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1 day
Test Coverage
package orchestrator

import (

    sdk ""
    executionmodule ""
    processmodule ""
    runnermodule ""
    tmlog ""

func init() {

// Orchestrator manages the executions based on the definition of the processes
type Orchestrator struct {
    rpc             *cosmos.RPC
    ep              *publisher.EventPublisher
    eventStream     *event.Listener
    executionStream chan *execution.Execution
    stopC           chan bool
    logger          tmlog.Logger

// New creates a new Process instance
func New(rpc *cosmos.RPC, ep *publisher.EventPublisher, logger tmlog.Logger) *Orchestrator {
    return &Orchestrator{
        rpc:    rpc,
        ep:     ep,
        stopC:  make(chan bool),
        logger: logger.With("module", "orchestrator"),

// Start the process engine
func (s *Orchestrator) Start() error {
    if s.eventStream != nil || s.executionStream != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("process orchestrator already running")

    s.eventStream = s.ep.GetStream(nil)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    defer cancel()
    if err := s.startExecutionStream(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

    for {
        select {
        case event := <-s.eventStream.C:
            go s.execute(s.eventFilter(event), nil, event, event.Data)
        case execution := <-s.executionStream:
            go s.execute(s.resultFilter(execution), execution, nil, execution.Outputs)
            go s.execute(s.dependencyFilter(execution), execution, nil, execution.Outputs)
        case <-s.stopC:
            return nil

// Stop stops the orchestrator engine
func (s *Orchestrator) Stop() {
    s.stopC <- true

func (s *Orchestrator) eventFilter(event *event.Event) func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
    return func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
        if e := node.GetEvent(); e != nil {
            return e.InstanceHash.Equal(event.InstanceHash) && e.EventKey == event.Key, nil
        return false, nil

func (s *Orchestrator) resultFilter(exec *execution.Execution) func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
    return func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
        if result := node.GetResult(); result != nil {
            return result.InstanceHash.Equal(exec.InstanceHash) && result.TaskKey == exec.TaskKey, nil
        return false, nil

func (s *Orchestrator) dependencyFilter(exec *execution.Execution) func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
    return func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error) {
        if !exec.ProcessHash.Equal(wf.Hash) {
            return false, nil
        parents := wf.ParentKeys(node.Key)
        if len(parents) == 0 {
            return false, nil
        if len(parents) > 1 {
            return false, fmt.Errorf("multi parents not supported")
        return parents[0] == exec.NodeKey, nil

func (s *Orchestrator) findNodes(wf *process.Process, filter func(wf *process.Process, n *process.Process_Node) (bool, error)) []*process.Process_Node {
    return wf.FindNodes(func(n *process.Process_Node) bool {
        res, err := filter(wf, n)
        if err != nil {
            s.logger.With(keyvals(wf, n, nil, nil, nil)...).Error(err.Error())
        return res

func (s *Orchestrator) execute(filter func(wf *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node) (bool, error), exec *execution.Execution, event *event.Event, data *types.Struct) {
    var processes []*process.Process
    route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", processmodule.QuerierRoute, processmodule.QueryList)
    if err := s.rpc.QueryJSON(route, nil, &processes); err != nil {
    for _, wf := range processes {
        for _, node := range s.findNodes(wf, filter) {
            if err := s.executeNode(wf, node, exec, event, data); err != nil {
                s.logger.With(keyvals(wf, node, exec, event, data)...).Error(err.Error())

func (s *Orchestrator) executeNode(wf *process.Process, n *process.Process_Node, exec *execution.Execution, event *event.Event, data *types.Struct) error {
    log := s.logger.With(keyvals(wf, n, exec, event, data)...)
    // Process the node
    switch x := n.Type.(type) {
    case *process.Process_Node_Task_:
        // This returns directly because a task cannot process its children.
        // Children will be processed only when the execution is done and the dependencies are resolved
        createdExecHash, err := s.processTask(n, x.Task, wf, exec, event, data)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        log.With("createdExecHash", createdExecHash.String()).Info("execution created")
        return nil // stop workflow execution
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_:
        var err error
        data, err = s.processMap(n.Key, x.Map.Outputs, wf, exec, data)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if result, err := json.Marshal(data); err == nil {
            log = log.With("output", string(result))
    case *process.Process_Node_Filter_:
        if result, err := json.Marshal(x.Filter); err == nil {
            log = log.With("filter", string(result))
        if !s.filterMatch(x.Filter, wf, n, exec, data) {
            log.Info("filter does not match data")
            return nil // stop workflow execution

