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title: Changelog
order: 1001
description: A log of significant changes to the Meteor Guide.
- 2021/07/21: Added "Apollo" article
- 2021/07/20: Tweaked VueJS navigation structure and updated some information. Mention Picker in server-side routing.
- 2020/09/13: Removed the section about crosswalk from the Cordova guide
- 2020/08/08: Added "Hot Code Push" guide
- 2020/04/26: Added "React Native" section to build, and renamed "Mobile" to "Cordova"
- 2020/02/03: Added "Preventing unnecessary data retrieval" section to Accounts
- 2018/10/23: Added VueJS SSR Rendering for Meteor guide
- 2018/10/14: Added VueJS Integration guide
- 2018/03/03: Added HTTP Headers to the production security section and made Helmet the official recommendation. Update Mobile section to refer to HTTP header section for CSP instead of Browser Policy package. [#750](
- 2017/10/28: Removed mention of `react-addons-pure-render-mixin` package from "Using Meteor's data system" section as it is no longer needed.
- 2017/09/08: Updated "Using Meteor's data system" section to describe the new `withTracker` function as it now replaces `createContainer`.
- 2017/03/22: Added Docker section within Deployment and Monitoring.
- 2017/03/05: Updated "Testing" to use the replacement `dispatch:mocha` package instead of the previous suggestions from `dispatch:*`. [PR#618]( [PR#614](
- 2017/02/08: Updated MongoDb hosting services with more details and recommendations. [PR#609](
- 2017/01/19: Updated recommendations for forcing SSL to avoid the `force-ssl` package when possible.
- 2017/01/07: Created new section "TypeScript".
- 2017/01/04: Changed "Testing" section to reference `dburles:factory` in the same spirit as the `meteor/todos` app [PR #598](
- 2016/07/02: Created new section in ui-ux on use of i18n with React.
- 2016/05/28: Created new section "A simple React unit test" [PR #466](
- 2016/05/22: Created new section "Testing publications" for separated `publication-collector` package (as [discussed here](
- 2016/05/05: Changed Build Section organization to separate Atmosphere and npm.  [Discussed here]( [PR #410](
- 2016/04/16: Switch order of Code Style and Application structure sections. [PR #383](
- 2016/04/16: Added [Writing Packages - Creating an npm package]( and [Using Packages - Overriding packages - npm]( [PR #381](
- 2016/04/16: Added "Writing Packages - Creating an npm package" and "Using Packages - Overriding packages - npm". [PR #381](
Fixed old changelog PR reference
- 2016/04/07: Add more examples and details on application structure using imports. [PR #356](
- 2016/04/04: Add more content on writing and publishing Atmosphere packages. [PR #339](
- 2016/04/03: Add back in build tool default loading order rules. [PR #340](
- 2016/04/01: Added CoffeeScript exports syntax. [PR #328](
- 2016/04/01: Changed Mocha test code snippets to use function expressions instead of arrow functions, after the discussion on [Issue #318]( [PR #323](
- 2016/04/01: Added `gadicc:blaze-react-component` in a new "Blaze in React" section of the React article. [PR #325](
- 2016/03/31: Added Chromatic demo video and React Storybook to User Interfaces article. [PR #320](

Changelog is only tracked since the Meteor 1.3 release.