 * [296960d](../../commit/296960d) - __(Pete Elmore)__ Fix my hard tabs.
 * [bbb420a](../../commit/bbb420a) - __(Pete Elmore)__ Add delete_relationship to batch operations.
 * [802802c](../../commit/802802c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ dealing with JSON parsing issues
 * [1b2aa7e](../../commit/1b2aa7e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding idea to gitignore
 * [54a232e](../../commit/54a232e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#50](../../issues/50) from jhund/multi_json

Replace Oj with MultiJson for JSON handling

Thanks Jo!
 * [6f60af0](../../commit/6f60af0) - __(Jo Hund)__ Replace Oj with MultiJson for JSON handling so that neography works with jruby
 * [65f6ca9](../../commit/65f6ca9) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding more indexing capabilities
 * [28313e1](../../commit/28313e1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using strict mode on Oj gem, so we don't convert to strings with colons to symbols
 * [100aa75](../../commit/100aa75) - __(Max De Marzi)__ making note that batch create unique node does not return a referable node
 * [79ce7eb](../../commit/79ce7eb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ update travis to 1.8M6
 * [6977df6](../../commit/6977df6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding auto indexing methods
 * [a4eb275](../../commit/a4eb275) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Adding Code Climate badge.
 * [ad3d0d6](../../commit/ad3d0d6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update travis.yml to use latest neo4j
 * [0d17d0a](../../commit/0d17d0a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding multiple ways to remove a node from an index
 * [e048609](../../commit/e048609) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#47](../../issues/47) from samirahmed/master

Added 2 more batch operations
 * [a2bdf97](../../commit/a2bdf97) - __(Samir Ahmed)__ Added Spec Tests for 2 Operations

Added to spec tests to very that the operations...

For testing batch delete node :
 - 2 node created one by one
 - Nodes deleted in batch
 - Get nodes results should be nil

For testing batch remove node :
 - Create two nodes with indicies one by one
 - In batch remove the node from the indidicies
 - Search for exact nodes should be nil

 * [a079b5a](../../commit/a079b5a) - __(Samir Ahmed)__ Added 2 Operations to Batch Methods to rest.rb

Modified the neography/rest.rb 'get_batch' to add a case for
Both method use the HTTP DELETE Methods and contain no 'body'

Did not account for alias :remove_node_index

Still need to add tests.

#### v0.0.27
 * [7eec488](../../commit/7eec488) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.28
 * [1b5b444](../../commit/1b5b444) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.27
 * [a3ae832](../../commit/a3ae832) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding test
 * [c7b3c3c](../../commit/c7b3c3c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#46](../../issues/46) from smulube/feature/httparty_update

Tweaked Httparty dependency to make gem less fussy
 * [d528234](../../commit/d528234) - __(Sam Mulube)__ Remove require of crack gem as I don't think it's used anywhere.
 * [4d5c87a](../../commit/4d5c87a) - __(Sam Mulube)__ Alter gemspec so we don't depend on exact version of httparty

Means the library plays nicer in projects.

 * [e4bd60e](../../commit/e4bd60e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Revert "switching httparty to excon" Getting reports of excon causing problems, waiting for failing tests, but holding off since streaming batch still not working. This reverts commit 2a2333cccd3807065483431b0e3b6bdac3229c76.
 * [31b4867](../../commit/31b4867) - __(Max De Marzi)__ reverting
 * [0cf2222](../../commit/0cf2222) - __(Max De Marzi)__ typo
 * [e696516](../../commit/e696516) - __(Max De Marzi)__ tweaking travis to use Neo4j 1.8.M03
 * [cca4290](../../commit/cca4290) - __(Max De Marzi)__ tweaking travis to use 1.9.3 instead of 1.8.7
 * [f7c15f6](../../commit/f7c15f6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ with 5k nodes streaming test
 * [8aa9f96](../../commit/8aa9f96) - __(Max De Marzi)__ still trying to see positive results from batch rest streaming... so far no luck
 * [2a2333c](../../commit/2a2333c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ switching httparty to excon
 * [3540965](../../commit/3540965) - __(Max De Marzi)__ batch cypher now working
 * [ac746b1](../../commit/ac746b1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ moving to Oj parser, batch gremlin support, streaming cypher, still need to get streaming batch working
 * [514e174](../../commit/514e174) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Revert "adding streaming cypher support, using two types of JSON parsing since Crack was breaking on large cypher results, stream is twice as fast as not when pulling in 20k nodes"

This reverts commit fcf7c3bc4236fa18ddd8f0931b9a346425b2beb2.

