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# ally.js change log

## 1.4.1 - Module Mania

*January 31st 2017*. This release does not contain any functional changes.

* replacing [array.prototype.findindex]( by [`ally.util.arrayFindIndex`][ally/util] - [PR #154](
* adding `dist/esm` which provides the modules compiled to ES5 but exposing them in ES6 modules for [simplified use in TypeScript projects]( - [PR #154](


## 1.4.0 - The SVG Awakens

*January 12th 2017*. We're continuing our journey to *make accessibility simpler* (by advancing our understanding of the "platform"). Version 1.4.0 comes 4 months after the last feature release. We pushed [about 50 commits]( in an effort to understand focus behavior in SVG, update the build systems and upgrade automated testing to modern browser versions.

### The highlights of v1.4.0

* Improving utilities for convenient and safe `.focus()`, `.blur()` to properly support SVG content
* Improving identification of focusable status of SVG content
* Upgrading babel from version 5.x to 6.x, by providing AMD modules via UMD bundles
* Upgrading to eslint from version 2.x to 3.x, switching to (slightly customized) [eslint-config-semistandard](

### The numbers of v1.4.0

* Test coverage remained at ~99%
* The library grew from ~22KB to ~23KB gzipped (~73KB to ~76KB minified)

### The changes of v1.4.0

The following lists show the changes to the library grouped by domain.

#### Focus management in v1.4.0

* Improving [`ally.element.focus`][ally/element/focus] to focus SVG elements in MS Edge
* Improving [`ally.element.blur`][ally/element/blur] to remove focus from SVG elements in MS Edge and Firefox <51

#### Various in v1.4.0

* fixing [``][ally/is/valid-tabindex] to account for wrong-cased `tabIndex` attribute on SVG elements in MS Edge 14
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to understand `tabindex` on SVG in Firefox and MS Edge
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to understand `<use tabindex="-1">`
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to understand `<foreignObject tabindex="-1">`
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to include `<svg>` when it is its own browsing context in Firefox
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to consider SVG content tabbable in Firefox and Internet Explorer
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to consider SVG elements in browsing contexts in Blink
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to consider `tabindex="-1"` on SVG elements in `<object>` in Edge
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to consider `<use … tabindex="-1">` tabbable in Chrome
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to remove iOS version restriction on filter
* fixing [``][ally/is/only-tabbable] to stop considering SVG elements in IE, Edge and Firefox 51+
* fixing [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence] to properly sort SVG elements with tabindex in Edge 14+

#### Internals in v1.4.0

* refactoring [supports][ally/supports] to pass focused element to validation callback
* refactoring [supports][ally/supports] to properly test support of SVG elements in Trident
* refactoring [``][ally/style/focus-source] and [``][ally/style/focus-within] to optimize `focusin` or `focus` event name detection
* fixing various linting errors after upgrading to eslint 3 and semistandard

#### Build in v1.4.0

* upgrading [babel]( from 5.x to 6.x - [issue #51](
* upgrading [eslint]( from 2.x to 3.x
* introducing [eslint-config-semistandard](
* upgrading [lint-staged](
* upgrading [intern]( to 3.4.2
* upgrading TravisCI to run build and tests on NodeJS 6.1

#### Documentation in v1.4.0

* adding [Managing focus in SVG](
* adding various notes to API docs

### Testing of v1.4.0

* Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11
* Edge 13, 14 (15 manually)
* Safari 8, 9, 10 (6.2 and 7.1 were dropped from automated tests)
* Chrome 55
* Firefox 50, 50 with ShadowDOM enabled

### Missing in v1.4.0

* MathML elements *may* be focusable
* Shadow DOM focus behavior *may* have changed from v0 to v1


## 1.3.2 - Publish Panic

*November 15th 2016*. Version 1.3.1 was not published properly and nobody noticed. This release is basically version 1.3.1 but with the proper directory published to npm.


## 1.3.1 - Version Panic

*November 11th 2016*. This release does not contain any functional changes. The release was necessary because platform.js now identifies EdgeHTML (instead of Trident) as a the layout engine of Microsoft Edge and focus detection suffered.

