import { append, collect, h } from 'stage1';
import { compile } from 'stage1/macro' with { type: 'macro' };
import type { SectionOrderItem } from '../types';
import { DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER, storage } from '../utils';
import { SearchResult, type SearchResultComponent } from './SearchResult';
type SectionRefs = Partial<Record<SectionOrderItem, SearchResultComponent>>;
// FIXME: The vars should be automatically inlined by the minifier
// const searchFor = (text: string, sections: SectionRefs) => {
// const openTabs = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[0]];
// const bookmarks = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[1]];
// const history = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[2]];
// const topSites = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[3]];
// const recentlyClosed = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[4]];
// if (history) {
// if (text) {
//{ text }, history.$$update);
// } else {
// history.$$update([]);
// }
// }
// if (bookmarks) {
// if (text) {
//, bookmarks.$$update);
// } else {
// bookmarks.$$update([]);
// }
// }
// openTabs?.$$filter(text);
// topSites?.$$filter(text);
// recentlyClosed?.$$filter(text);
// };
const searchFor = (text: string, sections: SectionRefs) => {
const history = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[2]];
const bookmarks = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[1]];
if (history) {
if (text) {{ text }, history.$$update);
} else {
if (bookmarks) {
if (text) {, bookmarks.$$update);
} else {
// Open Tabs
// Top Sites
// Recently Closed Tabs
type SearchComponent = HTMLDivElement;
interface Refs {
s: HTMLInputElement;
const meta = compile(`
<div id=c>
<input @s id=s type=search placeholder="Search browser...">
<svg id=i>
<circle cx=11 cy=11 r=8 />
<line x1=24 y1=24 x2=16.65 y2=16.65 />
const view = h<SearchComponent>(meta.html);
export const Search = (): SearchComponent => {
const root = view;
const refs = collect<Refs>(root, meta.k, meta.d);
const input = refs.s;
const sections: SectionRefs = {};
input.oninput = () => searchFor(input.value, sections);
input.onkeyup = (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
searchFor((input.value = ''), sections);
performance.mark('Load Sections');
const sectionOrder = storage.o ?? DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER;
sectionOrder.forEach((name) => {
sections[name] = append(SearchResult(name), root);
const openTabs = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[0]];
const topSites = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[3]];
const recentlyClosed = sections[DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER[4]];
if (openTabs) {
const updateOpenTabs = () =>
chrome.tabs.query({}, (tabs) => {
if (input.value) {
// TODO: Handle race condition where onUpdated is called for this tab on load
// When opening multiple new-tab pages the browser will continue to update
// the "Open Tabs" section on all pages, causing a significant performance
// overhead. The impact is multiplied by the number of open tabs * the
// number of new-tab pages. On top of that, it seems the browser reuses the
// same process for all new-tab pages, causing resource contention for all
// these updates. The actual problem is work is done even on pages that are
// not visible and with execution on older pages before the/ current page.
// Additionally, the SearchResult component is implemented in a way that
// produces the smallest JS size and fast execution (remove entire list DOM
// and insert new DOM fragment) rather than for efficiency (e.g., DOM
// reconciliation; diff list DOM state and mutate changes minimising adding
// or removing DOM nodes).
// TODO: Keep? Causes significantly worse page load speed!
// TODO: Alternative implementation? One of:
// ↳ Simple lock to disable updates when the page isn't active
// ↳ Web Locks API to prevent multiple pages from updating together
// ↳ Shared worker to manage the state of the open tabs
// ↳ Only update specific change from listener Event
// // When the page isn't active stop the "Open Tabs" section from updating to
// // prevent performance issues when users open many new-tab pages.
// document.onvisibilitychange = () => {
// if (document.hidden) {
// // @ts-expect-error - force override to kill API method
// chrome.tabs.query = () => {};
// // chrome.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(updateOpenTabs);
// // chrome.tabs.onRemoved.removeListener(updateOpenTabs);
// // chrome.tabs.onMoved.removeListener(updateOpenTabs);
// } else {
// // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
// location.reload();
// }
// };
if (topSites) {
if (recentlyClosed) {
chrome.sessions.getRecentlyClosed({}, (sessions) => {
recentlyClosed.$$update( => => tab),
performance.measure('Load Sections', 'Load Sections');
return root;