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Test Coverage
## How to contribute

### Before you start

<!-- This section contains conventions/standards contributors must follow -->
<!-- For example: Commit messages should follow angular standard -->

### Setting up

You may need to fork this project in [GitHub](

git clone

# OR if you have a fork
git clone<your_github_handle>/simple-2way-config.git

# You may also add upstream
git remote add upstream

cd simple-2way-config

# Create a new branch
git checkout -b $branch_name

# Install deps
composer install -o

### Moving forward

# Run tests
composer test

# Run php code sniffer tokenizer
composer check

# Run php code sniffer beautifier
composer fixstyle

# If your feature takes long your dev branch might be out of sync, you may want to
git checkout $branch_name
git pull upstream master  # branch could be something else than master

### Finalizing

Everything looking good?

# Commit your stuffs
git add $file ...$files
git commit -m "..."

# Push 'em
git push origin HEAD

Now goto [GitHub](, select your branch and create PR.

### Getting PR merged

You have to wait. You have to address change requests. Be patient.

Thank you for contribution!

**Lastly** Please be informed that your works will be licensed same as the project [license](./LICENSE)