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Test Coverage
.. _traceability_usage:


.. contents:: `Contents`
    :depth: 3

.. _required_sphinx_options:

Required sphinx options

By default, sphinx (*sphinx-build*) performs an incremental build: it only parses the changed files and generates
new output for changed files. As this plugin generates automatic reverse relations, the incremental build option
of sphinx needs to be disabled. This can be done using the *-E* option:

.. code-block:: bash

    sphinx-build -E <other_options>

:Rationale: The plugin allows linking documentation items through relations. If a forward relation from *item-A*
            (in *document-a.rst*) to *item-B* (in *document-b.rst*) is created, the reverse relations from
            *item-B* to *item-A* is automatically created. With incremental builds, documents only get re-generated
            when they are changed. This means the automatic reverse relation cannot be created if that *document-B*
            was not touched.
            By disabling incremental builds, it is made sure every document is updated (with automatic reverse
            relations) on every re-build.

The plugin assumes incremental builds are disabled, as this makes the implementation of the plugin much easier.

.. _traceability_usage_item:

Defining documentation items

Documentation items can be defined using the *item* directive, specifying:

- the name (id) of the documentation item
- caption or short description of the documentation item
- attributes for the documentation item
- internal/external relationships to other documentation items (details in next paragraph)
- content of documentation item including any RST content, e.g. text, titles, images, formulas, code-blocks

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item:: SWRQT-MY_FIRST_REQUIREMENT Caption of my first requirement
        :value: 400
        :status: Approved
        :validated_by: ITEST-MY_FIRST_INTEGRATION_TEST
        :ext_polarion_reference: project_x:workitem_y

        According to the Polarion reference, the software **shall** implement my first requirement.

Attributes can be added to the item, using the configured attribute keys in :ref:`traceability_default_config`
(e.g. *value* in the above example). The content of the attribute is treated as a single string and should
match_ the regular expression in configuration.

The relations to other documentation items can be specified as:

- a space-separated list of item ID's, or
- items can be linked to on a newline (tabulated)

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item:: SWRQT-MY_FIRST_REQUIREMENT Caption of my first requirement

The output will contain hyperlinks to all related items. By default, the caption for the target item is displayed for
each of these related items. With the option *nocaptions* these captions can be omitted.

.. _adding_relations:

Adding relations outside of the item definitions

In some cases, it's useful to add relations outside of the definition of the items
involved. In that case, you can use the ``item-link`` directive as follows:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-link::
        :sources: RQT1 RQT2
        :targets: TST3 TST4 TST5
        :type: validates

    .. item-link::
        :source: RQT\d
        :target: TST[345]
        :type: validates

:sources: *multiple arguments*, *mutually exclusive with* ``source``

    List of item IDs to add the given forward relationship type to, linking them to every target item.

:source: *single argument*, *mutually exclusive with* ``sources``

    Regular expression to filter items from the traceable collection and add the given forward relationship type to,
    linking them to every target item.

:targets: *multiple arguments*, *mutually exclusive with* ``target``

    List of item IDs to add the reverse of the given relationship type to, linking them to every source item.

:target: *single argument*, *mutually exclusive with* ``targets``

    Regular expression to filter items from the traceable collection and add the reverse of the given relationship type
    to, linking them to every source item.

:type: *required*, *single argument*

    Relationship type, used to link all source items to all target items.
    The value must not be empty.

:nooverwrite: *optional*, *flag*

    Do not report a warning when the relationship to add between the source and target already exists.

.. note::

    Exactly **1** of the options ``sources`` *or* ``source`` shall be used with exactly **1** of the options ``targets``
    *or* ``target``.

This directive has no representation in the documentation build output.

Changing targets or removing relationships

In some cases, it's useful to change the target for a specific relationship, e.g. when the target is not defined
as an item.
All items that are linked to this target via the specified relationship will be linked to the new target instead.
It's also possible to remove all relationships to a given target by providing an empty value for the ``target`` option.
Example usage of the ``item-relink`` directive:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-relink::
        :remap: RQT-OLD_PROJECT
        :target: RQT-NEW_PROJECT
        :type: validates

:remap: *required*, *single argument*

    The original target of the source-target pair(s) to be remapped. If it is not defined as an item, it will be removed
    as a placeholder item from the collection of traceable items, thus, preventing any warning that it's undefined.

