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// determine if an element supports.can be focused by script regardless
// of the element actually being focusable at the time of execution
// i.e. <input disabled> is conisdered focus-relevant, but not focusable

import getParents from '../get/parents';
import contextToElement from '../util/context-to-element';
import elementMatches from '../util/element-matches';
import tabindexValue from '../util/tabindex-value';
import isValidTabindex from './valid-tabindex';
import {
} from './is.util';

import _supports from '../supports/supports';
let supports;

function isFocusRelevantRules({
  except = {
    flexbox: false,
    scrollable: false,
    shadow: false,
} = {}) {
  if (!supports) {
    supports = _supports();

  const element = contextToElement({
    label: 'is/focus-relevant',
    resolveDocument: true,

  if (!except.shadow && element.shadowRoot) {
    // a ShadowDOM host receives focus when the focus moves to its content
    return true;

  const nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();

  if (nodeName === 'input' && element.type === 'hidden') {
    // input[type="hidden"] supports.cannot be focused
    return false;

  if (nodeName === 'input' || nodeName === 'select' || nodeName === 'button' || nodeName === 'textarea') {
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'legend' && supports.focusRedirectLegend) {
    // specifics filtered in is/focusable
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'label') {
    // specifics filtered in is/focusable
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'area') {
    // specifics filtered in is/focusable
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'a' && element.hasAttribute('href')) {
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'object' && element.hasAttribute('usemap')) {
    // object[usemap] is not focusable in any browser
    return false;

  if (nodeName === 'object') {
    const svgType = element.getAttribute('type');
    if (!supports.focusObjectSvg && svgType === 'image/svg+xml') {
      // object[type="image/svg+xml"] is not focusable in Internet Explorer
      return false;
    } else if (!supports.focusObjectSwf && svgType === 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
      // object[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"] is not focusable in Internet Explorer 9
      return false;

  if (nodeName === 'iframe' || nodeName === 'object') {
    // browsing context containers
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'embed' || nodeName === 'keygen') {
    // embed is considered focus-relevant but not focusable
    // see
    return true;

  if (element.hasAttribute('contenteditable')) {
    // also see CSS property user-modify below
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'audio' && (supports.focusAudioWithoutControls || element.hasAttribute('controls'))) {
    return true;

  if (nodeName === 'video' && (supports.focusVideoWithoutControls || element.hasAttribute('controls'))) {
    return true;

  if (supports.focusSummary && nodeName === 'summary') {
    return true;

  const validTabindex = isValidTabindex(element);

  if (nodeName === 'img' && element.hasAttribute('usemap')) {
    // Gecko, Trident and Edge do not allow an image with an image map and tabindex to be focused,
    // it appears the tabindex is overruled so focus is still forwarded to the <map>
    return validTabindex && supports.focusImgUsemapTabindex || supports.focusRedirectImgUsemap;

  if (supports.focusTable && (nodeName === 'table' || nodeName === 'td')) {
    // IE10-11 supports.can focus <table> and <td>
    return true;

  if (supports.focusFieldset && nodeName === 'fieldset') {
    // IE10-11 supports.can focus <fieldset>
    return true;

  const isSvgElement = nodeName === 'svg';
  const isSvgContent = element.ownerSVGElement;
  const focusableAttribute = element.getAttribute('focusable');
  const tabindex = tabindexValue(element);

  if (nodeName === 'use' && tabindex !== null && !supports.focusSvgUseTabindex) {
    // <use> cannot be made focusable by adding a tabindex attribute anywhere but Blink and WebKit
    return false;

  if (nodeName === 'foreignobject') {
    // <use> can only be made focusable in Blink and WebKit
    return tabindex !== null && supports.focusSvgForeignobjectTabindex;

  if (elementMatches(element, 'svg a') && element.hasAttribute('xlink:href')) {
    return true;

  if ((isSvgElement || isSvgContent) && element.focus && !supports.focusSvgNegativeTabindexAttribute && tabindex < 0) {
    // Firefox 51 and 52 treat any natively tabbable SVG element with
    // tabindex="-1" as tabbable and everything else as inert
    // see
    return false;

  if (isSvgElement) {
    return validTabindex || supports.focusSvg || supports.focusSvgInIframe
      // Internet Explorer understands the focusable attribute introduced in SVG Tiny 1.2
      || Boolean(supports.focusSvgFocusableAttribute && focusableAttribute && focusableAttribute === 'true');

  if (isSvgContent) {
    if (supports.focusSvgTabindexAttribute && validTabindex) {
      return true;

    if (supports.focusSvgFocusableAttribute) {
      // Internet Explorer understands the focusable attribute introduced in SVG Tiny 1.2
      return focusableAttribute === 'true';

  if (validTabindex) {
    return true;

  const style = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
  if (isUserModifyWritable(style)) {
    return true;

  if (supports.focusImgIsmap && nodeName === 'img' && element.hasAttribute('ismap')) {
    // IE10-11 considers the <img> in <a href><img ismap> focusable
    const hasLinkParent = getParents({context: element}).some(
      parent => parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && parent.hasAttribute('href')

    if (hasLinkParent) {
      return true;

  if (!except.scrollable && supports.focusScrollContainer) {
    if (supports.focusScrollContainerWithoutOverflow) {
      // Internet Explorer does will consider the scrollable area focusable
      // if the element is a <div> or a <span> and it is in fact scrollable,
      // regardless of the CSS overflow property
      if (isScrollableContainer(element, nodeName)) {
        return true;
    } else if (hasCssOverflowScroll(style)) {
      // Firefox requires proper overflow setting, IE does not necessarily
      return true;

  if (!except.flexbox && supports.focusFlexboxContainer && hasCssDisplayFlex(style)) {
    // elements with display:flex are focusable in IE10-11
    return true;

  const parent = element.parentElement;
  if (!except.scrollable && parent) {
    const parentNodeName = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    const parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(parent, null);
    if (supports.focusScrollBody && isScrollableContainer(parent, nodeName, parentNodeName, parentStyle)) {
      // scrollable bodies are focusable Internet Explorer
      return true;

    // Children of focusable elements with display:flex are focusable in IE10-11
    if (supports.focusChildrenOfFocusableFlexbox) {
      if (hasCssDisplayFlex(parentStyle)) {
        return true;

  // NOTE: elements marked as inert are not focusable,
  // but that property is not exposed to the DOM

  return false;

// bind exceptions to an iterator callback
isFocusRelevantRules.except = function(except = {}) {
  const isFocusRelevant = function(context) {
    return isFocusRelevantRules({

  isFocusRelevant.rules = isFocusRelevantRules;
  return isFocusRelevant;

// provide isFocusRelevant(context) as default iterator callback
const isFocusRelevant = isFocusRelevantRules.except({});
export default isFocusRelevant;