<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar ns="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<!-- default namespace = "" -->
Currently we inherit from a namespaced grammar, isostandard. Unless we inherit from isodoc,
we cannot have a new default namespace: we will end up with a grammar with two different
namespaces, one for isostandard and one for csd additions. And we do not want that.
<include href="isostandard.rng">
<ref name="gb-standard"/>
<define name="preferred">
<element name="preferred">
<ref name="ZhEnLocalizedString"/>
<define name="admitted">
<element name="admitted">
<ref name="ZhEnLocalizedString"/>
<define name="deprecates">
<element name="deprecates">
<ref name="ZhEnLocalizedString"/>
<define name="term">
<element name="term">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="ID"/>
<ref name="preferred"/>
<ref name="admitted"/>
<ref name="deprecates"/>
<ref name="termdomain"/>
<ref name="definition"/>
<ref name="termnote"/>
<ref name="termexample"/>
<ref name="termsource"/>
<define name="BibDataExtensionType">
<ref name="doctype"/>
<ref name="gbcommittee"/>
<ref name="ics"/>
<ref name="structuredidentifier"/>
<ref name="stagename"/>
<ref name="gbtype"/>
<ref name="gbccs"/>
<ref name="gbplannumber"/>
<define name="term-clause">
<element name="clause">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="ID"/>
<attribute name="language"/>
<attribute name="script"/>
<attribute name="inline-header">
<data type="boolean"/>
<attribute name="obligation">
<ref name="section-title"/>
<!-- boilerplate not stripped -->
<ref name="paragraph"/>
<ref name="ul"/>
<ref name="term-clause"/>
<ref name="terms"/>
<ref name="definitions"/>
<define name="terms">
<element name="terms">
<attribute name="id">
<data type="ID"/>
<attribute name="language"/>
<attribute name="script"/>
<attribute name="obligation">
<ref name="section-title"/>
<!-- boilerplate not stripped -->
<ref name="paragraph"/>
<ref name="ul"/>
<ref name="term"/>
<ref name="terms"/>
<ref name="definitions"/>
<define name="DocumentType">
<!-- identical structure to iso-standard -->
<define name="gb-standard">
<element name="gb-standard">
<attribute name="version"/>
<attribute name="type">
<ref name="bibdata"/>
<ref name="termdocsource"/>
<ref name="boilerplate"/>
<ref name="preface"/>
<ref name="sections"/>
<ref name="annex"/>
<ref name="bibliography"/>
<define name="gbccs">
<element name="ccs">
<element name="code">
<element name="text">
<define name="gbplannumber">
<element name="plannumber">
<define name="gbcommittee">
<element name="gbcommittee">
<attribute name="type">
<define name="gbtype">
<element name="gbtype">
<ref name="gbscope"/>
<ref name="gbprefix"/>
<ref name="gbmandate"/>
<ref name="gbtopic"/>
<define name="gbscope">
<element name="gbscope">
<define name="gbmandate">
<element name="gbmandate">
<define name="gbprefix">
<element name="gbprefix">
<define name="gbtopic">
<element name="gbtopic">
<define name="ZhEnLocalizedString">
<!-- multiple languages and scripts possible: comma delimit them if so -->
<attribute name="language">
<attribute name="script">
<ref name="TextElement"/>