:target: *required*, *single argument*

    The new target for the source-target pair(s) to overwrite.
    Leave it empty to remove the relationships instead of altering their target.

:type: *required*, *single argument*

    Relationship type, for which the values for the ``remap`` and ``target`` options are the target.
    The value must not be empty.

:nooverwrite: *optional*, *flag*

    Do not report a warning when the relationship to add between the target and new source already exists.

This directive has no representation in the documentation build output.

.. note::

    This ``item-relink`` directive is processed *after* the ``item-link`` directive. Thus, the ``item-link`` directive
    *can* use the item given to the ``remap`` option.

Adding attributes outside of the item definitions

In some cases, it's useful to add attributes outside of the definition of the items
involved. In that case, you can use the ``attribute-link`` directive as follows:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. attribute-link::
        :filter: RQT-
        :asil: D
        :status: Approved

In the above example, the *asil* and *status* attributes with given values get
added to all items that have an ID that starts with *RQT-*. If your documentation defines
items *RQT-1* and *RQT-11*, but you only want to add an attribute to item *RQT-1*, you
should use the ``filter`` option with value *RQT-1$*. If the ``filter`` option is missing,
all items will be affected. Newline characters in the ``filter`` regex get removed.

:filter: *required*, *single argument*

    Regular expression to filter items from the traceable collection and give them the provided attributes.

:<<attribute>>: *optional*, *single argument*

    Value of ``<<attribute>>`` to give to the matching items.

:nooverwrite: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, do not overwrite existing values of ``<<attribute>>``. It can be used to provide a default value for
    a given attribute.

This directive has no representation in the documentation build output.

Adding description to attributes

Section :ref:`traceability_config_attributes` explain how attributes can be added to the configuration. It is possible
to add content to the attributes. A detailed description can be added to an attribute definition:

- The name (id) of the attribute needs to fully match the configured attribute. This name is not case sensitive.
- Caption or short description of the attribute.
- Content of attribute including any RST content including text, images, formulas, code-blocks, etc.

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-attribute:: status The status of a requirement

        The status of the requirement explains whether it is *draft*, *under-review*, *approved* or *invalid*.

Configuring attribute order

By default, attributes get sorted naturally. This default behavior can be changed by use of the dedicated
``attribute-sort`` directive. The ``filter`` option allows filtering on item IDs. Its value gets treated as a regular
expression. If this option is missing, the configuration will be applied to all items. The ``sort`` option must be a
list of attributes, of which the order is used to sort the attributes of those items that match_ the filter regex.
Attributes that are missing from this list get sorted naturally and appended afterwards.

.. code-block:: rest

    .. attribute-sort::
        :filter: RQT-
        :sort: status value aspice

.. _traceability_usage_item_linking:

Manual link to documentation items

Manual links in RST documentation to any of the documentation items is possible using the *:item:* role:

.. code-block:: rest

    For validating the :item:`SWRQT-MY_FIRST_REQUIREMENT`, we plan to use setup x in the y configuration.

.. _traceability_usage_item_list:

Flat list of documentation items

A flat list of documentation items can be generated using a Python regular expression filter:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-list:: All software requirements
        :filter: SWRQT
        :status: Appr

where *SWRQT* (*filter* argument) can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items that match_
their ID to the given regular expression end up in the list.

where *status* can be replaced by any configured attribute, and *Appr* can be replaced by any Python regular
expression. Documentation items of which the *status* attribute matches_ the given regular expression end up in the list.

By default, the caption of every item in the list is shown. By providing the *nocaptions* flag, the
caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller list, but also less details.

By default, the contents of every item in the list is hidden. By providing the *showcontents* flag, the
contents can be shown. This can significantly lengthen the list.

