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namespace PhpConsoleGames\Games\ParityGame;

 * The main function of the game
 * @return array Array contains question, right answer and messages (win and fail) for input in console
function runParityGame()
    $numberArray = getArrayNumbers();
    $numberStr = implode(", ", $numberArray);
    $messages = [
        "correctly" => "Congratulations! Well done!\n",
        "wrong" => "You are wrong! =( \n"

    $answer = isSameParity($numberArray);
    $question = "\nDo all these numbers have the same parity? Array: {$numberStr} \n";

    return [$question, $answer, $messages];

 * Checks that all numbers in the array have the same parity
 * @param  array   $numbers Array of numbers
 * @return boolean          Answer
function isSameParity(array $numbers)
    if (empty($numbers)) {
        return [];

    $parity = isEvenNumber($numbers[0]);

    foreach ($numbers as $num) {
        if (isEvenNumber($num) !== $parity) {
            return false;

    return true;

 * Checks if the number is even
 * @param  int     $num Number
 * @return boolean      Answer
function isEvenNumber(int $num)
    return $num % 2 === 0;

 * Generation an array with numbers
 * @return array Array with numbers
function getArrayNumbers()
    $length = random_int(5, 10);
    $array = [];

    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i += 1) {
        $array[] = random_int(-100, 100);

    return $array;