    // Process the children
    for _, childrenID := range wf.ChildrenKeys(n.Key) {
        log = log.With("to", childrenID)
        children, err := wf.FindNode(childrenID)
        if err != nil {
            // does not return an error to continue to process other tasks if needed
        log.Info("executed process transition")
        if err := s.executeNode(wf, children, exec, event, data); err != nil {
            // does not return an error to continue to process other tasks if needed
            s.logger.With(keyvals(wf, children, exec, event, data)...).Error(err.Error())


    return nil

// filterMatch returns true if the data match the current list of filters.
func (s *Orchestrator) filterMatch(f *process.Process_Node_Filter, wf *process.Process, n *process.Process_Node, exec *execution.Execution, data *types.Struct) bool {
    log := s.logger.With(keyvals(wf, n, exec, nil, data)...)
    for _, condition := range f.Conditions {
        resolvedData, err := s.resolveRef(wf, exec, n.Key, data, condition.Ref)
        if err != nil {
            return false
        match, err := condition.Match(resolvedData)
        if err != nil {
        if !match {
            return false
    return true

// processMap constructs the Struct that the map indicates how to construct.
func (s *Orchestrator) processMap(nodeKey string, outputs map[string]*process.Process_Node_Map_Output, wf *process.Process, exec *execution.Execution, data *types.Struct) (*types.Struct, error) {
    result := &types.Struct{
        Fields: make(map[string]*types.Value),
    for key, output := range outputs {
        value, err := s.outputToValue(nodeKey, output, wf, exec, data)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        result.Fields[key] = value
    return result, nil

// outputToValue returns a specific value from an output.
func (s *Orchestrator) outputToValue(nodeKey string, output *process.Process_Node_Map_Output, wf *process.Process, exec *execution.Execution, data *types.Struct) (*types.Value, error) {
    switch v := output.GetValue().(type) {
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_Null_:
        return &types.Value{Kind: &types.Value_NullValue{NullValue: types.NullValue_NULL_VALUE}}, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_StringConst:
        return &types.Value{Kind: &types.Value_StringValue{StringValue: v.StringConst}}, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_DoubleConst:
        return &types.Value{Kind: &types.Value_NumberValue{NumberValue: v.DoubleConst}}, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_BoolConst:
        return &types.Value{Kind: &types.Value_BoolValue{BoolValue: v.BoolConst}}, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_Map_:
        out, err := s.processMap(nodeKey, v.Map.Outputs, wf, exec, data)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &types.Value{Kind: &types.Value_StructValue{StructValue: out}}, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_List_:
        var values []*types.Value
        for i := range v.List.Outputs {
            value, err := s.outputToValue(nodeKey, v.List.Outputs[i], wf, exec, data)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            values = append(values, value)
        return &types.Value{
            Kind: &types.Value_ListValue{
                ListValue: &types.ListValue{
                    Values: values,
        }, nil
    case *process.Process_Node_Map_Output_Ref:
        return s.resolveRef(wf, exec, nodeKey, data, v.Ref)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown output")

// resolveRef returns a specific value from a reference.
func (s *Orchestrator) resolveRef(wf *process.Process, exec *execution.Execution, nodeKey string, data *types.Struct, ref *process.Process_Node_Reference) (*types.Value, error) {
    refNode, err := wf.FindNode(ref.NodeKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // if referenced node is a task, get its output
    if refNode.GetTask() != nil {
        return s.resolveInput(wf.Hash, exec, ref.NodeKey, ref.Path)
    // check that the parent nodeKey == ref.NodeKey
    // this ensures that we can use directly the data of the previous node
    refToParent := false
    for _, parent := range wf.ParentKeys(nodeKey) {
        if parent == ref.NodeKey {
            refToParent = true
    if !refToParent {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("ref can only reference a parent node for non task nodes")
    return ref.Path.Resolve(data)