 * [d9d524a](../../commit/d9d524a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ creating auto node and relationship commands, tests not done yet
 * [fcf7c3b](../../commit/fcf7c3b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding streaming cypher support, using two types of JSON parsing since Crack was breaking on large cypher results, stream is twice as fast as not when pulling in 20k nodes
 * [c6075fb](../../commit/c6075fb) - __(Alex P)__ Rolling back changes, since rdoc, not markdown is used.
 * [2bab85d](../../commit/2bab85d) - __(Alex P)__ Updating readme, making core a bit easier to read.
 * [d2477e9](../../commit/d2477e9) - __(Alex P)__ Merge pull request [#42](../../issues/42) from markburns/master

add travis build icon  to this project neography (not neovigator, whoops)
 * [29ca66f](../../commit/29ca66f) - __(Mark Burns)__ added travis build status icon to README
 * [4a89c61](../../commit/4a89c61) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.26
 * [346a0f6](../../commit/346a0f6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using version 1.7 now
 * [51b1c42](../../commit/51b1c42) - __(Max De Marzi)__ upgrading to 1.7M03
 * [d230abf](../../commit/d230abf) - __(Max De Marzi)__ making sure
 * [40c0fe0](../../commit/40c0fe0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#37](../../issues/37) from dtao/master

fix for issue when setting nonexistent property for the first time using dot notation
 * [5e02630](../../commit/5e02630) - __(Dan)__ fixed issue where setting a previously undefined property using dot notation has no effect on the DB

#### v0.0.25
 * [a66922f](../../commit/a66922f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.25
 * [b04c2bc](../../commit/b04c2bc) - __(Max De Marzi)__ moving crack parser to its own file
 * [1d14860](../../commit/1d14860) - __(Max De Marzi)__ let people know that wget is required for rake neo4j:install
 * [fddb7cb](../../commit/fddb7cb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#22](../../issues/22) from edave/master

Workaround for HTTParty 0.8.1
 * [24a1c6c](../../commit/24a1c6c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding test for batch get multiple node relationships, default to all, added to Contributors file, updated Neo4j to 1.7M02
 * [07495c5](../../commit/07495c5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#35](../../issues/35) from heelhook/master

batch call to do get_node_relationships
 * [65b53b2](../../commit/65b53b2) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Update README.rdoc
 * [f59d389](../../commit/f59d389) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Add a batch call to get_node_relationships
 * [42346ad](../../commit/42346ad) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#34](../../issues/34) from heelhook/patch-1

Show an error when an unknown option is used.
 * [373d390](../../commit/373d390) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Show an error when an unknown option is used.
 * [5207643](../../commit/5207643) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#33](../../issues/33) from heelhook/master

Support to find attributes of relationship
 * [5a83e3a](../../commit/5a83e3a) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ document and fix wrong variable access
 * [49c253c](../../commit/49c253c) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Add a way to query the attributes of a relationship
 * [6e9fe11](../../commit/6e9fe11) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#32](../../issues/32) from nickflux/master

Added clean_database method for testing purposes
 * [7fddfc9](../../commit/7fddfc9) - __(nickflux)__ Added clean_database to Rest module to use test-delete-db-extension plugin
 * [1f217fb](../../commit/1f217fb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Update README.rdoc
 * [7990f3c](../../commit/7990f3c) - __(nickflux)__ add clean database method for testing
 * [ebda23d](../../commit/ebda23d) - __(David Pitman)__ Merging upstream changes
 * [51d5c35](../../commit/51d5c35) - __(David Pitman)__ Subclasses HTTParyt's Parser to use Crack parsing again for HTTParty 0.8.1

#### v0.0.24
 * [3efc2b9](../../commit/3efc2b9) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.24
 * [c7b2149](../../commit/c7b2149) - __(Max De Marzi)__ making tests 1.8.7 compatible
 * [8a73e74](../../commit/8a73e74) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding cypher_path and gremlin_path options
 * [f5897a0](../../commit/f5897a0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#29](../../issues/29) from nickflux/master

Added config settings for plugin paths
 * [bba5783](../../commit/bba5783) - __(Max De Marzi)__ moving up to 1.7.M01 as the default
 * [b578fde](../../commit/b578fde) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#31](../../issues/31) from heelhook/master

Update doc
 * [24bb3e4](../../commit/24bb3e4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing weighted path spec
 * [122336a](../../commit/122336a) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Update README.rdoc
 * [70798ae](../../commit/70798ae) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#30](../../issues/30) from heelhook/master

Support for shortest weighted path
 * [5bd1325](../../commit/5bd1325) - __(Pablo Fernandez)__ Support for shortest weighted path
 * [86095cd](../../commit/86095cd) - __(nickflux)__ Update to config to allow for different locations for cypher and gremlin plugins
 * [9e4540e](../../commit/9e4540e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ install 1.6.1 from now on
 * [644145b](../../commit/644145b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ letting reset properties take a newly created relationship
 * [8a8e13c](../../commit/8a8e13c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.23
 * [f4b31eb](../../commit/f4b31eb) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding get_node_index and get_relationship_index to batch
 * [4ffc2e2](../../commit/4ffc2e2) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding can reset the properties of a relationship test
 * [208b317](../../commit/208b317) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding create unique relationship to batch
 * [5e4be72](../../commit/5e4be72) - __(Max De Marzi)__ add create unique node to batch
 * [f16ecb6](../../commit/f16ecb6) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Whoa... can't believe I had my email address wrong on the readme for so long!
 * [8b6604f](../../commit/8b6604f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ just making sure

#### v0.0.22
 * [9809d99](../../commit/9809d99) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.22
 * [f4a66ad](../../commit/f4a66ad) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using built in cypher instead of cypher plugin
 * [3313e4a](../../commit/3313e4a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding tests and readme for unique nodes and relationships
 * [914d4d3](../../commit/914d4d3) - __(ajay)__ added 2 more functions - create_unique_node and create_unique_realtionship
 * [485e77f](../../commit/485e77f) - __(ajay)__ make it Rails 2.x compatible
 * [46d035f](../../commit/46d035f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#25](../../issues/25) from dchelimsky/update-url-in-readme

Update a couple of out of date URLs in the README
 * [72c11fc](../../commit/72c11fc) - __(David Chelimsky)__ update link to community server
 * [839b2fb](../../commit/839b2fb) - __(David Chelimsky)__ update link to rest api
 * [b48cf0a](../../commit/b48cf0a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding centrality example

#### v0.0.21
 * [b67bd6e](../../commit/b67bd6e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.21
 * [aac74c5](../../commit/aac74c5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ heroku compatability (thanks Marcel Scherf for the idea)
 * [47c2539](../../commit/47c2539) - __(Max De Marzi)__ lets try that again
 * [569d791](../../commit/569d791) - __(Max De Marzi)__ make links pretty
 * [aec2a73](../../commit/aec2a73) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding some sample links to readme
 * [cddabd3](../../commit/cddabd3) - __(Max De Marzi)__ trying Neo4j 1.6M03
 * [632cfd9](../../commit/632cfd9) - __(Ryan Ziegler)__ continue to make it inheritable
 * [217fc4a](../../commit/217fc4a) - __(pushbang)__ fixing previous untested commit (after being lured by siren of github editor)
 * [bf039e2](../../commit/bf039e2) - __(pushbang)__ allowing Node.load and Node.create to be overridden
 * [5b0132c](../../commit/5b0132c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ get rid of old function
 * [78766b1](../../commit/78766b1) - __(Max De Marzi)__ discarding nil values, closes [#23](../../issues/23)
 * [633206b](../../commit/633206b) - __(Max De Marzi)__ removed reference to Neo4j 1.4 and neography 0.14 since it's really old
 * [eb03523](../../commit/eb03523) - __(Max De Marzi)__ batch arrays of arrays
 * [1e37b32](../../commit/1e37b32) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.20
 * [ca429b0](../../commit/ca429b0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ whoops, botched that gemspec change
 * [c88b20a](../../commit/c88b20a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding parameters to cypher calls
 * [c1eef08](../../commit/c1eef08) - __(Max De Marzi)__ making gremlin script parameter aware
 * [ee2335e](../../commit/ee2335e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.19
 * [8f15c03](../../commit/8f15c03) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding more batching functions, now with referencing
 * [92ce780](../../commit/92ce780) - __(Max De Marzi)__ more batching functions
 * [b211af0](../../commit/b211af0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting naive batch implementation

#### v0.0.18
 * [8c1ce42](../../commit/8c1ce42) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.18
 * [0e3b309](../../commit/0e3b309) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding travis build status as well as contributing and help sections to readme
 * [6de30aa](../../commit/6de30aa) - __(Max De Marzi)__ updating rspec dependency
 * [9eae2dd](../../commit/9eae2dd) - __(Max De Marzi)__ skip gremlin and slow in one line...
 * [485807c](../../commit/485807c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ fixing issue 18
 * [88e697c](../../commit/88e697c) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#19](../../issues/19) from elado/master

Added missing db parameter to Relationship nodes load
 * [2b42c9e](../../commit/2b42c9e) - __(Max De Marzi)__ got tired of failing gremlin tests, excluding for now
 * [a185539](../../commit/a185539) - __(Max De Marzi)__ reverting httparty to a versin that uses crack until strick json is followed
 * [f232e05](../../commit/f232e05) - __(Max De Marzi)__ use empty not nil
 * [318da9e](../../commit/318da9e) - __(Elad Ossadon)__ Added missing db parameter for loading relationship nodes
 * [5ac7729](../../commit/5ac7729) - __(Max De Marzi)__ how did that blank? stay in there for so long
 * [b93913f](../../commit/b93913f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ starting work on batch specs
 * [f64652a](../../commit/f64652a) - __(maxdemarzi)__ updating dependencies

#### v0.0.17
 * [c6bafa4](../../commit/c6bafa4) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.17
 * [7c204f0](../../commit/7c204f0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ pick your own version
 * [f48cfc7](../../commit/f48cfc7) - __(Patrik Sundberg)__ add get relationship start node and relationship end node.
 * [09e8d50](../../commit/09e8d50) - __(Patrik Sundberg)__ Remove verbose output message.
 * [60d32ac](../../commit/60d32ac) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using default of localhost for examples now
 * [d9f460a](../../commit/d9f460a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ using 1.5 GA for install, found problem with gremlin (see rest_gremlin_fail_spec.rb)
 * [7596066](../../commit/7596066) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding --trace to travis line to see what we get
 * [84b31d0](../../commit/84b31d0) - __(Max De Marzi)__ trying to get travis to work
 * [c82650f](../../commit/c82650f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ tweak readme version info

#### v0.0.16
 * [2d325f5](../../commit/2d325f5) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.16
 * [7a5c6a8](../../commit/7a5c6a8) - __(Max De Marzi)__ removing fakeweb, escaping execute_script for gremlin, adding execute_query for cypher, adding tests
 * [752924a](../../commit/752924a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ added railtie to autoload tasks
 * [066ed4f](../../commit/066ed4f) - __(Max De Marzi)__ ugly attempt at a multi-os installer
 * [764a146](../../commit/764a146) - __(Max De Marzi)__ adding tasks
 * [b0e9439](../../commit/b0e9439) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#14](../../issues/14) from lordkada/query_and_script

finding nodes and relationships through query. Remote Groovy script throu
 * [bc49b90](../../commit/bc49b90) - __(Carlo Alberto Degli Atti)__ finding nodes and relationships through query. Remote Groovy script through Gremlin plugin ext
 * [1097667](../../commit/1097667) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Use version 0.0.l4 for Neo4j 1.4 and 0.0.15 for Neo4j 1.5
 * [ac2e26a](../../commit/ac2e26a) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Bump to 0.0.15
 * [f698aea](../../commit/f698aea) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#13](../../issues/13) from HeshamAmiri/master

fixes for adding nodes and relationships to indexes
 * [0ae5090](../../commit/0ae5090) - __(Hesham Amiri)__ version bump
 * [d070b78](../../commit/d070b78) - __(Hesham Amiri)__ fix spec for traverse
 * [9b97130](../../commit/9b97130) - __(Hesham Amiri)__ fix add relationship to index
 * [a346ddc](../../commit/a346ddc) - __(Hesham Amiri)__ fix add node to index

#### v0.0.14
 * [44395df](../../commit/44395df) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.14
 * [0aee952](../../commit/0aee952) - __(maxdemarzi)__ get rid of dead file
 * [596f36c](../../commit/596f36c) - __(maxdemarzi)__ clean up file name
 * [d667a85](../../commit/d667a85) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#11](../../issues/11) from tbaum/master

server is not passed in traversal-noded
 * [eac66aa](../../commit/eac66aa) - __(Thomas Baum)__ fix passing neo_server instance for traverser-nodes
 * [d92dfae](../../commit/d92dfae) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Neo4j API now using underscores for max_depth, prune_evaluator and return_filter
 * [c95b1d7](../../commit/c95b1d7) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#8](../../issues/8) from sbeckeriv/patch-1