* Updated to platform.js [1.3.3](
* Separated Edge 12+ from IE9-11 (Trident)


## 1.3.0 - Return Of The Focus

*September 17th 2016*. We're continuing our journey to *make accessibility simpler*. Version 1.3.0 comes 6 months after the last feature release. We pushed [about 90 commits]( in an effort to reduce the bundle's file size, improve startup performance, convert test suites to BDD and add DOM focus utilities.

### The highlights of v1.3.0

* Smaller bundle file size
* Removed all polyfills modifying DOM prototypes
* Added utilities for convenient and safe `.focus()`, `.blur()`, and obtaining the active element
* Test suites converted to BDD style

### The numbers of v1.3.0

* ☻ Test coverage remained at ~99%
* ☻ The library shrunk from ~28KB to ~22KB gzipped (~126KB to ~73KB minified) - *yes, we dropped 43%* by losing the DOMTokenList shim in v1.2.0 and introducing [rollupify](

### The changes of v1.3.0

The following lists show the changes to the library grouped by domain.

#### Focus management in v1.3.0

* adding [`ally.get.activeElement`][ally/get/active-element] - [issue #119](
* adding [`ally.element.blur`][ally/element/blur] - [issue #120](
* adding [`ally.element.focus`][ally/element/focus] - [issue #121](

#### Keyboard support in v1.3.0

* fixing [`ally.maintain.tabFocus`][ally/maintain/tab-focus] to also work with <kbd>Option Tab</kbd> in Safari for macOS - [issue #146](

#### Various in v1.3.0

* fixing [`ally.element.disabled`][ally/element/disabled] to remove SVG links from the document's tabbing order in Firefox
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to respect `except.scrollable`
* improving [``][ally/style/focus-source] by adding `.unlock()` - [issue #151](
* refactoring [`ally.when.visibleArea`][ally/when/visible-area] to always [execute the callback asynchronously](

#### Internals in v1.3.0

* running all [supports][ally/supports] tests in a batch to limit number of reflows - [issue #142](
* removing `svgelement.prototype.focus` as this should be covered more elegantly by [`ally.element.focus`][ally/element/focus]
* refactoring `element.prototype.matches` to `util/matches-element`

#### Build in v1.3.0

* adding [rollupify]( to reduce package overhead in build bundle
* switching to [lint-staged]( for faster linting during git pre-commit
* replacing broken [metalsmith-packagejson]( plugin - [issue #149](
* refactoring all unit and functional tests to use [BDD interface]( to improve clarity of a test's intent
* simplify running local tests in a non-WebDriver browser

#### Documentation in v1.3.0

* added [Hiding DOM elements](
* added [Managing focus in animated UI](

### Testing of 1.3.0

Intern unit and functional tests have been run for the following browsers, covering 99% of the library's code:

* Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11
* Edge 13
* Safari 6.2, 7.1, 8, 9
* Chrome 47
* Firefox 42, 42 with ShadowDOM enabled

### Missing in 1.3.0

In order to avoid shipping any more *temporary* code than we already do in the focusable detection code, we'll provide a separate release once we've *properly* investigated the following behavioral changes:

* Firefox 51 and Edge 14 ship *some sort of* support for the tabindex attribute on SVG elements
* Chrome 55 seems to have changed keyboard focusability of SVG content within `<object>` elements
* SVG `<use>` elements *may* be focusable depending on the content they reference
* MathML elements *may* be focusable


## 1.2.0 - Adios DOMTokenList

*August 23rd 2016.* We're releasing this fix to remove a dependency we've loaded directly off a [forked github repository](, rather than from npm.

### The changes of v1.2.0

* replacing [domtokenlist-shim]( by [`ally.util.toggleClass`][ally/util] - [issue #147](


## 1.1.1 - Augmented Reality

*August 6th 2016.* We're releasing a few fixes that have been hanging in the master branch as a bugfix release to 1.1, because waiting for 1.2 to come together is not an option for everyone.