.. _traceability_usage_item_attributes_matrix:

Matrix with attributes of documentation items

A matrix listing the attributes of documentation items can be generated using:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-attributes-matrix:: Attributes for requirements
        :filter: SWRQT
        :status: Appr
        :attributes: status
        :sort: status

where the *filter* argument can be replaced by any Python regular expression. Documentation items matching_
their ID to the given regular expression end up in the list.

where *status* can be replaced by any configured attribute, and *Appr* can be replaced by any Python regular
expression. Documentation items of which the *status* attribute matches_ the given regular expression end up in the list.

where the *attributes* argument contains a space-separated list of configured attributes to create a column for,
in which the values for that attribute are listed.

Above arguments can be avoided, or left empty, in which case the table will contain all configured attributes and all
documentation items.

Documentation items matching_ their ID to the given *filter* regular expression end up as rows in the generated table.
The *attributes* end up as columns in the generated table. Documentation items
that don't have a value for a certain attribute will have an empty cell at the corresponding location.

By default, the caption for every item in the table is shown. By providing the *nocaptions* flag, the
caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller table, but also less details. If you only care about the captions and want
to hide the item IDs, set the *onlycaptions* flag instead.

By default, items are sorted naturally based on their name. With the *sort* argument it is possible to sort on one
or more attribute values alphabetically. When providing multiple attributes to sort on, the attribute keys are
space-separated. With the *reverse* argument, the sorting is reversed. Instead of the default sort order (alphabetical),
you can configure a custom sort order per attribute, (see :ref:`traceability_default_config`).

By default, the attribute names are listed the header row and every item takes up a row. Depending on the number of
items and attributes it could be better to transpose the generated matrix (swap columns for row) by providing the
*transpose* flag.

Optionally, the *class* attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to
LaTeX. Normally the *longtable* class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to
span multiple pages. By setting *class* to *longtable* manually, you can force the use of this environment.

.. _traceability_usage_item_matrix:

Traceability matrix of documentation items

A traceability matrix of documentation items can be generated using:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-matrix:: Requirements to test case description traceability
        :source: RQT-
        :target: [IU]TEST
        :sourcetitle: Software requirements
        :targettitle: Integration and unit test cases
        :type: validated_by
        :sourcetype: fulfilled_by
        :status: Appr
        :sourcecolumns: asil status
        :targetcolumns: result
        :group: bottom
        :coverage: >= 99.5

Documentation items matching_ their ID to the given *source* regular expression end up in the leftmost column of the
generated table. Documentation items matching_ their ID to the given *target* regular expression(s) with a
relationship that is included (see *type* argument) will end up in the right-hand column(s) of the generated table.

**Special note on external relations**: This directive allows showing external relationships, but has some
limitations in doing so:

  - The external relation needs to be specified explicitly in the *type* option.
  - No regex filtering on target item names is supported.
  - External items can only be used as source when the regex of the source option does not match_ any internal items.
  - External relationships are ignored when linking via intermediate items.

:source: *optional*, *single argument*

    Python-style regular expression used to filter the source items (left column) based on their names.
    When omitted, no filtering is done on the source item names.

:target: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    Python-style regular expression(s) used to filter the target items (right columns) based on their names.
    Multiple arguments will result in multiple target columns, each filtered by their respective regex.
    When omitted no regex filtering is done on the target item names

:sourcetitle: *optional*, *single argument*

    Title of the left "Source" column in the matrix. When omitted, the column title defaults to "Source"

:targettitle: *optional*, *multiple arguments (comma-separated)*

    Title(s) of the right "Target" column(s). In case multiple arguments are given for the *target* option, the
    same amount of *targettitle* arguments must be given.
    When omitted (only possible if 0 or 1 *target* argument is given), the right column title defaults to "Target"

:type: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    The list of relationships that should be used to filter the target columns. The relationships considered for
    filtering are from the "Source" items to the "Target" items.
    When multiple arguments are provided, the target column will show items that have *any* of the given relationships
    provided, i.e. the same filtering is applied to all "Target" columns in the matrix.
    When omitted, all possible relations are considered **except for external relations**.

:sourcetype: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    The list of relationships that all source items should have. This option is unrelated to the *target* option
    and is solely used to filter source items - in addition to the *source* filter.

:<<attribute>>: *optional*, *single argument*

    Python-style regular expression used to filter the source items (left column) based on their attributes.
    The attribute value is **not** used to filter target items, unless the optional ``:filtertarget:`` flag is set.
    When omitted, no filtering is done on the source item attributes.

