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2 hrs
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  add data-focus-source attribute to html element containing "key", "pointer" or "script"
  depending on the input method used to change focus.


    body :focus {
      outline: 1px solid grey;

    html[data-focus-source="key"] body :focus {
      outline: 5px solid red;

    html[data-focus-source="key"] body :focus {
      outline: 1px solid blue;

  NOTE: I don't have a GamePad to test, if you do and you want to
  implement an observer for - send a PR!

  Alternate implementation:

import { addClass, removeClass } from '../util/toggle-class';
import shadowFocus from '../event/shadow-focus';
import engageInteractionTypeObserver from '../observe/interaction-type';
import decorateService from '../util/decorate-service';

// preferring focusin/out because they are synchronous in IE10+11
const supportsFocusIn = typeof document !== 'undefined' && 'onfocusin' in document;
const focusEventName = supportsFocusIn ? 'focusin' : 'focus';
const blurEventName = supportsFocusIn ? 'focusout' : 'blur';

// interface to read interaction-type-listener state
let interactionTypeHandler;
let shadowHandle;
// keep track of last focus source
let current = null;
// overwrite focus source for use with the every upcoming focus event
let lock = null;
// keep track of ever having used a particular input method to change focus
const used = {
  pointer: false,
  key: false,
  script: false,
  initial: false,

function handleFocusEvent(event) {
  let source = '';
  if (event.type === focusEventName || event.type === 'shadow-focus') {
    const interactionType = interactionTypeHandler.get();
    source = lock
      || interactionType.pointer && 'pointer'
      || interactionType.key && 'key'
      || 'script';
  } else if (event.type === 'initial') {
    source = 'initial';

  document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-focus-source', source);

  if (event.type !== blurEventName) {
    if (!used[source]) {
      addClass(document.documentElement, 'focus-source-' + source);

    used[source] = true;
    current = source;

function getCurrentFocusSource() {
  return current;

function getUsedFocusSource(source) {
  return used[source];

function lockFocusSource(source) {
  lock = source;

function unlockFocusSource() {
  lock = false;

function disengage() {
  // clear dom state
  handleFocusEvent({type: blurEventName});
  current = lock = null;
  Object.keys(used).forEach(function(key) {
    removeClass(document.documentElement, 'focus-source-' + key);
    used[key] = false;
  // kill interaction type identification listener
  // kill shadow-focus event dispatcher
  shadowHandle && shadowHandle.disengage();
  document.removeEventListener('shadow-focus', handleFocusEvent, true);
  document.documentElement.removeEventListener(focusEventName, handleFocusEvent, true);
  document.documentElement.removeEventListener(blurEventName, handleFocusEvent, true);

function engage() {
  // enable the shadow-focus event dispatcher
  shadowHandle = shadowFocus();
  // handlers to modify the focused element
  document.addEventListener('shadow-focus', handleFocusEvent, true);
  document.documentElement.addEventListener(focusEventName, handleFocusEvent, true);
  document.documentElement.addEventListener(blurEventName, handleFocusEvent, true);
  // enable the interaction type identification observer
  interactionTypeHandler = engageInteractionTypeObserver();
  // set up initial dom state
  handleFocusEvent({type: 'initial'});

  return {
    used: getUsedFocusSource,
    current: getCurrentFocusSource,
    lock: lockFocusSource,
    unlock: unlockFocusSource,

export default decorateService({ engage, disengage });