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# DoSnapshot CLI 

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Use this tool to backup DigitalOcean droplet's via snapshot method, on the fly!

<!--### Looking for a fully managed DigitalOcean backups solution? [We recommend which has support for Droplets and Volumes](  -->

## API Changes: 
- 20.08.17: Change `Barge` to `DropletKit`. Release `1.0.0`.   
- 03.08.16: DO now automagically keeps our droplets running when snapshot is processing, so:  
  Added options `--shutdown`, `--no-shutdown`.    
  `shutdown` now disabled by default, no downtime anymore, `YES`!  
  If you want `shutdown` back use `--shutdown` option.
- 08.01.16: now we have to use DO API V2 only, because V1 is not work anymore.
- 17.10.15: now we use DO API V2 by default, due V1 deprecation at 11.2015.

Here are some features:

- Multiple threads out of the box, no matter how many droplets you have.
- Snapshots Auto-Cleanup.
- Auto-Boot Droplet if Snapshot Event fails or encounters a bad connection exception.
- Special binaries for cron and command-line, Homebrew, and standalone installers.
- Mail notifications when a snapshot fails or the maximum number of snapshots is reached for a droplet or droplets.
- Custom mail settings (You can set [Pony]( mail settings).
- Stop mode (automatically stop creating new snapshots when the maximum is reached).
- Timeout option for long requests or uncaught loops. Defaults to 600 seconds, but can be changed.
- Logging into selected directory.
- Verbose mode for research.
- Quiet mode for silence.

## Compatibility

From `1.0.0`:
- Ruby version 2.0.0 or higher
- JRuby or higher

Prior to `0.6.4`:
- Ruby version 1.9.3 or higher
- JRuby 1.7, or higher

<img src="" style="max-width:100%" alt="DoSnaphot example">

## Installation

Install it yourself as:

    $ gem install do_snapshot
System Wide Install (OSX, *nix):
    $ sudo gem install do_snapshot
For **OSX** users ([Homebrew Tap](

    $ brew tap merqlove/do-snapshot && brew install do_snapshot
    $ do_snapshot -V

Standalone with one-liner:

    $ wget && sudo tar -xzf do_snapshot.tgz /usr/local/lib/ && sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/do_snapshot/bin/do_snapshot /usr/local/bin/do_snapshot

Standalone pack for **Unix/Linux** users: [Download](
    $ wget # if not done.
    # Example Install into /usr/local
    $ tar -xzf do_snapshot.tgz /usr/local/ && ln -s /usr/local/do_snapshot/bin/do_snapshot /usr/local/bin/do_snapshot 
    $ do_snapshot help      

Standalone Zip pack for others: [Download](
## Usage

Mainly it's pretty simple:

    $ do_snapshot --only 123456 -k 5 -c -v

### Setup 

### Digitalocean API V2 (default):
You'll need to generate an access token in Digital Ocean's control panel at
If you want to set keys without environment, than set it via options when you run do_snapshot:
    $ do_snapshot --digital-ocean-access-token YOURLONGTOKEN   

### How-To 

##### Tutorials: 
- [Automate Taking Snapshots of Your DigitalOcean Droplets with DOSnapshot
, Tyler Longren](
- [How to Automate Taking Digital Ocean Droplet Snaphot with DoSnapShot Script, Arun Kumar](

Here we `keeping` only 5 **latest** snapshots and cleanup older after new one is created. If creation of snapshots failed no one will be deleted. By default we keeping `10` droplets.

    $ do_snapshot --keep 5 -c
Keep latest 3 from selected droplet:
    $ do_snapshot --only 123456 --keep 3
Working with all except droplets:
    $ do_snapshot --exclude 123456 123457
Keep latest 5 snapshots, send mail notification instead of creating new one:
    $ do_snapshot --keep 10 --stop --mail
<img src="" style="max-width:100%" alt="DoSnapshot Safe Mode Example">
E-mail notifications disabled out of the box. 
For working mailer you need to set e-mail settings via run options.