:filtertarget: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, ``:<<attribute>>:`` filtering is done on target instead of source items.

:sourcecolumns: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    A list of attributes and/or relationships. For each attribute, the value for each source item gets added to the
    matrix in a new column, after the column that contains the source items. For each relationship, a column with
    the items linked to the source items via the relationship gets added and its representation will be used in the
    header. The order of the arguments will be used for the order of the columns.

:targetcolumns: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    A list of attributes. For each attribute, the value for each target item gets added to the matrix in a new column,
    after the column that contains the target items. For each relationship, a column with the items linked to
    the target items via the relationship gets added and its representation will be used in the header.
    The order of the arguments will be used for the order of the columns.
    This option cannot be enabled when the ``:target:`` contains more than one regex.
    Note that this option implies ``:splittargets:``.

:splittargets: *optional*, *flag*

    Split up every target item in a separate cell. By default, they are listed in a single cell per source
    (and per ``:target:`` regex).

:hidesource: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, the column with the source items is hidden.

:hidetarget: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, all columns with target items are hidden.

:group: *optional*, *choice: top/bottom*

    The *group* argument can be used to group source items that don't have any target items. You can explicitly specify
    to have them grouped at the *top* or *bottom* of the matrix.

:onlycovered: *optional*, *flag*

    By default, all source items are included. By providing the *onlycovered* flag, only covered items are shown in the
    output. This option takes precedence over the ``:group:`` option.

:onlyuncovered: *optional*, *flag*

    By default, all source items are included. By providing the *onlyuncovered* flag, only uncovered items are shown in
    the output. This option takes precedence over the ``:group:`` option.

:nocaptions: *optional*, *flag*

    By default, the caption for every item in the table is shown. By providing the *nocaptions* flag, the
    caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller table, but also less details.


    If you only care about the captions and want to hide the item IDs, set the *onlycaptions* flag instead.

:stats: *optional*, *flag*

    By providing the *stats* flag, some statistics (coverage percentage) are calculated and displayed above the
    matrix. The plugin counts the number of items having at least one target item in (any of) the target-column(s) (=covered or allocated),
    and the number of items having no target in every target-column (=not covered or allocated). And calculates a
    coverage/allocation percentage from these counts.
    When omitted this percentage is not displayed.

:hidetitle: *optional*, *flag*

    By providing the *hidetitle* flag, the title will be hidden.

:coverage: *optional*, *single argument*

    The *coverage* option can be used to evaluate the coverage statistics (see description of ``:stats:`` option).
    It expects an operator followed by a percentage value, e.g. '>= 95', used as the righthand side of the expression.
    The coverage (as a percentage) will be prepended. If the evaluation is false or invalid, a warning will be reported.

:class: *optional*, *single argument*

    The *class* attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to LaTeX.
    Normally the *longtable* class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to
    span multiple pages. By setting *class* to *longtable* manually, you can force the use of this environment.

Link targets via intermediate items (advanced)

Let's say you have DESIGN-, RQT-, and TEST- items and you want to generate an item-matrix with DESIGN-items as
``:source:`` and TEST-items as ``:target:``. These source and target items are not directly linked to each other. They are
linked via the ``:intermediate:`` RQT-items:

.. uml::

    DESIGN -> RQT : fulfills
    RQT -> TEST : validated_by

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-matrix:: Design to test case description via requirement traceability
        :source: DESIGN-
        :intermediate: RQT-
        :target: TEST-
        :type: fulfills | validated_by
        :intermediatetitle: Intermediate

:type: *required*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    The *type* option must contain at least two relationships, separated by a ``|`` character. The relationships on
    the lefthand side of this separator are used to link the *source* items to the *intermediate* items. The ones on
    the righthand side are used to link the *intermediate* items to the *target* items.
    External relationships are not compatible with this feature (yet).

:intermediate: *optional* (*required* when type includes ``|``), *single argument*

    Python-style regular expression used to select intermediate items, meaning items that have to be linked to both
    the source and target items.

