""" Module for the base class for all Traceability node classes. """
import re
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx.errors import NoUri
from import LaTeXBuilder
from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP
from .traceability_exception import report_warning, TraceabilityException
from .traceable_item import TraceableItem
class TraceableBaseNode(nodes.General, nodes.Element, ABC):
""" Base class for all Traceability node classes. """
def create_top_node(self, title, app=None, hide_title=False):
''' Creates the top node for the Element node.
When the title should be shown, an admonition object with given title is added.
title (str): Title or item ID of the top node
app (sphinx.application.Sphinx): Optional application object, needed when item ID is given to create link
hide_title (bool): True to add the title in an admonition node; False to return an empty container node
nodes.container: Top level replacement node to which other nodes can be appended
top_node = nodes.container()
if not hide_title:
admon_node = nodes.admonition()
title_node = nodes.title()
if app:
title_node += self.make_internal_item_ref(app, title).children[0]
title_node += nodes.Text(title)
admon_node += title_node
top_node += admon_node
return top_node
def perform_replacement(self, app, collection):
""" Performs the traceability node replacement.
app: Sphinx application object to use.
collection (TraceableCollection): Collection for which to generate the nodes.
def make_internal_item_ref(self, app, item_id):
Creates a reference node for an item, embedded in a
paragraph. Reference text adds also a caption if it exists.
env = app.builder.env
ref_nodes = env.traceability_ref_nodes
display_option = 'default'
for option in (name for name in ('onlycaptions', 'nocaptions') if self.get(name)):
display_option = option
item_info = env.traceability_collection.get_item(item_id)
link_item = item_info
notification_item = None
p_node = nodes.paragraph()
# Only create link when target item (or notification item) exists, warn otherwise (in html and terminal)
if item_info.is_placeholder:
notification_item_id = app.config.traceability_notifications.get('undefined-reference')
notification_item = env.traceability_collection.get_item(notification_item_id)
if not notification_item:
txt = nodes.Text('%s not defined, broken link' % item_id)
return p_node
link_item = notification_item
if self['document'] == link_item.docname and hasattr(app.builder, 'link_suffix'):
# include filename so that the returned node can be reused on every page in the same directory
relative_path = link_item.docname.split(SEP)[-1] + app.builder.link_suffix
relative_path = app.builder.get_relative_uri(self['document'], link_item.docname)
except NoUri:
# ignore if no URI can be determined, e.g. for LaTeX output
relative_path = ''
if item_id not in ref_nodes:
ref_nodes[item_id] = {}
if display_option not in ref_nodes[item_id]:
ref_nodes[item_id][display_option] = {}
if relative_path in ref_nodes[item_id][display_option]:
return ref_nodes[item_id][display_option][relative_path] # cached paragraph node
display_text, text_on_hover_node = self._get_caption_info(item_info) # display original item
newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
innernode = nodes.emphasis(display_text, display_text)
newnode['refuri'] = f"{relative_path}#{link_item.identifier}"
newnode['refdocname'] = link_item.docname
# change text color if item_id matches a regex in traceability_hyperlink_colors
colors = self._find_colors_for_class(app.config.traceability_hyperlink_colors, item_id)
if colors:
class_name = app.config.traceability_class_names[colors]
if text_on_hover_node and not isinstance(app.builder, LaTeXBuilder):
innernode.append(text_on_hover_node) # set to hidden in traceability.js
p_node += newnode
ref_nodes[item_id][display_option][relative_path] = p_node
return p_node
def make_external_item_ref(app, target_text, relationship):
'''Generates a reference to an external item.'''
if relationship not in app.config.traceability_external_relationship_to_url:
raise TraceabilityException(f"Failed to find relationship {relationship!r} in configuration variable "
p_node = nodes.paragraph()
link = nodes.reference()
txt = nodes.Text(target_text)
tgt_strs = target_text.split(':') # syntax = field1:field2:field3:...