    --mail --smtp port:25 user_name:someuser password:somepassword

### Cron example

    0 4 * * 7 . /.../.digitalocean_keys && /.../bin/do_snapshot -k 5 -m to:TO from:FROM -t address:HOST user_name:LOGIN password:PASSWORD port:2525 -q -c

### Real world example

    $ bin/do_snapshot --only 123456 -k 3 -c -m to:TO from:FROM -t address:HOST user_name:LOGIN password:PASSWORD port:2525 -v
    Checking DigitalOcean Id's.
    Start performing operations
    Setting DigitalOcean Id's.
    Loading list of DigitalOcean droplets
    Working with list of DigitalOcean droplets
    Preparing droplet id: 123456 name: to take snapshot.
    Shutting down droplet.
    Start creating snapshot for droplet id: 123456 name:
    Wait until snapshot will be created.
    Snapshot name: mrcr.ru_2014_07_18 created successfully.
    Droplet id: 123456 name: snapshots: 4.
    For droplet with id: 123456 and name: the maximum number 3 of snapshots is reached.
    Cleaning up snapshots for droplet id: 123456 name:
    Snapshot name: mrcr.ru_2014_07_17 delete requested.
    All operations has been finished.
    Sending e-mail notification.

### All options:    

    > $ do_snapshot c  
    aliases: s, snap, create
      -p, [--protocol=1]                                             # Select api version.
                                                                     # Default: 2
          [--shutdown], [--no-shutdown]                              # Check if you want to stop your droplet before the snapshot.
      -o, [--only=123456 123456 123456]                              # Select some droplets.
      -e, [--exclude=123456 123456 123456]                           # Except some droplets.
      -k, [--keep=5]                                                 # How much snapshots you want to keep?
                                                                     # Default: 10
      -d, [--delay=5]                                                # Delay between snapshot operation status requests.
                                                                     # Default: 10                                                                    
          [--timeout=250]                                            # Timeout in sec's for events like Power Off or Create Snapshot.
                                                                     # Default: 3600                                                                     
      -m, []                           # Receive mail if fail or maximum is reached.
      -t, [ password:password]  # SMTP options.
      -l, [--log=/Users/someone/.do_snapshot/main.log]               # Log file path. By default logging is disabled.
      -c, [--clean], [--no-clean]                                    # Cleanup snapshots after create. If you have more images than you want to `keep`, older will be deleted.
      -s, [--stop], [--no-stop]                                      # Stop creating snapshots if maximum is reached.
          [--stop-by-power], [--no-stop-by-power]                    # Droplet stop method, by it's power status (instead of waiting for event completed state).
      -v, [--trace], [--no-trace]                                    # Verbose mode.
      -q, [--quiet], [--no-quiet]                                    # Quiet mode. If don't need any messages in console.
          [--digital-ocean-access-token=YOURLONGAPITOKEN]            # DIGITAL_OCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN. if you can't use environment.
          [--digital-ocean-client-id=YOURLONGAPICLIENTID]            # DIGITAL_OCEAN_CLIENT_ID. if you can't use environment.
          [--digital-ocean-api-key=YOURLONGAPIKEY]                   # DIGITAL_OCEAN_API_KEY. if you can't use environment.    
      `do_snapshot` able to create and cleanup snapshots on your droplets.
      You can optionally specify parameters to select or exclude some droplets.   

## You can ask, "Why you made this tool?"

- First. I needed stable tool, which can provide for me automatic Snapshot feature for all of my Droplets via Cron planner.
- I don't want to think how much snapshots for each droplet i have.
- I don't wont to sleep when my droplets Offline!!! And i wanted tool which can BOOT back droplets, which failed to snapshot.
- Also i want to understand what's going on if there some error. Mail is my choice. But logs also good.
- And ... sure ;) We want to do it fast as rocket! :)
- more more more...
- So this tool can save a lot of time for people.

## Donating:
Support this project and others by [merqlove]( via [gratipay](  
[![Support via Gratipay](](

## Dependencies:

- [Thor]( for CLI.
- [DropletKit]( for API V2 requests.
- [Pony]( for mail notifications.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

### Testing

    $ rake spec 

Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander Merkulov

MIT License