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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""XUnit Report Model  
 - Xunitrpt class with encapsulated add, iadd, iteritem, keys, get/setitem, et.
 - General utilities as class method.
 .. moduleauthor:: Max Wu <>
    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
import operator
from echarts import Axis, Bar, Echart, Legend, Pie, Scatter
from cistat.logger import Logger

logger = Logger(name=__name__).get_logger()

class Xunitrpt(object):
    """ The XUnit Test Report Class.
    Which represents an XML file as a test report in XUnit format.
    The XSD refers to below document:
    : __add__, __iadd__ is overridden to combine two reports.
    : In general, __iteritem__ is also delegated by internal dict but it is not a full surrogate and not recommended to use directly.
    : __getitem__() and __setitem__() are overridden to operate case dict counters.
    However, __delitem__, __set/get/delslice__ are not implemented. So it is not a full overriding for [] operator.
    : The class level statistics are handled with same type of Xunitrpt, based on original Xunitrpt object on method level.
    DEFAULT_DICT = {'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'skip': 0, 'sum': 0, 'rate': 0, 'time': 0.0}

    def __init__(self, xunit=None):
        self.case_dict = dict()
        if xunit:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.get_case(item)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return self.case_dict.__setitem__(key, value)

    def get_cases_in_rate(self, reverse=False):
        return sorted(self.case_dict.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1]['rate'], y[1]['rate']), reverse=reverse)

    def __str__(self, indent=2, *args, **kwargs):
        return json.dumps(self.case_dict, indent=indent, *args, **kwargs) if self.case_dict else ''

    def __add__(self, other):
        """operator.add as: a = x + y or a = a + i
        Here __add__ will return a new object copy after operation. 
        :param other: An iterable as dict, Xunitrpt, et.
        :return: A new object of result Xunitrpt type
        z = Xunitrpt()
        z.case_dict = self.case_dict.copy()
        return z

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        """ operator.idd as: a += i
        :param other: An iterable as dict, Xunitrpt, et.
        :return: The original operand after updating with data from other.
        return self.extend(other)

    def extend(self, other):
        for k, v in other:
            if k not in self.keys():
                self[k] = Xunitrpt.DEFAULT_DICT.copy()
            for sk in ['sum', 'pass', 'fail', 'skip', 'time']:
                self[k][sk] += v.get(sk, 0)
        return self

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.case_dict.iteritems()

    def keys(self):
        return self.case_dict.keys()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not self and not other:
            return True
        return self.get_cases() == other.get_cases()

    # __len__ also on the MRO chain of __nonzero__() call.
    def __len__(self):
        return self.case_dict.__len__()

    def dump(self):
        return self.__str__(indent=2)

    def get_cases(self):
        return self.case_dict.copy()

    def get_case(self, tcname=None):
        return self.case_dict.get(tcname, dict())

    def get_case_shortname(tcname, limit_on_last_word=16):
        ls = tcname.split('.')
        if len(ls) <= 1:
            return tcname
        prefix = ''.join([x[0] for x in ls[:-1]])
        return prefix + '.' + ls[-1][:limit_on_last_word]

    def get_class_name(tcname):
        ls = tcname.split('.')
        return '.'.join(ls[:-1])

    def get_class_shortname(classname, *args, **kwargs):
        # Reuse shortname method for casename to process class full path
        return Xunitrpt.get_case_shortname(classname, *args, **kwargs)

    def is_xunit_report(text=None):
        if not text:
            return False
            root = ET.fromstring(text)
            return False

        if not root.tag.lower() == 'testsuite':
  "doc root {} is not testsuite".format(root.tag))
            return False

        return True

    def accumulate_xunit_str(self, xunit=None):
        """ Update data in given XUnit str to current XUnitReport Object
        If supplied with malformed str or None, silently do nothing but return itself.
        :param xunit: XUnit in a string
        :return: XunitReport Object itself after the accumulation

        if not xunit or not Xunitrpt.is_xunit_report(xunit):
            # Nothing to accumulate, return original case dict.
            return self

        root = ET.fromstring(xunit)

