// import { clone, collect, h } from 'stage1';
import { clone, h } from 'stage1';
import { compile } from 'stage1/macro' with { type: 'macro' };
export interface LinkProps {
title: string;
url: string;
export type LinkComponent = HTMLAnchorElement;
// interface Refs {
// i: HTMLImageElement;
// t: Text;
// }
const meta = compile(`
<img @i decoding=async>
const view = h<LinkComponent>(meta.html);
// export const Link = (props: LinkProps): LinkComponent => {
// const root = clone(view);
// const refs = collect<Refs>(root, meta.k, meta.d);
// refs.i.src =
// '_favicon?size=16&pageUrl=' + encodeURIComponent((root.href = props.url));
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
// root.title = refs.t.nodeValue = props.title;
// return root;
// };
export const Link = (props: LinkProps): LinkComponent => {
const root = clone(view);
// Access DOM nodes directly (without stage1 collect function) to improve
// performance. This component is rendered frequently so keep overhead low.
(root.firstChild as HTMLImageElement).src =
'_favicon?size=16&pageUrl=' + encodeURIComponent((root.href = props.url));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
root.title = (root.lastChild as Text).nodeValue = props.title;
return root;