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        <h1>On this page</h1>
          <li><a href="#what-ally-is">What is ally.js?</a></li>
          <li><a href="#simple-API">Simple API</a></li>
          <li><a href="#what-is-focusable">What is focusable?</a></li>
          <li><a href="#features">Features</a></li>
          <li><a href="#what-people-say">What people say</a></li>
          <li><a href="#supported-by">Supported by</a></li>

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      <article class="what-ally-is">
          <h1 id="what-ally-is">What is ally.js?</h1>

          <img src="assets/ally-js-logo.png" class="logo" alt="ally.js logo - showing the United Nations Accessibility Logo on top of the JS logo">
          <p>ally.js is a JavaScript library simplifying certain accessibility features, functions and behaviors. However, simply loading ally.js will not automagically make a web application accessible. The library provides certain standard functions the "web platform" should've provided itself, so JavaScript applications can be made accessible more easily.</p>

          <p>ally.js has been tested on IE9+, Firefox, Chrome and Safari 9, as well as Mobile Chrome on Android 5.1 and Safari for iOS 9.</p>


      <article class="getting-started">
          <h1 id="simple-API">Simple API</h1>

          <p>How would you prevent elements outside of your modal dialog or menu from receiving focus?</p>
          <pre><code class="language-markup">&lt;script src=&quot;path/to/ally.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    filter: '#my-dialog-element'
        <section class="example">
          <a class="jsbin-embed" href="">ally.maintain.disabled Example on</a><script src=""></script>

      <article class="getting-started">
          <h1 id="what-is-focusable">What is focusable?</h1>

          <p>Do you know which elements are <em>focusable</em> or <em>tabbable</em>? ally.js does and does it's best to hide that complexity behind <a href="api/index.html#finding-elements">simple to use APIs</a>.</p>
          <p><a href="data-tables/focusable.html"><img src="assets/home/focusable-crop.png" alt="image of focusable data-table"></a></p>
          <p>See <a href="what-is-focusable.html">What does "focusable" mean</a>.</p>

      <article class="getting-started">
          <h1 id="features">Features</h1>
            <li>Identify and absorb browser differences regarding which elements are considered focusable</li>
            <li>Query the DOM for all focusable or tabbable (keyboard focusable) elements</li>
            <li>Trap focus navigation in a DOM sub-tree</li>
            <li>Make DOM sub-trees inert (i.e. disable all element's from being focused or interacted with)</li>
            <li>Identify focused elements and focus changes within ShadowDOM</li>
            <li>Provide <code>:focus-within</code> (CSS Selectors Level 4) Polyfill</li>
            <li>Determine how focus changed (keyboard, mouse, script) to apply different focus outline styles</li>
            <li>Determine when an element is focusable and visible in the viewport to prevent browsers from scrolling the element into view upon focus</li>

          <p>Have a look at the <a href="api/index.html">API documentation</a>.</p>

      <article class="what-people-say">
          <h1 id="what-people-say">What people say</h1>
            <span>This is a fantastic piece of information and I'm utterly in love with the helper methods ally.js is offering to make this (usually painful) work nice and easy.</span>
            <a href="">Dirk Ginader</a>
            <span>Wow, ally.js looks super useful! Glad to see it happen.</span>
            <a href="">Robin Berjon</a>
            <span>I'm intrigued by how simple ally.js makes it for us to handle basic accessibility needs.</span>
            <a href="">Sebastian Golasch</a>

      <article class="supported-by">
          <h1 id="supported-by">Supported by</h1>

              <a href="">BrowserStack</a> and <a href="">SauceLabs</a>
              provide VMs for automated testing - <em>free for open source projects.</em>
              <a href="">Code Climate</a>
              and <a href="">Coveralls</a>
              provide us with automated code analysis and coverage reports -
              <em>free for open source projects.</em>
              <a href="">Travis CI</a> provides a build server -
              <em>free for open source projects.</em>

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