:intermediatetitle: *optional*, *single argument*

    When given, an extra column that lists the intermediate item(s) per source item will be added between the columns
    that list sources and the linked targets. The argument will be used as title for this new column. Intermediates will
    only be listed if both themselves and their source are covered, unless the *splitintermediates* flag is set.

:coveredintermediates: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, all sources that have one or more intermediates that are uncovered will be treated as uncovered even
    when the source has another intermediate that *is* covered, i.e. **all** intermediates must be covered for the
    linked source to be covered.

:splitintermediates: *optional*, *flag*

    When enabled, a row will be created for every intermediate item instead of grouping them together in the same row
    as the source item. In addition, all intermediates will be listed, regardless of their coverage status. This can be
    useful if you want to group target items per intermediate item *instead of per source item*.

.. _traceability_usage_2d_matrix:

2D-matrix of documentation items

A 2D-matrix of documentation items can be generated using:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-2d-matrix:: Requirements to test case description traceability
        :source: SWRQT
        :target: [IU]TEST
        :status: Appr
        :type: validated_by
        :hit: x

where the *source* and *target* arguments can be replaced by any Python regular expression.

where *status* can be replaced by any configured attribute, and *Appr* can be replaced by any Python regular
expression. Only documentation items where the *status* attribute matches_ the given regular expression end up in
the *source* part of the matrix. The attribute value is **not** used as a filter on the *target* part. To filter on the
*target* part instead of the *source* part, add the optional *filtertarget* flag.

The *type* argument is a space-separated list of relationships that will be included in the matrix.

Documentation items matching_ their ID to the given *source* regular expression end up as columns of the
generated table. Documentation items matching_ their ID to the given *target* regular expression end up as
rows of the generated table. If source and target items are linked to each other via a relationship that is included
(see *type* argument) an 'x' will be placed in the cell at coordinates of source/target.

Captions for items in the 2D table are never shown, as it would overload the table.

Optionally, the *class* attribute can be specified to customize table output, especially useful when rendering to
LaTeX. Normally the *longtable* class is used when the number of rows is greater than 30 which allows long tables to
span multiple pages. By setting *class* to *longtable* manually, you can force the use of this environment.

.. _traceability_usage_item_tree:

Documentation items tree-view

Note: this feature is not supported when building for latex/pdf.

A tree-view of documentation items can be generated using:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-tree:: Requirements tree view
        :top: SWRQT
        :top_relation_filter: depends_on
        :status: Appr
        :type: impacts_on validated_by

where the *top* argument can be replaced by any Python regular expression. The *top_relation_filter* and *type*
arguments are space-separated lists of relationships.

The directive generates an expandable tree of links to documentation items. A nested bullet list is generated
with, at the top level, the top level documentation items. These are the ones matching_ their ID to the *top*
regular expression and not having any relation of *top_relation_filter* kind to a documentation item matching_ the same
*top* regular expression against its ID.

The *status* can be replaced by any configured attribute, and *Appr* can be replaced by any Python regular
expression. Only documentation items where the *status* attribute matches_ the given regular expression end up in
the tree.

Going deeper down this nested bullet list, the item's relationships are checked: if there is a *type*
relationship (*type* is a space-separated list of relationships), it gets added as a one-level-deeper item in
the nested bullet list. This action is repeated recursively.

.. warning::

    The *type* is a list of relationships, which cannot hold the forward and reverse relationship of a pair.
    This would give endless repetition of the same nesting and endless recursion in Python. The plugin
    checks the *item-tree* directives for this mistake!

By default, the caption for every item in the tree is shown. By providing the *nocaptions* flag, the
caption can be omitted. This gives a smaller tree, but also less details. If you only care about the captions and want
to hide the item IDs, set the *onlycaptions* flag instead.

.. _traceability_usage_piechart:

Pie chart of documentation items

A pie chart of documentation items can be generated using:

.. code-block:: rest

    .. item-piechart:: Test coverage of requirements with report results
        :id_set: RQT TEST TEST_REP
        :label_set: uncovered, covered, executed
        :sourcetype: validated_by covered_by
        :targettype: failed_by passed_by skipped_by
        :result: error, fail, pass
        :functional: .*
        :colors: orange c b darkred #FF0000 g
        :matrix: uncovered, covered, executed, error,fail,pass

where the *id_set* arguments can be replaced by any Python regular expression. The *label_set* and *result* arguments
are comma-separated lists.

