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import sengEvent from 'seng-event';
import ScrollTrackerPoint from './ScrollTrackerPoint';
import Axis from './enum/Axis';
import ScrollTrackerEvent from './event/ScrollTrackerEvent';
import Side from './enum/Side';

const throttle = require('lodash/throttle');
const size = require('element-size');

 * Class that keeps track of the vertical scroll position of an element.
export default class ScrollTracker extends sengEvent {
    private static _DEFAULT_THROTTLE_SCROLL: number = 1000 / 60;
    private static _DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RESIZE: number = 200;

    public trackingPoints: Array<ScrollTrackerPoint> = [];

    public viewSize: number = 0;
    public scrollSize: number = 0;
    public viewStart: number = 0;
    public viewEnd: number = 0;

    protected lastScrollPosition: number = 0;

    constructor(private element: HTMLElement | Window = window, private targetAxis: Axis = Axis.Y) {

            () => {
                if (this.isDisposed()) {


     * Returns which axis this ScrollTracker instance is tracking.
    public get axis(): Axis {
        return this.targetAxis;

     * Returns the target element this ScrollTracker instance is tracking.
    public get targetElement(): HTMLElement | Window {
        return this.element;

     * Updates the size of the viewport of the target element.
    public updateSize(): void {
        const isX = this.axis === Axis.X;
        const dimensions = size(this.targetElement);
        this.viewSize = isX ? dimensions[0] : dimensions[1];

        if (this.targetElement === window) {
            const dimensions = size(document.body);
            this.scrollSize = isX ? dimensions[0] : dimensions[1];
        } else {
            const target = <HTMLElement>this.targetElement;
            this.scrollSize = isX ? target.scrollWidth : target.scrollHeight;


     * Adds a new point of which we will detect when it enters and leaves the view.
     * @param position The position of this points in pixels. This is the distance from the start
     * or end of the target element depending on the 'side' parameter, measured horizontally or
     * vertically depending on the axis of this ScrollTracker instance.
     * @param side The side from which the 'position' parameter is defined. Side.START measures the
     * position from the top or left edge and Side.END will measure the position from the bottom
     * or right edge.
     * @returns {ScrollTrackerPoint} A reference to a ScrollTrackerPoint instance that can be
     * used to bind events, remove or update the point added.
    public addPoint(position: number, height: number = 1, side: Side = Side.START): ScrollTrackerPoint {
        const point = new ScrollTrackerPoint(position, height, side, this);
        point.addEventListener(ScrollTrackerEvent.types.ENTER_VIEW, this.pointEventHandler);
        point.addEventListener(ScrollTrackerEvent.types.LEAVE_VIEW, this.pointEventHandler);

        return point;

     * Removes an existing point from this ScrollTracker. This point will be destructed and will
     * no longer throw events.
     * @param point The ScrollTrackerPoint instance to remove.
     * @returns {boolean} Boolean indicating if the point was found and removed successfully.
    public removePoint(point: ScrollTrackerPoint): boolean {
        const index = this.trackingPoints.indexOf(point);
        if (index >= 0) {
            this.trackingPoints.splice(index, 1);
            return true;

        return false;

     * Removes all points from this ScrollTracker instance. They will be destructed and will
     * no longer throw events.
    public removeAllPoints(): void {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.trackingPoints.length; i += 1) {
        this.trackingPoints.length = 0;

     * Initialize scroll and resize events using jQuery. Resize events will only be used when
     * the target of ScrollTracker is 'window'. If the target is not window, updateSize() has
     * to be called manually to update the view size.
    protected initEvents(): void {
        if (this.targetElement === window) {
                throttle(this.windowResizeHandler, ScrollTracker._DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RESIZE),

        } else {

            throttle(this.scrollHandler, ScrollTracker._DEFAULT_THROTTLE_SCROLL),

     * Handles events thrown by ScrollTrackerPoint instances and bubbles them up to this
     * ScrollTracker instance.
     * @param event The event thrown.
    private pointEventHandler = (event: ScrollTrackerEvent) => {

    protected updateScrollPosition() {
        const isX = this.axis === Axis.X;
        if (this.targetElement === window) {
            this.viewStart = isX ? window.pageXOffset : window.pageYOffset;
        } else {
            const target = <HTMLElement>this.targetElement;
            this.viewStart = isX ? target.scrollLeft : target.scrollTop;

        this.viewEnd = this.viewStart + this.viewSize;

        this.lastScrollPosition = this.viewStart;

     * Event handler called when the target element is scrolled. Will detect the new scroll
     * position and call checkInView() on all tracking points.
    protected scrollHandler = () => {
        const scrollingBack = this.viewStart < this.lastScrollPosition;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.trackingPoints.length; i += 1) {

     * Event handler called when the window resizes. Only used when the target of this ScrollTracker
     * instance is the window object.
    protected windowResizeHandler = () => {

     * Disposes this ScrollTracker and all points created on it. Removes all event handlers.
    public dispose(): void {
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeHandler);
        this.targetElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scrollHandler);
