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Storage classes for traceable item

import re

from natsort import natsorted

from .traceability_exception import TraceabilityException
from .traceable_base_class import TraceableBaseClass

class TraceableItem(TraceableBaseClass):
    Storage for a traceable documentation item

    STRING_TEMPLATE = 'Item {identification}\n'

    defined_attributes = {}

    def __init__(self, item_id, placeholder=False, **kwargs):
        ''' Initializes a new traceable item

            item_id (str): Item identifier.
            placeholder (bool): Internal use only.
        super().__init__(item_id, **kwargs)
        self.explicit_relations = {}
        self.implicit_relations = {}
        self.attributes = {}
        self.attribute_order = []
        self._is_placeholder = placeholder

    def update(self, other):
        ''' Updates item with other object. Stores the sum of both objects.

            other (TraceableItem): Other TraceableItem which is the source for the update.
        super(TraceableItem, self).update(other)
        self._add_relations(self.explicit_relations, other.explicit_relations)
        self._add_relations(self.implicit_relations, other.implicit_relations)
        # Remainder of fields: update if they improve the quality of the item
        for attr in other.attributes:
            self.add_attribute(attr, other.attributes[attr], False)
        if not other.is_placeholder:
            self._is_placeholder = False

    def is_placeholder(self):
        ''' bool: True if this item is a placeholder; False otherwise '''
        return self._is_placeholder

    def all_relations(self):
        ''' generator: Yields a relationship and the corresponding targets, both naturally sorted. '''
        for relation in natsorted({**self.explicit_relations, **self.implicit_relations}):
            targets = set()
            if relation in self.explicit_relations:
            if relation in self.implicit_relations:
            if targets:
                yield relation, natsorted(targets)

    def _add_relations(relations_of_self, relations_of_other):
        ''' Adds all relations from other item to own relations.

            relations_of_self (dict): Dictionary used to add relations to.
            relations_of_other (dict): Dictionary used to fetch relations from.
        for relation in relations_of_other:
            if relation not in relations_of_self:
                relations_of_self[relation] = []

    def is_linked(self, relationships, target_regex):
        ''' Checks if item is linked with any of the forwards relationships to a target matching the regex pattern

            relationships (iterable): Forward relationships (str)
            target_regex (str/re.Pattern): Regular expression pattern or object

            bool: True if linked; False otherwise
        for rel in relationships:
            for target in self.yield_targets(rel):
                    match = target_regex.match(target)
                except AttributeError:
                    match = re.match(target_regex, target)
                if match:
                    return True
        return False

    def add_target(self, relation, target, implicit=False):
        ''' Adds a relation to another traceable item.

        Note: using this API, the automatic reverse relation is not created. Adding the relation
        through the TraceableItemCollection class performs the adding of automatic reverse

            relation (str): Name of the relation.
            target (str): Item identification of the targeted traceable item.
            implicit (bool): If True, an explicitly expressed relation is added here. If false, an implicite
                             (e.g. automatic reverse) relation is added here.
        # When target is the item itself, it is an error: no circular relationships
        if self.identifier == target:
            raise TraceabilityException('circular relationship {src} {rel} {tgt}'.format(src=self.identifier,
        # When relation is already explicit, we shouldn't add. It is an error.
        if relation in self.explicit_relations and target in self.explicit_relations[relation]:
            raise TraceabilityException('duplicating {src} {rel} {tgt}'.format(src=self.identifier,
        # When relation is already implicit, we shouldn't add. When relation-to-add is explicit, it should move
        # from implicit to explicit.
        elif relation in self.implicit_relations and target in self.implicit_relations[relation]:
            if implicit is False:
                self._remove_target(self.implicit_relations, relation, target)
                self._add_target(self.explicit_relations, relation, target)
        # Otherwise it is a new relation, and we add to the selected database
            database = self.implicit_relations if implicit else self.explicit_relations
            self._add_target(database, relation, target)

    def _add_target(database, relation, target):
        ''' Adds a relation to another traceable item.

            database (dict): Dictionary to add the relation to.
            relation (str): Name of the relation.
            target (str): Item identification of the targeted traceable item.
        if relation not in database:
            database[relation] = []
        if target not in database[relation]:

    def _remove_target(database, relation, target):
        ''' Deletes a relation to another traceable item.

