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Test Coverage
syntax = "proto3";

import "gogo/protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "protobuf/types/event.proto";

package mesg.grpc.orchestrator;
option go_package = "";

// This is the Event API to interact with the Orchestrator.
// This API requires all requests to be signed for authentication. The signature should be passed in the request's metadata using the key `mesg_request_signature` and base64 encoded.
service Event {
  // Stream returns a stream of events that satisfy criteria specified.
  rpc Stream(EventStreamRequest) returns (stream types.Event) {}

// Stream returns a stream of events that satisfy specified filter.
message EventStreamRequest {
  // Filter contains filtering criteria.
  message Filter {
    // hash to filter events.
    bytes hash = 1 [
      (gogoproto.moretags) = 'validate:"omitempty,hash"',
      (gogoproto.casttype) = ""

    // instance's hash to filter events.
    bytes instanceHash = 2 [
      (gogoproto.moretags) = 'validate:"omitempty,hash"',
      (gogoproto.casttype) = ""

    // key is the key of the event.
    string key = 3 [
      (gogoproto.moretags) = 'validate:"printascii"'

  // Filter used to filter a stream of events.
  Filter filter = 1;