define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var bdd = require('intern!bdd');
// NOTE: The SafariDriver does *not* behave like Safari in regards to
// how mouse events are processed. While Safari, when used directly,
// exhibits bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139945,
// Safari when used via WebDriver (and thus SafariDriver), does NOT.
// Chrome 27 is the last of the WebKit based versions and exhibits
// the same bug. However, BrowserStack's Chrome 27 won't run our Intern suite.
// This means we cannot test fix/pointer-focus-parent.js in a way that
// actually proves the script does something the browser would otherwise not.
bdd.describe('fix/pointer-focus-parent', function() {
var timeout = 120000;
function makeFocusClickTest(prefix, hasTarget) {
return function() {
var test = this;
this.timeout = timeout;
return this.remote
// make sure we're failing without the fix
.focusById(prefix + 'fail-source')
.withActiveElement(function(activeElementId) {
var expected = hasTarget ? (prefix + 'fail-target') : (prefix + 'fail-source');
if (activeElementId === expected) {
test.skip('Element focused naturally');
// I have no clue why, but IE11 needs this for
// the next click to actually focus something.
// make sure we're not failing with the fix
.focusById(prefix + 'fixed-source')
.expectActiveElement(hasTarget ? (prefix + 'fixed-target') : (prefix + 'fixed-source'), 'confirming fix');
bdd.before(function() {
function isIrrelevantBrowser(platform) {
// This fix is only relevant to WebKit
return !platform.is.WEBKIT;
return this.remote
.skipPlatform(this, isIrrelevantBrowser, 'irrelevant to current browser');
bdd.it('should handle links nested in focusable containers', makeFocusClickTest('link-', false));