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Lovense Protocol Explanation

Lovense toys connect via bluetooth, and then use the Serial Port Profile
(SPP) to communicate with the host. This means that the toys are exposed
as either COM Ports (windows) or tty devices (posix/bsd/etc).

Protocol Rules

-  Commands and replies are strings, using semicolons to mark their end.
-  All commands start with a command identifier word, then possibly
   either specifiers or levels, delimited by colons. e.g. "Vibrate:5;"
   would set vibration to 5.
-  Replies are in the context of the command (i.e. sending "Battery;"
   will just return a number, like "85;"), but can still be colon
   delimited lists.

Command Table

The following is the known command table for all toys. Anything send or
received over the serial port is in quotes to denote communication, but
should not be sent using quotes if you are implementing your own version
of this protocol. Commands with ":x" mean that the x should be replaced
with a number, the range of which is mentioned in the description.

| Command           | Description                                                                                                           | Expected Return                                                                                        |
| "DeviceType;"     | Returns toy type (A: Lush, B: Max, C: Nora), Firmware version, and bluetooth MAC address, as a colon delimited list   | String, e.g. "C:11:0082059AD3BD;"                                                                      |
| "Battery;"        | Returns battery level of toy                                                                                          | Number, e.g. "85;" meaning 85% battery left                                                            |
| "PowerOff;"       | Powers the device off                                                                                                 | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Status:1;"       | Shows device status. 2 is "normal"                                                                                    | "2;"                                                                                                   |
| "StartMove:1;"    | Starts accelerometer data stream.                                                                                     | String, that always starts with 'G', followed by 3 16-bit little-endian numbers e.g. "GEF008312ED00"   |
| "StopMove:1;"     | Stops accelerometer data stream                                                                                       | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "RotateChange;"   | Changes the direction of rotation for the stimulator on the Nora toy.                                                 | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Vibrate:x;"      | Sets vibration level for toy. Range seems to be 0-20.                                                                 | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Rotate:x;"       | Sets rotation speed for Nora toy. Range seems to be 0-20.                                                             | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Air:Level:x;"    | Sets absolute air level for Max toy. Range seems to be 0-5;                                                           | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Air:In:x;"       | Sets relative inflation level, i.e. if currently inflation level is 3, and "Air:In:1" is sent, will inflate to 4      | "OK;"                                                                                                  |
| "Air:Out:x;"      | Sets relative deflation level, i.e. if currently inflation level is 3, and "Air:Out:1" is sent, will inflate to 2     | "OK;"                                                                                                  |