        for e in root.iter('testcase'):
            # Naming convention: Full.Class.Name.MethodName
            tcname = e.get('classname', 'UnknownClass') + '.' + e.get('name', 'UnknownTest')

            if tcname not in self.case_dict:
                self[tcname] = Xunitrpt.DEFAULT_DICT.copy()

            self[tcname]['sum'] += 1
            # time is a float of seconds
            self[tcname]['time'] += float(e.get('time', 0))

            tags = [child.tag for child in e]
            if 'failure' in tags or 'error' in tags:
                self[tcname]['fail'] += 1
            elif 'skipped' in tags:
                self[tcname]['skip'] += 1
                self[tcname]['pass'] += 1
            # refresh the pass rate as a ratio type on updated stats.

        # For cascade using.
        return self

    def cal_rate(self, tcname):
        if self[tcname]['sum'] == 0:
            self[tcname]['rate'] = 0
            self[tcname]['rate'] = (self[tcname]['pass'] + 0.0) / self[tcname]['sum']
        return self[tcname]['rate']

    def plot_barchart_rate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.get_barchart_rate(*args, **kwargs).plot()

    def get_barchart_rate(self, title='CIStat', sub_title='Pass rate'):
        tcnames = self.keys()
        chart = Echart(title, sub_title)
        rates = [self[x]['rate'] for x in tcnames]
        chart.use(Bar('Pass Rate', rates))
        chart.use(Legend(['Pass Rate']))
        chart.use(Axis('category', 'bottom', data=map(Xunitrpt.get_case_shortname, tcnames)))
        return chart

    def plot_piechart_casenum(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.get_piechart_casenum(*args, **kwargs).plot()

    def get_piechart_casenum(self, title='CIStat', sub_title='Case Num'):
        names = self.keys()
        chart = Echart(title, sub_title)
        times_ls = [dict(value=self[x]['sum'], name=x + ',' + "{:2.2f}".format(self[x]['rate']*100) + '%') for x in names]

        chart.use(Pie('Case Num',
                      radius=["36%", "72%"])
        chart.use(Legend([Xunitrpt.get_case_shortname(x) for x in names]))
        del chart.json["xAxis"]
        del chart.json["yAxis"]
        return chart

    def plot_scatter_roi(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.get_scatter_roi(*args, **kwargs).plot()

    def get_scatter_roi(self, title='CIStat', sub_title='Test ROI'):
        """ Return chart object to present ROI of each test class
        Here it is called Test ROI, not class ROI. Because a new feature is under primary scoping to allow case 
        statistics being aggregated at any given level. Which means folks can check which package or parent package
        is consuming the most or producing the most. Users can select the depth of aggregation.
        Currently the ROI is calculated by:
            Pass Rate:      The height
            Case Number:    The scatter symbol size
                            - Symbol size represents the cost
                            - In future, cost shall combine case number and test time.
                              E.g. cost = a/(b/time + c/num)
            Label:          Just distribute the labels evenly on X-axis
        names = self.keys()
        chart = Echart(title, sub_title)

        # Each item is a list of [ X-axis, Y-axis, size hint, short name, full name]
        roi_ls = [[i, self[x]['rate'], self[x]['sum'], Xunitrpt.get_case_shortname(x), x] for i, x in enumerate(names)]
        max_case_num = sorted(roi_ls, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True)[0][2]
        logger.debug("max case num is {}".format(max_case_num))

        # Define the size of biggest cycle
        __MAX_RADIUS = 120

        for x in roi_ls:
            chart.use(Scatter(x[4], [x[:3]], symbolSize=x[2]*__MAX_RADIUS/max_case_num))
        chart.use(Axis('category', 'bottom', data=[x[3] for x in roi_ls]))
        chart.use(Axis('value', 'left', data=[(i+1)*0.1 for i in range(12)]))
        return chart

    def get_class_rpt(self):
        """ Generate Class level statistics in Xunitrpt type.
        :return: Xunitrpt object on classes
        clsrpt = Xunitrpt()
        for k, v in self:
            clsrpt += {Xunitrpt.get_class_name(k): v}.iteritems()
        return clsrpt