import platform from '../util/platform';
function before() {
const data = {
// remember what had focus to restore after test
activeElement: document.activeElement,
// remember scroll positions to restore after test
windowScrollTop: window.scrollTop,
windowScrollLeft: window.scrollLeft,
bodyScrollTop: document.body.scrollTop,
bodyScrollLeft: document.body.scrollLeft,
// wrap tests in an element hidden from screen readers to prevent them
// from announcing focus, which can be quite irritating to the user
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; position:fixed; top:0; left:-2px; width:1px; height:1px; overflow:hidden;');
iframe.setAttribute('aria-live', 'off');
iframe.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'true');
iframe.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
const _window = iframe.contentWindow;
const _document = _window.document;;
const wrapper = _document.createElement('div');
data.iframe = iframe;
data.wrapper = wrapper;
data.window = _window;
data.document = _document;
return data;
// options.element:
// {string} element name
// {function} callback(wrapper, document) to generate an element
// options.mutate: (optional)
// {function} callback(element, wrapper, document) to manipulate element prior to focus-test.
// Can return DOMElement to define focus target (default: element)
// options.validate: (optional)
// {function} callback(element, focusTarget, document) to manipulate test-result
function test(data, options) {
// make sure we operate on a clean slate
data.wrapper.innerHTML = '';
// create dummy element to test focusability of
const element = typeof options.element === 'string'
? data.document.createElement(options.element)
: options.element(data.wrapper, data.document);
// allow callback to further specify dummy element
// and optionally define element to focus
let focus = options.mutate && options.mutate(element, data.wrapper, data.document);
if (!focus && focus !== false) {
focus = element;
// element needs to be part of the DOM to be focusable
!element.parentNode && data.wrapper.appendChild(element);
// test if the element with invalid tabindex can be focused
focus && focus.focus && focus.focus();
// validate test's result
return options.validate
? options.validate(element, focus, data.document)
: data.document.activeElement === focus;
function after(data) {
// restore focus to what it was before test and cleanup
if (data.activeElement === document.body) {
document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur && document.activeElement.blur();
if ( {
// IE10 does not redirect focus to <body> when the activeElement is removed
} else {
data.activeElement && data.activeElement.focus && data.activeElement.focus();
// restore scroll position
window.scrollTop = data.windowScrollTop;
window.scrollLeft = data.windowScrollLeft;
document.body.scrollTop = data.bodyScrollTop;
document.body.scrollLeft = data.bodyScrollLeft;
export default function(tests) {
const data = before();
const results = {};
Object.keys(tests).map(function(key) {
results[key] = test(data, tests[key]);
return results;