:id_set: *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    A list of item IDs with at least two and at most three item IDs. The first item ID is the source, the
    second item ID is the target, and the optional third item ID is the target of the second. Adding a third item ID splits
    up the items with an existing relationship between the first and second ID.

:label_set: *optional*, *multiple arguments (comma-separated)*

    Defines the string labels for the pie chart. For source items without a relationship to a target
    item, the first label is used. For those with a relationship, but without a relationship between the second and third
    ID, the second label is used. The third label (optional) is used for items with both relationships covered.
    The labels in the example are the default values.

:sourcetype: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    The list of relationships that should be used to filter the target. The relationships considered for
    filtering are from the "Source" items to the "Target" items. In this example, if an RQT-item
    is not linked to a TEST-item with *validated_by* and/or *covered_by*, this source item will be labeled as

:targettype: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    The list of relationships that should be used to filter the nested target, ordered in priority from high to low.
    The relationships considered for
    filtering are from the "Target" items to the "Target-of-target" items. These relationships will also be used to
    label additional slices if the *<<attribute>>* option that accepts multiple arguments is unused.
    In this example, excluding the `:result:` option, if a TEST-item is not linked to a TEST_REP-item with one or more
    of *passed_by/skipped_by/failed_by*, the source item will be labeled as *covered* instead of
    *passes*, *skipped* or *fails*, which are the human readable and reversed
    forms of the arguments for this option.

:<<attribute>>: *optional*, *multiple arguments (comma-separated)*

    The optional *result* can be replaced by any configured attribute of the third item ID. Its arguments are possible
    values of this attribute, ordered in priority from high to low. Using this option splits up the slice with the third
    label. In this example an RQT-item with multiple TEST-items, one with a *fail* and others a *pass* as *result* value
    in the TEST_REP-item, will be added to the *fail* slice of the pie chart.

:<<attribute>>: *optional*, *single argument*

    Python-style regular expression used to filter the source items based on their attributes.
    The attribute value is **not** used to filter target items.
    When omitted, no filtering is done on the source item attributes.

:splitsourcetype: *optional*, *flag*

    Enable this flag in combination with the *sourcetype* option to split the slice with the second label in *label_set*
    into a slice for each relationship between sources and targets. Then, the second label in *label_set* will not
    be used (but you'll still need to specify a color for it in the *colors* option, if you want custom colors).

:colors: *optional*, *multiple arguments (space-separated)*

    By default, matplotlib will choose the colors. This option allows you to define custom colors. You should specify
    a color for each regex in *id_set*, followed by as many relationships/colors given for *sourcetype* option, if
    the *splitsourcetype* flag is used, and the *targettype* option or the *<<attribute>>* option (*:result:* in the
    example). Matplotlib supports many formats, explained in their demo_.

:hidetitle: *optional*, *flag*

    By providing the *hidetitle* flag, the title will be hidden.

:stats: *optional*, *flag*

    By providing the *stats* flag, some statistics (coverage percentage) are calculated and displayed below the
    pie chart.

:matrix: *optional*, *multiple arguments (comma-separated)*

    The *matrix* option renders a table with all items, grouped by pie chart label. By default, all labels, and thus,
    all items are included in the table. You can customize the order and filter by providing a custom set of labels.

.. note::

    In this example, if an RQT-item is linked to one or more TEST-items and at least one TEST-item is not linked
    to a TEST_REP-item, the RQT-item will be labeled as *covered* instead of *executed*.

.. _demo:

.. _traceability_checklist:

Defining items with a custom checklist attribute (advanced)

The plugin can add an additional attribute to a traceability item if its item ID exists in a checklist inside the
description of a merge/pull request or its item ID is used in a *checklist-result* directive. Documentation items can be
linked to a checklist by defining them with the *checklist-item* directive. This custom directive inherits all
functionality of the regular *item* directive.

.. code-block:: rest

    .. checklist-item:: PLAN-UNIT_TESTS Have you added unit tests for regression detection?