url = app.config.traceability_external_relationship_to_url[relationship]
cnt = 0
for tgt_str in tgt_strs:
cnt += 1
url = url.replace(EXTERNAL_LINK_FIELDNAME + str(cnt), tgt_str)
link['refuri'] = url
targetid = nodes.make_id(target_text)
target ='', '', ids=[targetid])
p_node += target
p_node += link
return p_node
def is_relation_external(relation):
''' Helper function to check if a given relationship (string) is an external relationship or not
relation (str): Name of the relationship to check
bool: True if relationship is an external one, False otherwise
return relation.startswith('ext_')
def make_attribute_ref(self, app, attr_id, value=''):
Creates a reference node for an attribute, embedded in a paragraph.
p_node = nodes.paragraph()
if value:
value = ': ' + value
if attr_id in TraceableItem.defined_attributes:
attr_info = TraceableItem.defined_attributes[attr_id]
attr_name =
if attr_info.docname:
newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
innernode = nodes.emphasis(attr_name + value, attr_name + value)
newnode['refdocname'] = attr_info.docname
newnode['refuri'] = app.builder.get_relative_uri(self['document'], attr_info.docname)
newnode['refuri'] += '#' + attr_info.identifier
except NoUri:
# ignore if no URI can be determined, e.g. for LaTeX output :(
newnode = nodes.Text('{attr}{value}'.format(attr=attr_name, value=value))
newnode = nodes.Text('{attr}{value}'.format(attr=attr_id, value=value))
p_node += newnode
return p_node
def _create_cell_for_items(self, cell_data, app, morerows=0):
""" Creates a cell with one or more links, creating the link first in case a traceable item is given.
cell_data (list): List of nodes and/or TraceableItems to add as links to the cell
app (sphinx.application.Sphinx): Sphinx application object
nodes.entry: Cell filled with one or more links to items
cell = nodes.entry('', morerows=morerows)
for entry in cell_data:
if isinstance(entry, nodes.Node):
cell += entry
cell += self.make_internal_item_ref(app, entry.identifier)
return cell
def _create_cell_for_attribute(item, attribute):
""" Creates a cell with the item's attribute value for the given attribute.
item (TraceableItem): TraceableItem instance
attribute (str): Attribute for which to get the value from the given item
nodes.entry: Cell filled with attribute value for the given item
cell = nodes.entry('')
if not isinstance(item, nodes.paragraph):
attribute_value = item.get_attribute(attribute)
cell += nodes.paragraph('', attribute_value)
return cell
def _find_colors_for_class(hyperlink_colors, item_id):
Returns CSS class identifier to change a node's text color if the item ID matches a regexp in hyperlink_colors.
The regexp of the first item in the ordered dictionary has the highest priority.
hyperlink_colors (dict): Dictionary with regex strings as keys and list/tuple of strings as values.
item_id (str): A traceability item ID.
(tuple) Tuple of color strings that should be used to color the given item ID or None if no match was found.
for regex, colors in hyperlink_colors.items():
colors = tuple(colors)
if re.match(regex, item_id):
return tuple(colors)
return None
def _get_caption_info(self, item_info):
""" Determines the text to show and the text to show on hover, depending on the item's configuration.
item_info (TraceableItem): TraceableItem object.
str: Text to display; contains item ID and/or caption
nodes.inline/None: Inline node containing the item's caption or ID to be shown on hover, or None to not
show anything on hover.
display_text = item_info.identifier
hidden_node = None
if item_info and item_info.caption:
if self.get('onlycaptions'):
display_text = item_info.caption
hidden_node = nodes.inline('', item_info.identifier)
elif not self.get('nocaptions'):
display_text = '{0.identifier}: {0.caption}'.format(item_info)
hidden_node = nodes.inline('', item_info.caption)
return display_text, hidden_node
def has_warned_about_undefined(self, item_info):
Reports a warning if the given node is a placeholder node. Returns True if this is the case, False otherwise.
item_info (TraceableItem): TraceableItem object.
if item_info.is_placeholder:
report_warning("Traceability: cannot link to '%s', item is not defined" % item_info.identifier,
self['document'], self['line'])
return True
return False