// resolveInput returns a specific value from a reference path.
func (s *Orchestrator) resolveInput(wfHash hash.Hash, exec *execution.Execution, refNodeKey string, path *process.Process_Node_Reference_Path) (*types.Value, error) {
    // the wfHash condition only works for Task node, not for Result
    if !wfHash.Equal(exec.ProcessHash) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("reference's nodeKey not found")
    // we reach the right execution, return it
    // but only works for Task as the execution related to the Result is not created by this process
    if exec.NodeKey == refNodeKey {
        return path.Resolve(exec.Outputs)
    // get parentExec and do a recursive call
    var parentExec *execution.Execution
    route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s/%s", executionmodule.QuerierRoute, executionmodule.QueryGet, exec.ParentHash)
    if err := s.rpc.QueryJSON(route, nil, &parentExec); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return s.resolveInput(wfHash, parentExec, refNodeKey, path)

// processTask create the request to execute the task.
func (s *Orchestrator) processTask(node *process.Process_Node, task *process.Process_Node_Task, wf *process.Process, exec *execution.Execution, event *event.Event, data *types.Struct) (hash.Hash, error) {
    var eventHash, execHash hash.Hash
    if event != nil {
        eventHash = event.Hash
    if exec != nil {
        execHash = exec.Hash
    var runners []*runner.Runner
    route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", runnermodule.QuerierRoute, runnermodule.QueryList)
    if err := s.rpc.QueryJSON(route, nil, &runners); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    executors := make([]*runner.Runner, 0)
    for _, run := range runners {
        if run.InstanceHash.Equal(task.InstanceHash) {
            executors = append(executors, run)
    if len(executors) == 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("no runner is running instance %q", task.InstanceHash)
    executor := executors[rand.Intn(len(executors))]

    // create execution
    acc, err := s.rpc.GetAccount()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    msg := executionmodule.MsgCreate{
        Signer:       acc.GetAddress(),
        ProcessHash:  wf.Hash,
        EventHash:    eventHash,
        ParentHash:   execHash,
        NodeKey:      node.Key,
        TaskKey:      task.TaskKey,
        Inputs:       data,
        ExecutorHash: executor.Hash,
        Tags:         nil,
    res, err := s.rpc.BuildAndBroadcastMsg(msg)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return hash.DecodeFromBytes(res.Data)

// startExecutionStream returns execution that matches given hash.
func (s *Orchestrator) startExecutionStream(ctx context.Context) error {
    subscriber := xstrings.RandASCIILetters(8)
    query := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s EXISTS AND %s.%s='%s'",
        executionmodule.EventType, executionmodule.AttributeKeyHash,
        executionmodule.EventType, sdk.AttributeKeyAction, executionmodule.AttributeActionCompleted,
    eventStream, err := s.rpc.Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, query, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    s.executionStream = make(chan *execution.Execution)
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case event := <-eventStream:
                // get the index of the action=completed attributes
                attrKeyActionCreated := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", executionmodule.EventType, sdk.AttributeKeyAction)
                attrIndexes := make([]int, 0)
                for index, attr := range event.Events[attrKeyActionCreated] {
                    if attr == executionmodule.AttributeActionCompleted {
                        attrIndexes = append(attrIndexes, index)
                // iterate only on the index of attribute hash where action=completed
                attrKeyHash := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", executionmodule.EventType, executionmodule.AttributeKeyHash)
                for _, index := range attrIndexes {
                    attr := event.Events[attrKeyHash][index]
                    hash, err := hash.Decode(attr)
                    if err != nil {
                    var exec *execution.Execution
                    route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s/%s", executionmodule.QuerierRoute, executionmodule.QueryGet, hash)
                    if err := s.rpc.QueryJSON(route, nil, &exec); err != nil {
                    s.executionStream <- exec
            case <-ctx.Done():
                break loop
        if err := s.rpc.Unsubscribe(context.Background(), subscriber, query); err != nil {
    return nil

func keyvals(proc *process.Process, node *process.Process_Node, parentExec *execution.Execution, event *event.Event, data *types.Struct) []interface{} {
    keyvals := []interface{}{}
    if proc != nil {
        keyvals = append(keyvals, "processHash", proc.Hash.String())
    if node != nil {
        keyvals = append(keyvals,
            "from", node.Key,
            "type", node.TypeString(),
    if event != nil {
        keyvals = append(keyvals, "eventHash", event.Hash.String())
    if parentExec != nil {
        keyvals = append(keyvals, "parentHash", parentExec.Hash.String())
    if data != nil {
        if result, err := json.Marshal(data); err == nil {
            keyvals = append(keyvals, "input", string(result))
    return keyvals