### The changes of v1.1.1

* fixing `supports/focus-in-hiden-iframe` to avoid `document.write()` - [issue #126](
* fixing [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled] to *not* disable ancestors `filter` elements
* fixing [`ally.event.shadowFocus`][ally/event/shadow-focus] to not access `document.body` before it's available - [issue #144](


## 1.1.0 - Reality Strikes Back

*March 18th 2016.* We're continuing our journey to *make accessibility simpler*. Version 1.1.0 - the first major update follows 4 months after making ally.js public in November 2015. In this time we've released [5 beta versions]( and pushed [about 330 commits]( in an effort to increase browser support and fix the myriad of bugs typically encountered in version one of any software.

### The highlights of v1.1.0

* We got rid of those pesky console warnings triggered by the library's initial tests.
* We added full support for Internet Explorer 9 and made the library *loadable but not executable* in IE8 and NodeJS.
* While version 1.0.0 was targeting *specific browsers*, version 1.1.0 is targeting *rendering engines* and thereby adding support for blink based Opera and Yandex Browser, as well as WebKit based browsers.
* We've considerably increased compatibility with browser behavior in regard to what's "focusable". The test suite we used in version 1.0.0 was flawed in many ways. A complete rewrite of the browser tests and the subsequent overhaul of the [what browsers consider focusable]( tables now paint a much more accurate picture of what's going on. And all of that is covered by ally.js, as the new tables [differences between browsers and ally.js]( show.

Even though this is a "stability release" a few new features snuck in, most notably:

* The improved [`ally.when.key`][ally/when/key] now supports modifier keys (shift, alt, control, meta) in a simple notation.
* With [`ally.maintain.tabFocus`][ally/maintain/tab-focus] we can now trap <kbd>TAB</kbd> focus in the tabsequence.

### The numbers of v1.1.0

* ☻ We've increased test coverage from ~93% to ~99%
* ☹ The library grew from ~20KB to ~28KB gzipped (~80KB to ~126KB minified) - *yes, we grew by 50%*

A few numbers explaining the increased file size:

* ~20KB added for ever more tests and logic to identify what's focus-relevant/focusable/tabbable
* ~6KB added by sorting mechanisms for [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence]
* ~3KB added by [domtokenlist](
* ~3KB added for improved ShadowDOM support
* ~2KB added for improved keyboard event handling

### The changes of v1.1.0

The following lists show the changes to the library grouped by domain.

#### Browsers in v1.1.0

* Adding full support for Internet Explorer 9 - [issue #71](
* Adding full support for Microsoft Edge 12, 13
* Adding full support for Opera 34 (Blink based, behaves like Chrome)
* Adding manual focusable tests for Safari 6 and 8 on OSX
* Dropping manual focusable tests for Safari on iOS 8, keeping Safari on iOS 9
* Dropping manual focusable tests for Mobile Chrome on Android 4.4, keeping Mobile Chrome on Android 5.1

#### Dependencies in v1.1.0

* upgrading [css.escape]( to version 1.5.0 to work around [WebKit 149175](
* upgrading [platform.js]( to version 1.3.1
* adding [domtokenlist-shim]( for IE9 DOM `classList` and SVG `classList` in IE11

#### Browser Behavior in v1.1.0

* fixing [`ally.fix.pointerFocusChildren`][ally/fix/pointer-focus-children] to use focus identity exceptions - [issue #103](
* fixing [`ally.fix.pointerFocusInput`][ally/fix/pointer-focus-input] to properly target nested content of `<button>` and `<label>` elements

