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# Persist-And-Sync Zustand Store

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> Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs/windows/iframes (Same Origin)

> Motivation: Recently I got caught up in several issues working with the persist middleware and syncing tabs with Zustand. This is a simple lightweight middleware to persist and instantly share state between tabs or windows

- ✅ 🐙 ~ 1 kB size cross-tab state sharing + persistence for zustand
- ✅ Full TypeScript Support
- ✅ solid reliability in 1 writing and n reading tab scenarios (with changing writing tab)
- ✅ Fire and forget approach of always using the latest state. Perfect for single-user systems
- ✅ Share state between multiple browsing contexts
- ✅ Additional control over which fields to `persist-and-sync` and which to ignore
- ✅ Optimized for performance using memoization and closures.
- ✅ Update options at runtime by setting `__persistNSyncOptions` in your store.

## Install

$ pnpm add persist-and-sync


$ npm install persist-and-sync


$ yarn add persist-and-sync

## Usage

Add the middleware while creating the store and the rest will be taken care.

import { create } from "zustand";
import { persistNSync } from "persist-and-sync";

type MyStore = {
    count: number;
    set: (n: number) => void;

const useStore = create<MyStore>(
        set => ({
            count: 0,
            set: n => set({ count: n }),
        { name: "my-example" },

⚡🎉Boom! Just a couple of lines and your state perfectly syncs between tabs/windows and it is also persisted using `localStorage`!

## Advanced Usage (Customizations)

### PersistNSyncOptions

In several cases, you might want to exclude several fields from syncing. To support this scenario, we provide a mechanism to exclude fields based on a list of fields or regular expressions.

type PersistNSyncOptionsType = {
    name: string;
    /** @deprecated */
    regExpToIgnore?: RegExp;
    include?: (string | RegExp)[];
    exclude?: (string | RegExp)[];
    storage?: "localStorage" | "sessionStorage" | "cookies" /** Added in v1.1.0 */;


export const useMyStore = create<MyStoreType>()(
        set => ({
            count: 0,
            _count: 0 /** skipped as it is included in exclude array */,
            setCount: count => {
                set(state => ({ ...state, count }));
            set_Count: _count => {
                set(state => ({ ...state, _count }));
        { name: "example", exclude: ["_count"] },

> It is good to note here that each element of `include` and `exclude` array can either be a string or a regular expression.
> To use regular expression, you should either use `new RegExp()` or `/your-expression/` syntax. Double or single quoted strings are not treated as regular expression.
> You can specify whether to use either `"localStorage"`, `"sessionStorage"`, or `"cookies"` to persist the state - default `"localStorage"`. Please note that `"sessionStorage"` is not persisted. Hence can be used for sync only scenarios.

### Updating options at runtime

Since version 1.2, you can also update the options at runTime by setting `__persistNSyncOptions` in your Zustand state.


interface StoreWithOptions {
    count: number;
    _count: number;
    __persistNSyncOptions: PersistNSyncOptionsType;
    setCount: (c: number) => void;
    set_Count: (c: number) => void;
    setOptions: (__persistNSyncOptions: PersistNSyncOptionsType) => void;

const defaultOptions = { name: "example", include: [/count/], exclude: [/^_/] };

export const useStoreWithOptions = create<StoreWithOptions>(
        set => ({
            count: 0,
            _count: 0 /** skipped as it matches the regexp provided */,
            __persistNSyncOptions: defaultOptions,
            setCount: count => set(state => ({ ...state, count })),
            set_Count: _count => set(state => ({ ...state, _count })),
            setOptions: __persistNSyncOptions => set(state => ({ ...state, __persistNSyncOptions })),

### Clear Storage

Starting from version 1.2, you can also clear the persisted data by calling `clearStorage` function. It takes `name` of your store (`name` passed in `options` while creating the store), and optional `storageType` parameters.   

import { clearStorage } from "persist-and-sync";

    clearStorage("my-store", "cookies");

## Legacy / Deprecated

#### Ignore/filter out fields based on regExp

In several cases, you might want to exclude several fields from syncing. To support this scenario, we provide a mechanism to exclude fields based on regExp. Just pass `regExpToIgnore` (optional - default -> undefined) in the options object.

// to ignore fields containing a slug
    set => ({
      count: 0,
      slugSomeState: 1,
      slugSomeState2: 1,
      set: n => set({ count: n }),
    { name: "my-channel", regExpToIgnore: /slug/ },
    // or regExpToIgnore: new RegExp('slug')
    // Use full power of regExp by adding `i` and `g` flags

For more details about regExp check out - [JS RegExp](

### Exact match

For exactly matching a parameter/field use `/^your-field-name$/`. `^` forces match from the first character and similarly, `$` forces match until the last character.

### Ignore multiple fields with exact match

use `regExpToIgnore: /^(field1|field2|field3)$/`

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## License

Licensed as MIT open source.

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<p align="center" style="text-align:center">with 💖 by <a href="" target="_blank">Mayank Kumar Chaudhari</a></p>