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# seng-signals

Signal is a Observer Pattern that works on the basis that every event has its own controller, its more clear what a controller dispatches and its hi-performance.

## Installation

### npm

npm install --save seng-signals

### other

We also have browser, amd, commonjs, umd, systemjs and es6 versions of
this module available attached to the [Github Releases](

### manual

Check the **build** section below to see your you can build for all the
targets yourself.

## Usage

import {Signal, Signal1, Signal2} from 'seng-signals';

var signal = new Signal();
var connection = signal.connect(function(){

signal.emit(); // console.log('emitted');
signal.emit(); // console.log('emitted');
signal.emit(); // console.log('emitted');

// -----


var signal = new Signal();
var connection = signal.connect(function(){


signal.emit(); // console.log('emitted');
signal.emit(); // nothing
signal.emit(); // nothing

// -----

var signal = new Signal1();
var connection = signal.connect(function(value){
    console.log('emitted:', value);

signal.emit(1); // console.log('emitted:', 1);
signal.emit(2); // console.log('emitted:', 2);
signal.emit(3); // console.log('emitted:', 3);

// -----

var signal = new Signal2();
var connection = signal.connect(function(a, b){
    console.log('emitted:', a, b);

signal.emit('apple', 1); // console.log('emitted:', 'apple', 1);
signal.emit('pinapple', 2); // console.log('emitted:', 'apple', 1);


signal.emit('sugar', 3); // nothing

// -----

var signal = new Signal();
signal.connect(function(a, b){
    console.log('emitted A');

// put this listener on top of all others
    console.log('emitted B');
}, true).once();


// -----


### Usage with Class
This is all hypothetical fetch streaming code, this just gives a example of how to use signals in different setting.
class Loader {
    this.path = path;
    this.progress = new Signal1();
    this.complete = new Signal();
    var _this = this;
    fetch(this.path).then(response => {
      var reader = response.body.getReader();
      var bytesReceived = 0;
      var totalBytes = 1000000;
  processResult(result) {

        if (result.done) {
        bytesReceived += result.value.length;

## Documentation

View the [generated documentation](

## Building

In order to build signals, ensure that you have [Git](
and [Node.js]( installed.

Clone a copy of the repo:
git clone

Change to the signals directory:
cd seng-signals

Install dev dependencies:
npm install

Use one of the following main scripts:
npm run build           # build this project
npm run dev             # run dev-watch mode, seving example/index.html in the browser
npm run generate        # generate all artifacts (compiles ts, webpack, docs and coverage)
npm run test-unit       # run the unit tests
npm run validate        # runs validation scripts, including test, lint and coverage check
npm run lint            # run tslint on this project
npm run doc             # generate typedoc documentation
npm run typescript-npm  # just compile the typescript output used in the npm module

When installing this module, it adds a pre-push hook, that runs the `validate`
script before committing, so you can be sure that everything checks out.

If you want to create the distribution files yourself, you can run the
`build-dist` script, and the following files will get generated in the
`dist` folder:

- **/dist/seng-signals.js**: bundled with webpack, can be loaded from
    a script tag, available as `window.SengSignals`
- **/dist/seng-signals.min.js**: same as above, but minified
- **/dist/seng-signals-amd.js**: bundled with webpack, can be used
    with e.g. requirejs
- **/dist/seng-signals-commonjs.js**: bundled with webpack, can be
    used in systems that support commonjs, but you should just use npm
- **/dist/seng-signals-umd.js**: bundled with webpack, works in the
    browser, with requirejs, and in a commonjs system
- **/dist/seng-signals-umd.min.js**: same as above, but minified
- **/dist/seng-signals-system.js**: bundled with typescript, can be
    used in systems    that support systemjs
- **/dist/**: transpiled with typescript, only
    types are removed from the source files

## Contribute

View [](./

## Changelog

View [](./

## Authors

View [](./