.. note::

    The IDs of these checklist-items should not start with an underscore or an asterisk to support markup in the PR/MR
    description. More details in `PR #203`_.

.. _`PR #203`:

Setting the additional attribute's value

There are two different ways to set the value of the additional attribute. They can be combined, and the first has
priority over the second:

1. Use of *checkbox-result* directive

The checkboxes can be checked/unchecked from RST as well by using the *checkbox-result* directive. The item ID should be
of a checklist item and is expected to be present in a configured merge/pull request description. The caption should be
one of two configured values in *attribute_values*.

.. code-block:: rest

    .. checkbox-result:: QUE-UNIT_TESTS yes

2. Querying GitLab/GitHub

A query is sent to the GitLab/GitHub API to retrieve the status of every checkbox in the description of the configured
merge/pull request. The traceability item's ID is expected to follow the checkbox directly.
Example of a valid checklist in Markdown:

.. code-block:: rest

    - [x] PLAN-UNIT_TESTS Have you added unit tests for regression detection?
    - [ ] PLAN-PACKAGE_TEST Have you tested the package?


The configuration of this feature is stored in the configuration variable *traceability_checklist*. Only the
*attribute_*-keys are mandatory to use the *checklist-item* directive. The other configuration variables are only used
for querying GitLab/GitHub.

.. code-block:: python

    traceability_checklist = {
        'attribute_name': 'your_attribute_name',
        'attribute_to_str': 'your_attribute_to_string',
        'attribute_values': 'your_attribute_values',  # two values, comma-separated
        'private_token': 'your_private_token',  # optional, depending on accessibility
        'api_host_name': '' or '',
        'git_platform': 'github' or 'gitlab',
        'project_id': 'the_owner/your_repo' or 'your_project_id',
        'merge_request_id': 'your_merge_request_id(s)',  # comma-separated if more than one
        'checklist_item_regex': 'your_item_id_regex',  # optional, the default is r"\S+"

If the *checklist_item_regex* is configured, a warning is reported for each item ID that matches_ it and is not defined
with the *checklist-item* directive.

Configuration via .env file
In our ** the variables are looked for in the environment first, e.g. in a ``.env`` file (by using the
`python-decouple <>`_ package).

.. code-block:: bash

    # copy example .env to your .env
    cp doc/.env.example .env

    # add env variables by adjusting the template values in .env

Common variables
- *ATTRIBUTE_NAME* is the identifier of the attribute to be added, e.g. *checked*.
- *ATTRIBUTE_TO_STRING* is the string representation (as to be rendered in html) of the attribute name, e.g. *Answer*.
- *ATTRIBUTE_VALUES* are two comma-separated attribute values, e.g. *yes,no*. The first value is used when the checkbox is checked and the second value when unchecked.

Query-specific variables
- *PRIVATE_TOKEN* is your personal access token that has API access.
- *API_HOST_NAME* is the host name of the API, e.g. **
- *GIT_PLATFORM* shall be 'gitlab' if API_HOST_NAME does not contain this string
- *PROJECT_ID* is the ID or `URL-encoded path of the project`_.
- *MERGE_REQUEST_ID* are one or more internal IDs of merge requests (comma-separated) ordered from low to high priority. The data gets aggregated.
  Can be an empty string to avoid sending any query.

- *PRIVATE_TOKEN* is not needed for public repositories. Otherwise, it must be a `personal access token`_ with the access to the targeted scope.
- *API_HOST_NAME* is the host name of the GitHub REST API v3: **
- *GIT_PLATFORM* shall be 'github' if API_HOST_NAME does not contain this string
- *PROJECT_ID* defines the repository by specifying *owner* and *repo* separated by a forward slash, e.g. *melexis/sphinx-traceability-extension*.
- *MERGE_REQUEST_ID* are one or more pull request numbers (comma-separated) ordered from low to high priority. The data gets aggregated.
  Can be an empty string to avoid sending any query.

.. _`URL-encoded path of the project`:
.. _`personal access token`:

.. _traceability_jira_automation:

Jira ticket creation

Jira tickets that are based on traceable items can be automatically created by means of an additional plugin called
`mlx.jira-traceability <>`_.

.. _match:
.. _matches:
.. _matching: