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# devise-i18n-bootstrap

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It's forked from devise-i18n-views gem. This gem is under development. I18n support and translations for **[Devise v3.+](** views.

## Install

Add the following line to your `Gemfile`

``` rb
gem 'devise-i18n-bootstrap'

and run `bundle install`.

Then you need to install the required translations in your `config/locales`. You can do this either manually (downloading them from [devise-i18n-views/locales]( or through the apposite generator `devise:views:locale`, eg.

``` sh
rails g devise:views:locale it

will generate `config/locales/`.

## Customizing Views

The `devise:views:i18n_templates` generator will copy all views to your application, so you can modify the files as you wish:

``` sh
rails g devise:views:i18n_templates

## Horizontal login form in navbar

Using navbar login partial is very simple. You need to give devise resource name (like :user) and the partial generate login form in bootstrap navbar.
<%= render partial: 'devise/sessions/navbar_new', locals: { resource: :user } %>

## Contributing to devise-i18n-views
### with Localeapp

- Edit the translations directly on the [devise-i18n-views]( project on Locale.
- **That's it!**
- The maintainer will then pull translations from the Locale project and push to Github.

### manually

* Fork the latest master
* Create a translation file or edit an existing one under `locales`
* Make a pull request

Happy translating!

## Translation file stub

Please refer to [devise-i18n-views/locales/en.yml]( to grab a stub for your translation

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2012 mcasimir. See LICENSE.txt for
further details.

A ruby translation project managed on [Locale]( that's open to all!