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Test Coverage
.. Example documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep  7 17:17:38 2013.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.


.. _index:

Welcome to Sphinx Coverity extension example's documentation!

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
    :caption: Example documentation index



This document showcases the capabilities to generate structured data from Coverity
in reStructuredText for compilation with Sphinx. Below are few tables with various
filters on classification.

Coverity plugin table

.. role:: latex(raw)
    :format: latex


.. coverity-list:: Coverity defects table and chart
    :col: CID,Classification,Checker,Comment
    :widths: 2 4 6 10
    :chart: checker:1
    :classification: Intentional,Bug,Pending,Unclassified
    :checker: MISRA

Every MISRA rule gets labeled separately.

.. coverity-list:: Coverity defects table with comments
    :col: CID,Checker,Status,Comment
    :widths: 21 60 35 120

.. coverity-list:: Coverity defects table with references
    :col: CID,Location,Reference
    :widths: 21 95 120

.. coverity-list:: Unclassified coverity defects
    :col: CID,Classification,Action
    :widths: 2 4 6
    :classification: Unclassified

.. coverity-list:: Coverity defects chart
    :chart: Intentional,Pending+Unclassified
    :classification: Bug,Intentional,Pending,Unclassified

Coverity plugin chart only generation.


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