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REM This file is copied line by line by the script
REM Since it is copied via separate ssh commands, all special symbols here are
REM escaped with the carat ("^")
REM This script usually runs only on a build farm Windows machines, this is why
REM it has some assumptions about having executables on certain paths

REM nuke the working directory
IF EXIST C:\tmp ( rmdir /s /q C:\tmp )

md C:\tmp
cd C:\tmp

REM get the meteor/meteor repo
C:\git\bin\git.exe clone --recursive
cd meteor
REM force git to use original end-line characters (unixy '\n')
C:\git\bin\git.exe config --replace-all core.autocrlf input
C:\git\bin\git.exe rm --cached -r . ^> nul
C:\git\bin\git.exe reset --hard
C:\git\bin\git.exe fetch --tags
REM GITSHA is replaced by the script transferring this file
C:\git\bin\git.exe checkout $GITSHA
REM make extra sure to initialize and update submodules
C:\git\bin\git.exe submodule update --init --recursive

REM install 7-zip, required for running meteor from checkout
C:\git\bin\curl -L ^> C:\7z.msi
msiexec /i C:\7z.msi /quiet /qn /norestart
set PATH=^%PATH^%;"C:\Program Files\7-Zip"
REM wait 3 seconds to avoid races with the 7-zip installation
ping -n 4 ^> nul

REM run meteor and publish the release
powershell "Set-ExecutionPolicy ByPass"
.\meteor.bat --help ^> nul 2^>^&^1 || echo "First npm failure is expected"
cd C:\tmp\meteor\packages\meteor-tool
REM we expect that the meteor-session file is transferred before-hand by
set METEOR_SESSION_FILE=C:\meteor-session
REM in case of failure, print the log of the operation
..\..\meteor.bat publish --existing-version