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# ally.js contribution guide

* ally.js is a tool for modern browsers (IE9 and newer), if you need to support anything older than that, feel free to submit PRs.
* ally.js is authored in ES6 ("", "ES2015", …) while still providing maximum convenience when it comes to consuming the library (compiled UMD bundle, AMD modules, CommonJS modules, ES6 modules).
* To stay lean, we don't want to add external dependencies unless we absolutely have to.
* To stay out of the "too many tools" debate, build infrastructure has to work via npm (configured via `package.json`).


## Legal Things

In order to get ahead of any IP (Intellectual Property) snafu we ask you to follow the following three rules:

* You will only submit contributions where you have authored 100% of the content.
* You will only submit contributions to which you have the necessary rights. This means that if you are employed you have received the necessary permissions from your employer to make the contributions.
* Whatever content you contribute will be provided under the project license (MIT License).

## Found an issue?

If you found a bug (or think you found a bug) in the code or docs, please [file an issue]( If you're able to fix the problem yourself, please [submit a pull request](#contributing-code).

## Want a feature?

You can *request* a new feature by [filing an issue]( If you would like to *implement* a new feature, please first [filing an issue]( with a proposal for your work, so we can help you make sure your efforts don't go to waste. ally.js tackles low- and mid-level API problems in regard to anything a web application has to do to "become accessible". ally.js is *not* a UI framework, it does *not* aim to replace jQuery and it's *not* a general-purpose-web-utility-swiss-army-knife.

## Contributing code

> Please make sure that your pull request points at the **master branch**. PRs against *gh-pages* and *release* cannot be accepted.

We try to follow Angular's [Commit Message Guidelines](

<type>(<scope>): <subject>


The `type` (see list below) identifies how the project was improved. The `scope` identifies what was improved (e.g. `ally/style/focus-within`). The `subject` declares what was done to the component. The `body` is optional and can be used to explain the changes in detail. E.g: `docs(maintain/disabled): add note on IE10 <fieldset disabled>`.

* **feature**: A new feature
* **fix**: A bug fix
* **docs**: Documentation only changes
* **style**: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
* **refactor**: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
* **perf**: A code change that improves performance
* **test**: Adding missing tests
* **chore**: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation

Also following their [Submitting a Pull Request]( guide isn't the worst idea, although *at this point* we're not the pedantic bunch.

### Further resources

* [Building ally.js](docs/contributing/
* [Documenting ally.js](docs/contributing/
* [Testing ally.js](docs/contributing/
* [Releasing ally.js](docs/contributing/

## Directories

  / dist: contains the built distributable files - never check into git!
  / docs: contains the markdown documentation
  / build: contains scripts concerning the build pipeline
  / src: contains ally.js source
  / test: contains unit and functional tests for ally.js source
  / tests: contains browser behavior evaluation tests
    / browser-bugs: contains issue reproduction demos for filed browser bugs