Looks like its missing a .
 * [d58d273](../../commit/d58d273) - __(Stephen Becker IV)__ Looks like its missing a .
 * [128cd36](../../commit/128cd36) - __(Max De Marzi)__ Merge pull request [#7](../../issues/7) from namxam/master

Relationship neo server connection
 * [4b097f9](../../commit/4b097f9) - __(Maximilian Schulz)__ Make neo server connection available in Relationship objects, either by accessing the connection from the start_node or accessing the connection passed by the initialization. [Issue [#6](../../issues/6)]

#### v0.0.13
 * [f47f077](../../commit/f47f077) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.13
 * [25f02cd](../../commit/25f02cd) - __(maxdemarzi)__ root_node returns same as get_node instead of meta-data
 * [fdffbdb](../../commit/fdffbdb) - __(maxdemarzi)__ handle arrays in get_id, thanks to Phuong CAO

#### v0.0.12
 * [db4f3db](../../commit/db4f3db) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.12
 * [10c8228](../../commit/10c8228) - __(maxdemarzi)__ advanced queries of the node and relationship indexes
 * [3e41e09](../../commit/3e41e09) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding new ways to remove nodes and relationships from an index
 * [1ede7a9](../../commit/1ede7a9) - __(maxdemarzi)__ test tweaks for Travis
 * [cad9c10](../../commit/cad9c10) - __(maxdemarzi)__ excluding slow tests for now
 * [9118a80](../../commit/9118a80) - __(maxdemarzi)__ typo in relationship readme

#### v0.0.11
 * [6e238ae](../../commit/6e238ae) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.11
 * [b32f7e1](../../commit/b32f7e1) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding create node and relationship index
 * [0029ce5](../../commit/0029ce5) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding another example
 * [4f1dd0a](../../commit/4f1dd0a) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding fullpath type

#### v0.0.10
 * [8f9f6df](../../commit/8f9f6df) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.10
 * [994d90c](../../commit/994d90c) - __(maxdemarzi)__ fix to v2 authentication
 * [590d763](../../commit/590d763) - __(maxdemarzi)__ make sure we're actually getting the right node and relationships in the index
 * [6dac3ab](../../commit/6dac3ab) - __(maxdemarzi)__ typo in relationship index, and updating readme to use latest api docs
 * [ab853ae](../../commit/ab853ae) - __(maxdemarzi)__ quick initializer
 * [2015a05](../../commit/2015a05) - __(maxdemarzi)__ working on relationship indexes

#### v0.0.9
 * [64fbdfd](../../commit/64fbdfd) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.9
 * [23ca874](../../commit/23ca874) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.8
 * [49fe9ac](../../commit/49fe9ac) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding authentication options, fixing index tests

#### v0.0.8
 * [4eba8e4](../../commit/4eba8e4) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.8
 * [56f0508](../../commit/56f0508) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added Ian to contributors
 * [517bee3](../../commit/517bee3) - __(Ian Dees)__ Updated index methods to Neo4j v1.2.06 API