#### Focusable detection in v1.1.0

* adding [`ally.get.focusRedirectTarget`][ally/get/focus-redirect-target] to identify elements focus is forwarded to
* adding [``][ally/is/active-element] to identify if an element is the activeElement within its context
* adding option `includeOnlyTabbable` to [`ally.query.firstTabbable`][ally/query/first-tabbable], [`ally.query.focusable`][ally/query/focusable], [`ally.query.tabbable`][ally/query/tabbable], [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence] - [issue #100](
* changing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] and [``][ally/is/focusable] to regard `<keygen>` and `<embed>` focus-relevant but *not* focusable - [issue #82](
* changing [``][ally/is/valid-area] to properly handle `<area href="…">` vs. `<area>` - [issue #72](
* changing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to properly handle `<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash">` in IE9 - [Issue #71](
* refactoring [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to identify all elements that are either focusable, tabbable, only-tabbable or redirect focus
* refactoring [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence] to extract `util/merge-dom-order` and `util/sort-dom-order`
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to identify Flexbox Layout in IE10 and IE11
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to consider ShadowDOM host elements
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to properly identify scrollable containers in Internet Explorer
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to consider all `<area>` elements focus relevant, moving the focusable to verification to [``][ally/is/focusable]
* fixing [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to properly identify SVG links in IE9
* fixing [``][ally/is/focusable], [``][ally/is/tabbable] and [``][ally/is/only-tabbable] to consider the state of the hosting `<iframe>` or `<object>` element
* fixing [``][ally/is/focusable] to compensate Chrome being able to focus hidden `<object>` elements - [Blink 586191](
* fixing [``][ally/is/tabbable] to consider `<iframe>` elements not tabbable
* fixing [``][ally/is/only-tabbable] to not consider `<object>` elements only tabbable anymore
* fixing [``][ally/is/only-tabbable] to not require elements to satisfy [``][ally/is/visible]
* fixing [``][ally/is/visible] to consider the state of the hosting `<iframe>` or `<object>` element
* fixing [``][ally/is/disabled] to properly handle `<form disabled>` in IE9 - IE11
* fixing [`ally.get.focusTarget`][ally/get/focus-target] to resolve elements redirecting focus to other elements
* fixing [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence] to return `<area>` elements at the correct position - [issue #5](
* fixing [`ally.query.tabsequence`][ally/query/tabsequence] to properly sort within ShadowDOM - [issue #6](

#### Keyboard support in v1.1.0

* adding [`ally.maintain.tabFocus`][ally/maintain/tab-focus] to trap <kbd>TAB</kbd> focus in the tabsequence - [issue #63](
* changing [`ally.when.key`][ally/when/key] to handle modifier keys and respect `context` and `filter` options - [issue #59](
* changing [``][ally/map/keycode] to provide alphanumeric keys and aliasing

#### Various in v1.1.0

* adding [`ally.query.shadowHosts`][ally/query/shadow-hosts] to find elements hosting `ShadowRoot`s - [issue #110](
* adding [`ally.observe.shadowMutations`][ally/observe/shadow-mutations] to register `MutationObserver`s across nested `ShadowRoot`s - [issue #110](
* fixing [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled] to properly handle `tabindex` attribute changes
* fixing [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled] to properly disengage within ShadowHosts - [issue #107](, [PR #108](
* fixing [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled] to properly observe within ShadowHosts - [issue #110](
* fixing [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled] to handle initially disabled elements - [issue #123](
* fixing [`ally.get.parents`][ally/get/parents] to resolve ancestry for `SVGElement` in Internet Explorer
* fixing [``][ally/style/focus-within] to support SVG in IE10 and IE11

#### Internals in v1.1.0

* adding `ally/util/get-content-document` to obtain the browsing context of `<object>` and `<iframe>` elements
* adding `ally/util/get-frame-element` to obtain the host element (`<object>` or `<iframe>`) of browsing context elements
* adding `supports/focus-in-hidden-iframe` to identify if content within a hidden iframe is focusable
* adding `supports/focus-object-svg-hidden` to identify if a hidden `<object>` element is focusable
* changing modules to be able to load in non-browser environments - [issue #92](
* changing user agent sniffing from detecting browser to rendering engine - [issue #97](
* refactoring `is/is.util.js` to extract image map related functions into `utils/image-map`
* refactoring `is/focus-relevant` and `is/tabbable` to allow running the identification with execptions via `is/focus-relevant.rules` and `is/tabbable.rules`, while maintaining module signature
* refactoring `console.log()` to go through `util/logger`
* refactoring `selector/focusable` to extract `util/select-in-shadows`
* fixing `*` to work with other documents (e.g. iframes) - [issue #78](
* fixing `supports/*` to not raise network errors - [issue #68](
* fixing `supports/*` to run when required instead of on script load, restore scroll position - [issue #60](
* fixing `supports/supports-cache` to respect ally.js version change
* fixing `supports/focus-label-tabindex` in Chrome 49
* fixing ShadowDOM related unit tests in WebKit
* fixing `SVGElement.prototype.focus` to identify Microsoft Edge 13

#### Testing in v1.1.0

Intern unit and functional tests have been run for the following browsers, covering 99% of the library's code:

* Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11
* Edge 13
* Safari 6.2, 7.1, 8, 9
* Chrome 47
* Firefox 42, 42 with ShadowDOM enabled

#### Sources in v1.1.0

* renamed `src/util/sort-elements-by-tabindex.js` to `src/query/tabsequence.sort-tabindex.js`

## 1.0.1 (November 20th 2015)

* aligning `package.json` in repository and npm artifact for compatibility with cdnjs


## 1.0.0 - A New Hope

*November 18th 2015.* We're embarking on a journey to *make accessibility simpler*. Version 1.0.0 - the official release - of ally.js has been 14 months in the making, but it's only the beginning of a long story - or so I hope.

### The mission

**Making accessibility simpler** (for developers) by providing

* providing core functionality (not complete solutions)
* documentation to learn about accessibility requirements
* the basis figure out how specifications need to evolve
* a common ground for the community to collaborate

### The plan

I've laid the foundation for collaboration. My [goals]( are laid out. *Everything* is done on github, in the open. *Everything* is up for discussion. *Anyone* can join. See [contributing to ally.js]( for more.

### The past

Version `1.0.0` is a complete rewrite from the the early `0.0.x` releases, there are no breaking changes, it *is* a giant breaking change. More than 400 commits have been made since `0.0.7`, resulting in a few changes:

* moving dependencies from bower to npm (in fact, abandoning bower altogether)
* moving source from AMD to ES6 Module Syntax
* unifying API of all functions, see the [API docs](docs/api/)
* adding ES6 build infrastructure - [issue #1](
* adding unit tests - [issue #2]( (>90% coverage!)
* adding [`ally.query.firstTabbable`][ally/query/first-tabbable] (replacing `focus/first`) to find the first keyboard focusable element in a sub-tree
* adding `strategy: 'strict'` option to [`ally.query.focusable`][ally/query/focusable] to find elements by filters unavailable to `querySelectorAll()` - i.e. ShadowDOM without the "Shadow Piercing Descendant Combinator", scrollable containers, `-webkit-user-modify: read-write` - [issue #17](, [issue #21](
* [`ally.query.focusable`][ally/query/focusable] no longer considers `<html>` and `<body>` focusable - [issue #31](
* adding [``][ally/is/focus-relevant] to identify technically focusable elements (refactored from [``][ally/is/focusable])
* adding [``][ally/is/only-tabbable] to identify elements that cannot be focused by script, but by keyboard
* adding [`ally.element.disabled`][ally/element/disabled] (refactored from `focus/disabled`) - [issue #33](
* adding [`ally.when.key`][ally/when/key] to observe simple keyboard input - [issue #47](
* adding [`ally.get.insignificantBranches`][ally/get/insignificant-branches] to find branches not relevant to a given set of elements - [issue #32](
* adding [`ally.maintain.hidden`][ally/maintain/hidden] to hide everything in the DOM that is not relevant to a given set of elements - [issue #46](
* fixing [``][ally/is/visible] by removing dimension constraint - [issue #14](
* fixing [``][ally/is/focusable] to also identify "edge-cases" - [issue #17](, [issue #20](, [issue #21](

#### Breaking changes (compared to 0.0.7)

* ally.js is no longer available through bower, other than by [downloading the built archive](
* `src/` was ES5 and AMD, it is now ES6. AMD modules are available in `dist/amd/`
* dropping `focus/first` in favor of [`ally.query.firstTabbable`][ally/query/first-tabbable]
* dropping `focus/trap` in favor of [`ally.maintain.disabled`][ally/maintain/disabled]
* [``][ally/is/valid-area] (`dom/is-valid-area`) now returns `false` for elements that are not `<area>`
* [``][ally/is/valid-tabindex] (`dom/is-valid-tabindex`) now returns `false` for elements without `tabindex` attribute
* [``][ally/style/focus-source] has methods `.next()` and `.repeat()` removed