            relation (str): Name of the relation.
            target (str): Item identification of the targeted traceable item.
            database (dict): Dictionary to remove the relation from.
        if relation in database:
            if target in database[relation]:

    def remove_targets(self, target_id, explicit=False, implicit=True, relations=set()):
        ''' Removes any relation to given target item.

            target_id (str): Identification of the target items to remove.
            explicit (bool): If True, explicitly expressed relations to given target are removed.
            implicit (bool): If True, implicitly expressed relations to given target are removed.
            relations (set): Set of relations to remove; empty to take all into account.
        source_databases = []
        if explicit:
        if implicit:
        for database in source_databases:
            for relation in database:
                if target_id in database[relation] and (not relations or relation in relations):

    def iter_targets(self, relation, explicit=True, implicit=True, sort=True):
        ''' Gets a list of targets to other traceable item(s), naturally sorted by default.

            relation (str): Name of the relation.
            explicit (bool): If True, explicitly expressed relations are included in the returned list.
            implicit (bool): If True, implicitly expressed relations are included in the returned list.
            sort (bool): True if the relations should be sorted naturally, False if no sorting is needed

            list: List of targets to other traceable item(s), naturally sorted by default
        targets = []
        if explicit and relation in self.explicit_relations:
        if implicit and relation in self.implicit_relations:
        if sort:
            return natsorted(targets)
        return targets

    def yield_targets(self, relation, explicit=True, implicit=True):
        ''' Gets an iterable of targets to other traceable items.

            relation (str): Name of the relation.
            explicit (bool): If True, explicitly expressed relations are included.
            implicit (bool): If True, implicitly expressed relations are included.

            generator: Targets to other traceable items, unsorted
        if explicit and relation in self.explicit_relations:
            for target in self.explicit_relations[relation]:
                yield target
        if implicit and relation in self.implicit_relations:
            for target in self.implicit_relations[relation]:
                yield target

    def yield_targets_sorted(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ''' Gets an iterable of targets to other traceable items, with natural sorting applied. '''
        gen = self.yield_targets(*args, **kwargs)
        return natsorted(gen)

    def iter_relations(self, sort=True):
        ''' Iterates over available relations: naturally sorted by default.

            sort (bool): True if the relations should be sorted naturally, False if no sorting is needed

            list: List containing available relations in the item, naturally sorted by default
        relations = list(self.explicit_relations) + list(self.implicit_relations)
        if sort:
            return natsorted(relations)
        return relations

    def define_attribute(attr):
        ''' Defines an attribute that can be assigned to traceable items.

            attr (TraceableAttribute): Attribute to be assigned.
        TraceableItem.defined_attributes[attr.identifier] = attr

    def add_attribute(self, attr, value, overwrite=True):
        ''' Adds an attribute key-value pair to the traceable item.

            The given attribute value is compared against defined attribute possibilities. An exception is thrown when
            the attribute value doesn't match the defined regex.

            attr (str): Name of the attribute.
            value (str): Value of the attribute.
            overwrite (bool): Overwrite existing attribute value, if any.
        if not attr or value is None or attr not in TraceableItem.defined_attributes:
            raise TraceabilityException('item {item} has invalid attribute ({attr}={value})'
                                        .format(item=self.identifier, attr=attr, value=value),
        if not TraceableItem.defined_attributes[attr].can_accept(value):
            raise TraceabilityException('item {item} attribute does not match defined attributes ({attr}={value})'
                                        .format(item=self.identifier, attr=attr, value=value),
        if overwrite or attr not in self.attributes:
            self.attributes[attr] = value

    def remove_attribute(self, attr):
        ''' Removes an attribute key-value pair from the traceable item.

            attr (str): Name of the attribute.
        if not attr:
            raise TraceabilityException('item {item}: cannot remove invalid attribute {attr}'
                                        .format(item=self.identifier, attr=attr),
        del self.attributes[attr]

    def get_attribute(self, attr):
        ''' Gets the value of an attribute from the traceable item.

            attr (str): Name of the attribute.
            str: Value matching the given attribute key, or '' if attribute does not exist.
        return self.attributes.get(attr, '')

    def get_attributes(self, attrs):
        ''' Gets the values of a list of attributes from the traceable item.

            attr (list): List of names of the attribute
            list: List of values of the given attributes, '' is used as value for each attribute that does not exist
        return [self.get_attribute(attr) for attr in attrs]

    def iter_attributes(self):
        ''' Iterates over available attributes.