#### v0.0.7
 * [5032bcc](../../commit/5032bcc) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.7
 * [0dd7b47](../../commit/0dd7b47) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding Node Paths
 * [56fdc6e](../../commit/56fdc6e) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding paths
 * [6b29ca8](../../commit/6b29ca8) - __(maxdemarzi)__ try neography at
 * [5fd4f25](../../commit/5fd4f25) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.6
 * [da88fba](../../commit/da88fba) - __(maxdemarzi)__ More Phase 2 Functionality
 * [d3c4887](../../commit/d3c4887) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding to documentation
 * [6c3d33c](../../commit/6c3d33c) - __(maxdemarzi)__ node relationship specs
 * [f894aa9](../../commit/f894aa9) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding tests, wacky way to solve untyped incoming,outgoing and both calls
 * [8b20bea](../../commit/8b20bea) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Adding methods to node traverser
 * [07b30d1](../../commit/07b30d1) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.5
 * [dbaa2ee](../../commit/dbaa2ee) - __(maxdemarzi)__ forgot to add max_threads parameter to readme
 * [74204e8](../../commit/74204e8) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding relationship tests
 * [4e0087d](../../commit/4e0087d) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Phase 2: Starting on Relationships
 * [7182516](../../commit/7182516) - __(maxdemarzi)__ node: new properties in phase 2
 * [4541ce9](../../commit/4541ce9) - __(maxdemarzi)__ property deletion
 * [9e3b38c](../../commit/9e3b38c) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding setter and getter methods
 * [54ddb73](../../commit/54ddb73) - __(maxdemarzi)__ more phase 2: adding del and equal to node
 * [7b90ece](../../commit/7b90ece) - __(maxdemarzi)__ starting phase 2
 * [8e66583](../../commit/8e66583) - __(maxdemarzi)__ started addeding fake bulk operations
 * [3570045](../../commit/3570045) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.4
 * [2a6a4bf](../../commit/2a6a4bf) - __(maxdemarzi)__ do not send max depth in traversal if not specified during, added example
 * [b48276d](../../commit/b48276d) - __(maxdemarzi)__ it's ruby, not java, skip the parenthesis
 * [9dce8b7](../../commit/9dce8b7) - __(maxdemarzi)__ easier way to do friend suggestions
 * [34068ab](../../commit/34068ab) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding examples and get_relationship
 * [7a4edc7](../../commit/7a4edc7) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.3
 * [4d0c88a](../../commit/4d0c88a) - __(maxdemarzi)__ readme changes
 * [c3a00a0](../../commit/c3a00a0) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added find_id and cleaned up tests
 * [cafaf2e](../../commit/cafaf2e) - __(Peter Neubauer)__ 
 * [80cc0f0](../../commit/80cc0f0) - __(Peter Neubauer)__ typos
 * [51bec37](../../commit/51bec37) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Bump to 0.0.2
 * [ab93266](../../commit/ab93266) - __(maxdemarzi)__ doc updates
 * [90cb6ed](../../commit/90cb6ed) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding traverser
 * [77b9011](../../commit/77b9011) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding path tests
 * [95560ec](../../commit/95560ec) - __(maxdemarzi)__ removing unnecessary dependency
 * [eb4e18f](../../commit/eb4e18f) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding logger dependency
 * [4e1cf8f](../../commit/4e1cf8f) - __(maxdemarzi)__ documentation changes, use shortest path as default for path
 * [e42beda](../../commit/e42beda) - __(maxdemarzi)__ more cleanup
 * [611af01](../../commit/611af01) - __(maxdemarzi)__ forgot to add the new db path to some delete actions, splitting test file
 * [e01369f](../../commit/e01369f) - __(maxdemarzi)__ cleaning up
 * [93e4fbd](../../commit/93e4fbd) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding get_path
 * [2bedc62](../../commit/2bedc62) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding indexes
 * [2b93d8e](../../commit/2b93d8e) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding set_relationship_properties and reset_relationship_properties
 * [bb3bda9](../../commit/bb3bda9) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding get_relationship_properties and remove_relationship_properties
 * [8245c12](../../commit/8245c12) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added delete_node (and its relationship) and delete_relationship
 * [d352e6a](../../commit/d352e6a) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding get_node_relationships
 * [081d8e0](../../commit/081d8e0) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added create_relationship
 * [100cbbc](../../commit/100cbbc) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added delete_node
 * [d92c2a6](../../commit/d92c2a6) - __(maxdemarzi)__ get some properties
 * [60e0b4c](../../commit/60e0b4c) - __(maxdemarzi)__ changed set to reset and added regular set node properties
 * [25f1abb](../../commit/25f1abb) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added remove_node_properties
 * [3bd4035](../../commit/3bd4035) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added get node properties
 * [7f57fcb](../../commit/7f57fcb) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding get node and set node properties
 * [ef9f673](../../commit/ef9f673) - __(maxdemarzi)__ Spliting off basic Rest wrapper
 * [9a9b24a](../../commit/9a9b24a) - __(maxdemarzi)__ return nil if trying to get properties of a node or relationship that does not exist
 * [3a1cef5](../../commit/3a1cef5) - __(maxdemarzi)__ make readme prettier
 * [0b5b547](../../commit/0b5b547) - __(maxdemarzi)__ starting on relationships
 * [0eff227](../../commit/0eff227) - __(maxdemarzi)__ adding fakeweb and starting to create fake http responses
 * [3e4206d](../../commit/3e4206d) - __(maxdemarzi)__ added build_node so we return neo_id on node creates and a few more tests
 * [bc1f9fc](../../commit/bc1f9fc) - __(maxdemarzi)__ starting with basic functionality
 * [1ef9209](../../commit/1ef9209) - __(maxdemarzi)__ bundle gem commit