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<img src="" height="150" alt="graphoid"/>

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Generates a full GraphQL API using introspection of Mongoid or ActiveRecord models.

## API Dodocumentation
The [API Documentation]( that displays how to use the queries and mutations that Graphoid automatically generates.

## Dependency
This gem depends on [the GraphQL gem](
Please install that gem first before continuing

## Installation
Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'graphoid'

$ bundle install

## Database
Create the file `config/initializers/graphoid.rb`
And configure the database you want to use in it (:mongoid or :active_record)

Graphoid.configure do |config|
  config.driver = :mongoid

## Usage
You can determine which models will be visible in the API by including the Graphoid Queries and Mutations concerns

class Person
  include Graphoid::Queries
  include Graphoid::Mutations

## Examples
You can find an example that uses ActiveRecord in the [Tester AR folder](  
And an example with Mongoid in the [Tester Mongo folder](  
In this same repository.

## Contributing
- Live Reload
- Aggregations
- Permissions on fields
- Relation with aliases tests
- Write division for "every" in Mongoid and AR
- Sort top level models by association values
- Filter by Array or Hash.
- has_one_through implementation
- has_many_selves tests
- has_and_belongs_to_many_selves tests
- Embedded::Many filtering implementation
- Embedded::One filtering with OR/AND

## Testing
$ DRIVER=ar DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec
$ DRIVER=mongo DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec

## Thank You !!
[Ryan Yeske]( for the whole idea and for validating that metaprogramming this was possible.

[Andres Rafael]( for working so hard on connecting the gem on the frontend and finding its failures.

## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](