#### Renamed Files

* renamed `dom/active-elements.js` to `get/active-elements.js`
* renamed `dom/focus-target.js` to `get/focus-target.js`
* renamed `dom/is-disabled.js` to `is/disabled.js`
* renamed `dom/is-focusable.js` to `is/focusable.js`
* renamed `dom/is-shadowed.js` to `is/shadowed.js`
* renamed `dom/is-tabbable.js` to `is/tabbable.js`
* renamed `dom/is-valid-area.js` to `is/valid-area.js`
* renamed `dom/is-valid-tabindex.js` to `is/valid-tabindex.js`
* renamed `dom/is-visible.js` to `is/visible.js`
* renamed `dom/node-array.js` to `util/node-array.js`
* renamed `dom/path.js` to `get/parents.js`
* renamed `dom/query-focusable.js` to `query/focusable.js`
* renamed `dom/query-tabbable.js` to `query/tabbable.js`
* renamed `dom/query-tabsequence.js` to `query/tabsequence.js`
* renamed `dom/shadow-host-ancestors.js` to `get/shadow-host-parents.js`
* renamed `dom/when-visible.js` to `when/visible-area.js`
* renamed `dom/shadow-host.js` to `get/shadow-host.js`
* renamed `dom/sort-tabindex.js` to `util/sort-elements-by-tabindex.js`
* renamed `dom/visible-quotient.js` to `util/visible-area.js`
* renamed `event/interaction-type-listener.js` to `observe/interaction-type.js`
* renamed `focus/source.js` to `style/focus-source.js`
* renamed `focus/when-visible.js` to `when/focusable.js`
* renamed `focus/within.js` to `style/focus-within.js`
* renamed `focus/disable-focus` to `maintain/disabled`


## 0.0.7 (July 8th 2015)

* adding `event/shadow-focus` to emit custom event when focus changes within the ShadowDOM - extracted from `focus/within`
* adding `event/interaction-type-listener` to track user input to differentiate keyboard and pointer input
* adding [`focus/source`]( to allow styling of `:focus` dependent on user input (keyboard, pinter, script)
* adding [`focus/disable-focus`]( to render elements inert and remove them from the document's focus navigation sequence
* deprecating [`focus/trap`](, use [`focus/disable-focus`]( instead


## 0.0.6 (June 17th 2015)

* fixing [`dom/visible-quotient`]( to subtract scrollbars from visible space


## 0.0.5 (June 15th 2015)

* adding [`dom/when-visible`]( to execute callback when an element becomes visible
* improving [`dom/when-visible`]( to also wait until an element becomes focusable


## 0.0.4 (February 3rd 2015)

* adding [`dom/visible-quotient`](
* adding [`focus/when-visible`](
* fixing [`fix-browser/pointer-focus-children`]( to temporarily disable transitions


## 0.0.3 (January 7th 2015)

* adding [`fix-browser/pointer-focus-children`](
* adding `dom/focus-target` to find the first focusable element in an element's ancestry
* improving [`fix-browser/pointer-focus-parent`]( for less complexity
* improving `fix-browser` by only engaging handlers for affected browsers (yes, *user agent sniffing*, deal with it)
* fixing `dom/is-visible` to look at computed styles, not the element's styles (duh!)


## 0.0.2 (January 5th 2015)

* adding [`fix-browser/pointer-focus-input`](
* adding [`dom/active-elements`]( to identify the actually focsued element and its host elements in ShadowDOM
* adding [`focus/within`]( to "polyfill" [`:focus-within`](
* adding warning to browser support detection when document does not have focus
* adding `supports/supports-cache` to store browser compatibility data
* adding `focus/first` to identify and focus the first `[autofocus]` or non positive tabindex (`[tabindex=1]`) element
* adding `dom/query-domsequence` to separate sorting and mutating the list from `dom/query-tabbable`
* improving [`fix-browser/pointer-focus-parent`]( for fewer DOM interactions and less code
* improving [`focus/trap`]( to allow nothing being focus and re-acquire focus when required
* improving `selector/focusable` (thus `dom/query-focusable`) by also finding focusable shadowed elements (via `>>>` or `/deep/`, ShadowDOM) - [#11](
* fixing `event/active-element` to be dispatched on `document` rather than `document.body`
* fixing `prototype/svgelement.prototype.focus` to also cover `SVGElement.prototype.blur`
* fixing linting errors


## 0.0.1 (December 25th 2014)

* initial release "focus"