        Sorted as configured by an attribute-sort directive, with the remaining attributes naturally sorted.

            list: Sorted list containing available attributes in the item.
        sorted_attributes = [attr for attr in self.attribute_order if attr in self.attributes]
        return sorted_attributes

    def __str__(self, explicit=True, implicit=True):
        ''' Converts object to string.

            explicit (bool)

            str: String representation of the item.
        retval = TraceableItem.STRING_TEMPLATE.format(identification=self.identifier)
        retval += '\tPlaceholder: {placeholder}\n'.format(placeholder=self.is_placeholder)
        for attribute in self.attributes:
            retval += '\tAttribute {attribute} = {value}\n'.format(attribute=attribute,
        if explicit:
            retval += self._relations_to_str(self.explicit_relations, 'Explicit')
        if implicit:
            retval += self._relations_to_str(self.implicit_relations, 'Implicit')
        return retval

    def _relations_to_str(relations, description):
        ''' Returns the string represtentation of the given relations.

            relations (dict): Dictionary of relations.
            description (str): Description of the kind of relations.
        retval = ''
        for relation in relations:
            retval += '\t{text} {relation}\n'.format(text=description, relation=relation)
            for tgtid in relations[relation]:
                retval += '\t\t{target}\n'.format(target=tgtid)
        return retval

    def is_match(self, regex):
        ''' Checks if the item matches a given regular expression.

            regex (str/re.Pattern): Regular expression pattern or object to match the given item against.

            bool: True if the given regex matches the item identification.
        if regex == '':
            return True
            return regex.match(self.identifier)
        except AttributeError:
            return re.match(regex, self.identifier)

    def attributes_match(self, attributes):
        ''' Checks if item matches a given set of attributes.

            attributes (dict): Dictionary with attribute-regex pairs to match the given item against.

            bool: True if the given attributes match the item attributes.
        for attr, regex in attributes.items():
            if attr not in self.attributes:
                return False
            if regex == '':
            attribute_value = self.attributes[attr]
                if not regex.match(attribute_value):
                    return False
            except AttributeError:
                if not re.match(regex, attribute_value):
                    return False
        return True

    def is_related(self, relations, target_id):
        ''' Checks if a given item is related using a list of relationships.

            relations (list): List of relations.
            target_id (str): Identifier of the target item.

            bool: True if given item is related through the given relationships, False otherwise.
        for relation in relations:
            if target_id in self.yield_targets(relation, explicit=True, implicit=True):
                return True
        return False

    def has_relations(self, relations):
        ''' Checks if the item has every relationship in given list.

            relations (list): List of relations.

            bool: True if the item has every relationship in given list of list is empty, False otherwise.
        return set(relations).issubset(self.iter_relations(sort=False))

    def to_dict(self):
        ''' Exports item to a dictionary.

            dict: Dictionary representation of the object.
        data = {}
        if not self.is_placeholder:
            data = super(TraceableItem, self).to_dict()
            data['attributes'] = self.attributes
            data['targets'] = {}
            for relation in self.iter_relations():
                tgts = self.iter_targets(relation)
                if tgts:
                    data['targets'][relation] = tgts
        return data

    def self_test(self):
        ''' Performs self-test on collection content.

            TraceabilityException: Item is not defined.
            TraceabilityException: Item has an invalid attribute value.
            TraceabilityException: Duplicate target found for item.
        # Item should not be a placeholder
        if self.is_placeholder:
            raise TraceabilityException('item {item} is not defined'.format(item=self.identifier), self.docname)
        # Item's attributes should be valid, empty string is allowed
        for attribute in self.iter_attributes():
            value = self.attributes[attribute]
            if value is None or not TraceableItem.defined_attributes[attribute].can_accept(value):
                raise TraceabilityException('item {item} has invalid attribute value for {attribute}'
                                            .format(item=self.identifier, attribute=attribute))
        # Targets should have no duplicates
        for relation in self.iter_relations(sort=False):
            tgts = self.iter_targets(relation, sort=False)
            cnt_duplicate = len(tgts) - len(set(tgts))
            if cnt_duplicate:
                raise TraceabilityException('{cnt} duplicate target(s) found for {item} {relation})'
                                            .format(cnt=cnt_duplicate, item=self.identifier, relation=relation),